Saving Strangetown (Graveyard, please)

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Saving Strangetown (Graveyard, please)

Post by Strawberry »

The Apocalypse cometh!

Neso's Research Log Entries:
Log Entry 1
Log Entry 2
Log Entry 3
Log Entry 4
Log Entry 5
Log Entry 6
Log Entry 7
Log Entry 8

Generation One; Dark Days:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

I'm so sorry everyone, the pictures for this story have been purged from a site I no longer use. The same with a few episodes with Bella Noir. There are only five chapters missing from that story, but it's still quite and ordeal to go through my documents, upload all the images and try to remember which chapters they go in and which order they go in; Saving Strangetown also has at least twice the pictures Bella Noir has per chapter and since this story was from last year, I don't remember it very well. :O :(

I can't bear watching Neso suffer anymore! Stuck in pregnant torture for the last two years >n<
I'm calling the challenge quits so she can live out her pregnancy in bliss!
Last edited by Strawberry on June 19th, 2021, 3:35 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Neso's Research, Log Entry 1

Post by Strawberry »

You all know the story, you all know the characters: Strangetown. A weird little speck on the surface
of the earth. How did it get to be that way? It was beautiful once, you know. Oh yes.

The ground used to be as green as-... well as green as I am. But something happened. Something
catastrophic. And things were going to get a lot worse before they got any better.

You see, it all started with Pollination Technician Number Nine. We off-worlders have had a long history
and interest in your planet, but he... he took his experiments too far. He was a radical! And he loved
Earthlings. He loved them too much.

After his ship crashed in the crater next to the Beakers toxic alien pollution began to spread throughout
the surrounding area. For a few years all it killed was the fauna and flora. Number Nine didn't MEAN to
do you any harm. He loves Earth. But something needed to be done. Contamination was beginning to
escalate quickly.

So I was sent to set things straight. Agent Nesoxilmothratoe, Section Seven, Neptune Division.
But here I would adopt the name Neso Neptune to keep things simple for the natives.

My mission was to repair the damage he'd caused. But I couldn't accomplish this right away. I needed a
crash course in Earth's people, ecosystem and mechanics. And where better to get that education than
by attending college?

Strangetown, and neighboring La Fiesta Tech, were known to be non-earth friendly, and both within
the contamination perimeters, so it was most logical to attend La Fiesta Tech. My new domicile was
par for human manufacturing, I suppose.

After landing- I mean arriving the resident queen arrived to care for her fledgling spawn, and began
preparing sustenance. Earth-types are all variations of warm tones, I noticed, and she was no
different. She took no notice of my differences either, so it was logical to keep on giving one another

Her offspring, and my new fellow co-eds, were fascinating pre-mature specimens of human culture.
I'd been looking forward to interfacing linguistic capabilities with them for some time. I'd studied for
hours and was confident I'd win every conversation.

One foolish human challenged my ingenuity in an archaic form of trial. FOOLISH HUMAN! Hahahaha!
It took me quite a while to learn the rules of chess, but once I had I thwarted her completely.
However, this did not seem to be the purpose of this interaction. During the battle she continually
showed interest in me.

Humans spend much of their time in one another's company and for the most part competition
wasn't at the forefront of their efforts. Quite unusual. My first lesson on Earth learned. I'm not
sure what to take away from it either.

It seemed that they all wanted to gain knowledge on each other, but in an unceremonious manner.
They'd spend time with one another, and enjoy each other's company while conducting their person-
to-person studies, but that of course contaminated the experiment and both parties were
conducting the same experiment. Surely they knew they were both changing the more the
experiment proceeded. Very puzzling. I looked forward to more research.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

Very interesting start! I love Strangetown and aliens, so I look forward to more.
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Neso's Research, Log Entry 2

Post by Strawberry »

If I was going to be staying here on Earth I'd need to feel at home somehow. The lodgings of the food
queen were all well and good for terrans, but for this simple space lass, nothing says space quite like:

Spaceship. Metallic, efficient, streamline elegance. You may be asking 'Couldn't I have just decorated
my own room? Did I have to alter the entire building? Didn't I think changing everything would upset
the other students?'

And I answer: How could they not see that this was an improvement? I was going to be spending my
existence here, I didn't want to be confined to my room for the whole of my education on Earth. You
must see my superior reasoning. I'll trust that you do.

On to my research. It was time to visit Strangetown, review the damage, properly meet the natives
and make contact with the contaminator. The man who started it all.

Pollination Technician Number Nine. I learned that residents were told he'd retired here after
reaching absolution. In truth he was a renegade. And a bit of a legend in our circles. Meeting him
was going to be an auspicious occasion for me.

As professional as I am, I was still anxious about our first meeting. He'd had a successful career up
until his rebellion. Respectable, smart, accomplished. Many looked up to him. After his (literal)
descension he shocked the system. Agents weren't sent here willy-nilly after that. And Earth was
given a general wide berth.

However, after the formalities of our first meeting we both realized how wonderful it was to be
around a fellow former space dweller. Technician Number Nine was quite a charming person for a

He was proud to introduce me to one of his spawn, Chloe. Chloe was born here on earth and raised
by earth natives. She was a beautiful specimen of the hybridization. With such successful an
outcome I was eager to learn more about her and the clutch she was from.

But her earthen slang took some getting used to. I was able to discern that humans do not breed in
clutches. They had one offspring at a time and took 3/4's of an annual cycle doing so! Imagine!
Releasing one egg at a time, to be fertilized by one payload of genetic information and doing away
with all the rest!

Only to spend most of the next year dedicating your body to ONE genetic amalgam! How did this
species even survive? Let alone come to dominate their planet this way? It was unbelievable. But
Chloe was patient with me. She explained that while this method of procreation didn't seem
efficient what it did do was give an appreciation to that one amalgam. It became precious and
humans began to have a deep respect for life this way.

This respect for life encouraged the species to take precautions against unnecessary disaster and
danger. I couldn't grasp this concept, but Chloe didn't mind. She knew it'd take time. I found her to
be quite knowledgeable in human culture and I looked forward to remaining in correspondence
with her.

After she and Technician Number Nine left I was able to appreciate having them so close. Technician
Number Nine could have moved on and made a life for himself elsewhere, and Chloe, who didn't look
like she belonged her at all, was as much a part of this planet as any other earthling. Their presence
would make my mission here so much more bearable.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

I like hearing about earth and humans from Neso’s perspective and learning a bit more about the aliens. I’m interested to see what she has in store for Chloe and PT9 going forward.
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Neso's Research, Log Entry 3

Post by Strawberry »

After making contact with the renegade was out of the way, it was time to acquaint myself with
human culture. It was true I had preconceptions about them, but if my meeting with Chloe had taught
me anything it was that those preconceptions weren't to be taken for fact.

And although there were some undesirable aspects of this culture that I found to be completely
absurd, and though I didn't see eye to eye with everyone I met, I could say for certain that people
did value life, and that value extended to appreciating people individually.

Using... well what I could muster from the various appliances, looking box, sound radiator and the
speaking rod. All quite more advanced than I'd guessed human's could come up with. I was able to
report my experiences to headquarters.

These reports confounded my superiors as much as they confounded me at first, which only ignited
desire for more data. They instructed me to press on.

I inquired about history and sciences, social rituals and etiquette. It became apparent that each
human's experiences and attitude toward all of these topics changed depending on their individual

They all had different interests, different levels of intelligence and subscribed to different
philosophies about their existences and ideals. Nothing was uniform, it was a chaotic mess of
individuality. It was a wonder to see how they had achieved what they had as a species under such
unorganized conditions.

After a while I began to long for the silence of space. I gazed up to the celestial palace that used to
be my home. I appreciated her beauty and serenity. The laws of physics which governed her. Then it
dawned on me that space too could be chaotic, violent and unpredictable. Life on earth was just a
smaller, more frenzied scope of chaotic space.

There were good things about it just as there were good things about space. There were good things
about human culture, just like space. Space was just as diverse. Each celestial body was personalized
to it's spacial conditions. And so each person was adapted to it's conditions.

I began to see the appeal, to appreciate and understand what Number Nine must have went through
when he turned his back on his life. How he could feel loyalty to not only his work here, but to the
individuals. And how that must have taken a toll on his loyalty to his people.

A fire broke out in the Resident Queen's sustenance dispensary. A small disastrous event compared to
what was to come, but none the less devastating to her and her brood... Which now that I think about
it, probably weren't her offspring. In which case what was she doing here?

It appeared that no one on site had the capability, nor the mental fortitude to address this minor
disaster. An alarm alerted a team of specially trained humans to rush to the fire and distinguish it.
This minor event took a heavy toll on everyone who was witness. No one had perished, but... the
queen's offices were destroyed.

As my education progressed I became more suspicious, day by day, that this mission I had been given
would take much longer than I thought it would. Toxic waste could be eradicated, plucked from the
puzzle that was Earth. But memory and reaction and people were a different matter. The horribleness
would linger. I would need to be there for them every step of the way.
Thank you, 108sims! I'm enjoying her a lot. Her observations are pretty funny :haha:
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

They are! I love the thumbs down she's giving the sim from the first picture. It seems she might be warming up to humans just a little bit.
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Neso's Research, Log Entry 4

Post by Strawberry »

As the fire person was putting out the fire a mysterious vehicle pulled up next to the firetruck.

A young man stepped out of it, his face stern with determination.

A strange emblem on his lapel. It bore what appeared to be an equine and a four legged octopus.

Silently he made his way into my dormitory as the firetruck departed. Strangely, no one seemed to
notice this new arrival.

Somehow he knew exactly where to find me, sought me out and, without a word, assessed me as if I
was some criminal.

And as if I didn't have enough trouble getting all my animals straight he clucked at me!

I was aghast. What did this mean? What was he trying to communicate?

I tried to explain that I didn't know anything about this particular earth ritual.

His expectant face went from unsure hopefulness-

to utter disappointment.

And this made him angry!

I was being abducted! Yes, I see the irony here and no it's not funny. Stop laughing!
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

Seeing Neso getting taken to the secret society was so funny! :rotfl:
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Neso's Research, Log Entry 5

Post by Strawberry »

During the ride my head was covered by a black cloth so I wouldn't be able to discern the location of
the building that the strange equine, octopus, chicken man was taking me. It seemed that there was
a secret group of people who were growing concerned about the situation in their area.

One incident was reported to have started when a local citizen attacked another in one of the
garment huts that pock-marked the town and it's suburbania.

A man was viciously attacked by what appeared to be a dead woman wearing winter weather attire.
Strange, considering the nuclear winter hadn't yet blanketed the region. It was quite warm.

And when the man was subdued, the woman began ingesting him. What wasn't fed upon rose within a
few short hours, and the dead man became undead. The locals were very disturbed by these events.

They wanted me, an off-worlder, to explain what was happening, and if I had the power, which they
all seemed to think I had, to do something about it. I was inducted into their organization and sent
out to learn more.

So out I went. And while I didn't meet up with any zombies, I did meet up with Linda Berthelet. She's
one of my favorite humans. She has bedroom eyes and the most inviting lips and is just the epitome
of all the good qualities of humans.

I remember that we dated that year. She taught me a lot, and I was entranced with the nuances that
went into just dating a human. There was a sense of romance that my species completely lacked. I
thought it was so pristine before, but now? This one aspect of human culture brought so much more
to the table.

Then SHE arrived. A strange creature, human in appearance, but the haunting similarity ended there.

She was a predator. In a way that was unmistakable and so very different from humans. Lovely,
nocturnal, sinister. She possessed a pragmatism, practicality and efficiency that any off-worlder
would idealize.

I had to know more about her. These days she went by Rosemarie Raha, but she explained that wasn't
her original name. She had, in fact, been in existence for a couple centuries. (As was evident by her

However, before we could get anymore in depth than that the sun rose and she had to excuse herself.
Which was fine with me. As dawn approached, I spied another of Number Nine's daughters, Lola.

Lola was... more off-worldly than her sister, and we got along together much faster than Chloe and I
did. She was collected and poised and elegant. If I wasn't certain she was born on Earth she could
easily pass as one of us. I was very hopeful she and I could remain friends.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

We're seeing all kinds of supernaturals now! Nice to see that Neso gets a little bit of romance too.
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Neso's Research, Log Entry 6

Post by Strawberry »

There could very well have been a link between our toxic waste and dead people rising out of the soil
and eating people. I wasn't sure. So I contacted headquarters again to report on the phenomena.

Archives showed no previous occurrence of this particular result, so I was instructed to gather more
information from the locals.

It turned out that throughout human history people and undead have clashed. They weren't a common
occurrence, which led to a lot of superstitions.

This was a sign that there hadn't been much research done on the phenomena. Perhaps the crash had
nothing to do with them. Or perhaps the toxicity drew them to the area.

As for the Countess, Raha, she seemed an intelligent creature, perhaps drawn to the darker spectrum.
Perhaps she was the leader of the undead horde.

I was able to get my hands on the wreckage of a terrain ship halfway into the college experience.
Human's short lives didn't allow them to acquire more than one expertise in their life time, but I had
mastered many, which awarded me the honor of saving this world.

The time I spent working to fix her allowed me time to consider my theories. There was no proof, of
course, regarding Countess Raha. I might have been jumping to conclusions. Perhaps it was the
proximity to the waste that was causing the phenomenon.

I could take a survey of people's living and work environments. There could be a connection there.
I asked about the zombies to find out if any of them were local. It seemed that they all were and they
all seemed to work in service of some kind or another.

I began to ask about if people had witnessed any strange things in their chosen fields. Disease was
often spread through food, so I investigated that avenue first.

Then I sought out any information from the local police. Unfortunately, I was met with mistrust. It
appeared that they didn't have the faith in me that the secret society did.

Then I inquired about the overall athletic prowess of the neighborhood. With zombie numbers on the
rise it seemed like a prudent course of action and I encouraged it.

Upon returning to the dorms I contacted headquarters again and laid out my theories: Zombie
infestation isn't new to the human equation, but that didn't mean we had nothing to do with it.
Countess Raha was a person of interest, but those suspicions had no basis for certainty. The victims
were all servicemen or women. If there was one source of contamination they could have been the
first, in which case it's likely that it would spread and infect more citizens. I would need to
investigate the victims. See where they had been. Perhaps it was one source. Perhaps it was one
household. Perhaps it was one person who was inflicting this terror on the neighborhood.

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Neso's Research, Log Entry 7

Post by Strawberry »

My investigations, school work and repairs on the terrain ship were not only time consuming, but
lonely. It's not like I could talk to any of the humans about what I was doing, that would only add to
the devastation.

As my studies progressed I became more interested in humans. In spending time with them, in
earning their affections. Linda and I had went our amiable but separate ways, and though I'd always
be fond of her, I found that being alone was becoming unenjoyable.

Tori and I shared a brief tryst between semesters, while I was investigating the zombies. But it ended
when we both had to go back to school. She had her life meticulously planned out and I wasn't a part
of those plans. Which was perfectly fine with me.

In my Junior year I'd earned a substantial scholarship, one that would secure me a plot of land in the
contaminated area, perhaps even one with a shelter. Sure, I could wait for the disaster and just lay
claim to the land, but my organization and I felt better about legally owning a small base to work

With my education drawing to an end it was time to start... The Machine. The Machines purpose was
to nullify the spread of Number Nine's ship's contamination. This, however, came with a price. It
would effectively take out human technology. Render the continent to ash, disable human fashioned
transportation (not including my terrain ship).

The area was effectively being sterilized. That year I met Kendra.

I was starting to learn that few romantic relationships were permanent, but it was also the most
enjoyable part of being on Earth.

I couldn't keep away from her. She was exciting and beautiful. Courting her was easily the
happiest time during college.

And she was very taken with me. Being an outsider I was used to attracting a lot of attention and
interest. People were curious. One of their better qualities.

However, my romantic pursuits hadn't gone unnoticed by headquarters.

Under the guise of hail, they punished me for for my indiscretions.

I had a job to do. I had a world to save. I couldn't be wasting my time philandering with the natives.
Disaster was looming. And I had to end things with Kendra. And although the hail did hurt, saying
goodbye to Kendra would be far more painful.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by peachy123uk »

this is excellent love the way she explains hail as punishment.




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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

Aw she should be allowed to enjoy a little romance, but as she said the aliens probably want her to focus more on the mission.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

Oh my goodness there are so many things I love about this so far.
I loved how she described being abducted by the SS. Great pictures to go along with that. Way too funny.

I also love how you describe him as the 'equine, octopus, chicken man. Made me laugh for sure.

The zombie outbreak has also been written wonderfully, very fun. I love the way you use pictures and don't always need to show the entire sim. I might have to consider how I use pictures myself.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by Strawberry »

Aww, thanks, everyone! It makes me so happy that you're enjoying it! :heart: :heart:
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Re: Neso's Research, Log Entry 8

Post by Strawberry »

With my research period coming to a close it was time to tie up some loose ends and make the most
of what civilization had to offer before the cataclysm claimed it. I hated knowing everything I had
come to love was about to be destroyed.

As much as I hated what was going to happen here I'd made up my mind to stay. I knew for a long
time I wouldn't be able to abandon Earth after fixing the technical problem. There were going to be
adjustments to be made.

I had secretly made an addition to the contamination nullifying machine. A communication
dampener. They wouldn't be able be able to contact me and I wouldn't be able to contact them.
I knew perfectly well I might have been screwing myself over.

After the catastrophe came into full swing I would cut off from my people, probably for the rest
of my life. If the dampener didn't work I would resume my career in the planetary sciences. My
reputation would remain untarnished.

I... I had become a renegade as well. If anyone found out what I'd done I could become an outlaw. It
was exhilarating. I was filled with a new found sense of freedom. I could do anything when I wasn't
under their surveillance.

I could be with whoever I wanted. I could help rebuild an entire civilization. Who could pass such an

I graduated college with the highest honors as expected. Civil Engineering would have been too
suspicious, so I graduated with a degree in the arts.

Then it started. A quake that shook the whole region. A heavy blanket of smoke filled the sky.

I was free. I'd grown so much since I first came to Strangetown. And now I'd be helping to rebuild her.

Chaos and disaster washed over the land.

Neighbor turned against one another.

It was the end of the world. And I could do whatever the hell I wanted from here on out.
Thanks for reading everyone, this is the last chapter of Neso in College! Next chapter will mark the official beginning of the apocalypse! Very exciting!!
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by peachy123uk »

ooh exciting.




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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

I can't wait to see what happens next!
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