[TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Packs!]

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[TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Packs!]

Post by Anne »

Differences in the Family Tree
Update April 2020: The DITFT Challenge is a great challenge to explore everything the game has to offer, so I thought it was a pity that it didn't include any of the expansion packs we've gotten through the years. That's why the challenge has now been updated. As of today, you can choose two different routes for every generation (after the first). 'Route 1' is always the base game route, while 'Route 2' is all about a certain expansion or game pack (which is listed to avoid confusion). Pick and choose and have fun playing!

[Have Fun
No cheats
Life-span set to normal
Third party content is allowed
Choose the heir by any means you want

One point for each generation reached
One point for every objective completed
One half point for every optional objective complete
One half point for changing house to fit the style of each gen
One half point for using traits to your advantage for each gen
One half point for using traits to you disadvantage for each gen
Lose two points for every main goal you do not meet (for people who don’t want to insta-fail the legacy)

Generation One
“I always wanted to be a farmer. There is a tradition of that in my family. “
Your family was always into the farming deal. They spent their days working hard and asked for their children to do the same. So when you turned 18, your parents surprised you with your own plot of land to continue on tradition. And having always been one to want to impress the folks. You begin creating your own small garden, dedicating your time to that instead of dealing with a dreadful 9-to-5 suit and tie job.

Obtain and plant 20 different types of plant
Get married, but no woohoo before marriage
Have a boy and a girl. Keep trying until you do!
Master Garden Skill
Have and complete one of the nature aspirations

Optional objectives:
Grow a garden with every base game plant in it
Catch every base game type of fish
Marry a gal/guy with “Loves Outdoors”
Master Fisherman Skill

Generation Two
“I was expected to be a farmer like my father and siblings. I broke tradition. It was great.”
Life with your hands in the dirt wasn’t the life for you. You always craved to spend your time in the city and always loved to be in the inner-city limits. You crave for more important things than seeing seeds sprout into plants or the days your father spent fishing, as they didn’t interest you as much as your siblings. You decide not to follow the road of a farmer, but turn to business instead.

Route 1

Get to level 10 on the Business Career (any track)
Get to level 10 in Charisma skill
Get married, woohoo, and have kid(s)
Have at least one kid
Have and complete a Fortune Aspiration

Route 2 (Get to Work EP needed)

Buy and open a retail store (can be a premade store or one you’ve built yourself)
Earn at least 10,000 retail perk points
Get to level 10 in Charisma skill
Get married, woohoo, and have kid(s)
Have and complete a Fortune Aspiration

Optional Objectives:
Become enemies with your father and mother (why can’t you be like your brother or/and sister?) before entering your career/starting your business
Make over 50,000 in family funds

Generation Three
“My parents were always working, I was left alone. I learned how to live, how to survive, on my own.”
Your parents have always seemed to spend more time in the office then home. So you decided to go to different place and see the world outside your own town. Better than remaining at home, that was for sure.

Route 1

Join the Mixologist Branch of the Culinary Career
Kiss 6 sims
Date two different sims simultaneously then break their hearts
Have kids
Optional to have kids with both of them
Throw a party (any type) at least once a week
Host a gold rated house party
Have the serial romantic aspiration

Optional Objectives:
Go on at least 10 dates
Get a gold rating on at least one date.
Complete any break-up/divorce whims your sim has
Get married and divorced (at least once)

Route 2 (Jungle Adventures GP needed

Complete the Jungle Explorer aspiration
Master the Selvadoradian Culture skill
Date a Selvadorada local
Have baby/babies with Selvadorada local (marriage optional)

Optional Objectives:
Master the Archaeology skill
Assemble three different relics (Balampalsoh, Totecallam and Zazatotl)

Generation Four
“The more I find, the more I type, and the more I learn of my parent’s lives.”
Your parents have led an interesting and dark life. With rich and vivid stories that were always told to you, both to entertain and warn, a creative spark was ignited in you. They filled you with the need to write and paint the images they spoke about.

Route 1

Marry, woohoo, have kid(s)
Have and complete a creative aspiration
Master Writing skill
Write at least 10 books
Join Writer Career, Author Branch
Master Painting skill
Paint at least 5 Masterpieces
Join Artist career (either branch)

Optional Objectives:
Be best friends with parents (parent)
Get 10,000 in royalties
Sell 10,000 in paintings

Route 2 (Get Famous EP needed)

Join the Acting career
Complete the Master Actress/Actor aspiration
Master the Acting skill
Become a 3-star Celebrity, B-Lister
Wait to have a child until late in life, only have the one pregnancy
Win an award (Sunday night award show at Studio PBP)

Optional objectives:
Become a 5-star Celebrity, Global Superstar
Obtain either Pristine or Atrocious reputation
Place star on the walk of fame

Generation Five
“Though it might not be quite from my parents, I learned to play the guitar, and sing simple songs.”
It must be that creative gene, because you were born with a guitar in your hand. You’ve played it ever since you were able to pick it up, not caring if you didn’t strum correctly or even well. But that you knew would get better in time. As it always does.

Route 1

-Master Guitar skill.
-Get to the top of the Entertainer Career; Musician Branch.
-Have at least three kids
-Get married to someone with music lover or creative trait
-Learn all songs

Optional Objectives:
-Play for tips at all community lots
-Have an affair (can be with a groupie, a maid, ect.)
-Have/ Get a tattoo

Route 2 (Get Together EP needed)
Music unites! Your guitar has always made you friends, wherever you go. That’s part of the reason why you love it so much.

Master the Guitar skill
Start a club
Complete the Leader of the Pack aspiration
Marry one of your club members
Have at least three kids

Optional Objectives
Have 10 friends
Play for tips at all community lots in one world
Master the Dancing skill

Generation Six
“I always dreamed of staying home, watching the kids.”
You’ve always wanted one of your own. So when you grew old enough you were overjoyed with knowing that you could have children one day. You’d play with your barbies, G.I. Joe, and doll house waiting for the one day to have your own babies.

Route 1

Try for twins until you win!
Read a story to children at least once a week
Attend at least two children’s weddings (you may switch household in order to achieve this)
Complete a family aspiration and the soul mate aspiration
The heir must be a stay at home parent
No maids this generation
No divorcing
All children must have A’s (teens as well) before aging up

Optional Objectives:
Have at least five kids of your own
Help kids with homework every night
Adopt at least one boy/girl (one being a child)
Have every child complete a child aspiration before becoming an adult

Route 2 (Cats and Dogs EP needed)

Your pets are your babies and you love them just as much as you love your own children - or maybe even a little more.

Have at least one pet per Sim in your household (so, 4 sims = 4 pets)
Be companions with all of the pets in your household
Master the Pet Training skill (dogs only can be trained)
Have at least one kid
Let two of your pets breed

Optional Objectives:
Master the Veterinary skill
Start a vet clinic

Generation Seven
“There is always a bad apple in the bunch.”
There was something about you. You were different than the others. Could it have been you were smothered in too much love from your parents or you were just born that way. Either way, things are going to change around here. For an evil better…

Route 1

Join Criminal Career (either branch)
Have one of the Deviance Aspirations
Reach level 10 in criminal career
Master Athletic skill
Master Logic skill
Have one child (you want the perfect evil child)
Befriend child

Optional Objectives:
Pull pranks on family and neighbors

Route 2 (City Living EP needed)
You always felt different from others. Better than them. It made you crave power and status. Who cares if you make a few enemies along the way? As long as you win.

Reach the top of the Politician career, Politician branch
Master the Charisma career
Get married, partner needs to be a stay at home parent (“trophy wife/husband”) - they can sell objects they created (“it’s just a hobby”)
Have two children
Be disliked by three Sims

Optional Objectives:
Have a declared enemy
Complete the Mansion Baron aspiration

Generation Eight
“I won’t end up like you! I won’t! I won’t.”
You were their perfect child. And you disliked it, even more so when you realized that your parents were criminals.

Route 1

Join and reach level 10 of the Writer career, Journalist side branch
Reach max Charisma
Commit one ‘crime’ or prank
Donate to charity every Saturday
Get married as adult
Have three babies

Optional Objectives:
Get into fight with parent(s)

Route 2 (Discover University EP needed)

Pick the ‘Good’ trait when becoming YA
Enroll in and move to university of your choice asap after becoming YA
Cheat/plagiarize on your final/term paper one time
Complete the Academic aspiration
Go into one of the careers that your degree is associated with
Get married
Have at least two children

Optional Objectives:
Don’t take any money from parent(s) - use scholarships/student loans to get through university and then earn your own money
Master Research and Debate skill
After university, move to a different neighbourhood than the one your parents live in
Choose a distinguished degree - keep working and applying until you qualify for the distinguished program

Generation Nine
” ‘Real’ friends? They are my real friends.”
Your parents were often busy with their own lives, chasing down some invisible evil. You took solace in the digital realm, finding comfort and support through forums, video games and social media sites.

Route 1

Once you meet a sim you may only socialize with them through the computer (the exception is other sims in your household) until you become friends with them. Once friends, you may travel with and invite over that/those specific sims.
Join the Tech Guru career (either branch).
Complete the computer whiz aspiration
Max out programming and video gaming skill
Have at least two children

Optional Objectives:
Win 3 professional gaming tournaments
Earn 10,000 via live streams/social media sites/designing your own apps
Start your own social media site; have over 100 follows

Route 2 (Vampires GP needed)
You’ve always been fascinated by vampires and as you grew older, you became increasingly sure that you’d fit in much better with vampires than with humans.

Become a vampire
Complete one of the three vampire aspirations
Master Vampire Lore (15 levels)
Become a Grand Master (rank 5)

Optional Objectives:
Try for Baby as a Bat
Become Friends with Count Vlad
Optional Objectives based upon aspiration
  • Good Vampire - never feed from a sim, willing or unwilling
  • Vampire Family - create a coven/club or your offspring (7 sims turned to vampires)
  • Master Vampire - Gain at least 15 powers (out of 25). (Some powers have several tiers, but only count as one power, there are five powers available at each of the five ranks)
Generation Ten
“Playing cops and robbers as a kid, I always wanted to kick bad-guy butt.”
You always wanted to take out the bad in this world. And no matter what you’d try your hardest to prevail over the evil in your town. That was your motto anyway and thus is why you trained yourself so as to be great at what you do. You got married early and had kids shortly after that so when you became an adult you were already settled down.

Route 1

Join Secret Agent career, Diamond Agent route.
Max Logic skill
Max Athletic skill
Have a kid or two while a young adult
Marry someone when young adult
Donate to charity once a week

Optional Objectives:
Have a best friend
Have at least two friends

Route 2 (Get to Work EP needed)

Join the Detective career and get to level 10
Marry when you’re still a young adult
Have at least two kids
Donate to charity once a week
Get to level 10 of the Athletic skill

Optional Objectives:
Adopt a child (on top of the two (or more) kids you already have)

Generation Eleven
“Helping people out was something I was raised on. Sometimes, a laugh was all I could give them, and it was always more than enough.”
Your dad taught you that people were always to be helped out. You’d help the old lady across the street, be the shoulder your friend cried on, give money to the homeless. But you wanted to do more. You’d make this world better, one laugh at a time.

Route 1

Join the Entertainer Career, Comedian Branch
Max Comedic Skill
Be friends with siblings and parents
Complete the Joke Star aspiration
Tell at least one joke per day to another sim

Optional Objectives:
Write ten comedy routines
Max Mischief skill

Route 2 (Island Living EP needed)
Helping out people was something you were raised on, but as you grew up, you knew you wanted to help out the earth and the environment even more.

Pick the Vegetarian trait when you become a young adult (or earlier on)
Join the Conservationist career and reach the top (either branch)
Have only one kid (you don’t want to negatively impact the environment too much)
Grow a garden with all Sulani plants + 10 other plants of your choice
Do one ‘odd job’ per week

Optional Objectives:
Move to Sulani
Use the ‘off the grid’ lot trait (so, no electricity!)

Generation Twelve
“I don’t know why but I’ve always been fascinated with science, the Earth and space. The unknown is enthralling.”
Despite the fact that your family has never placed any importance on science or education, you always found yourself gazing up at the night sky. The mysteries the stars held propelled you into your studies and eventually into your career.

Route 1

Join Astronaut career (any branch)
Max Logic Skill
Max Handiness Skill
Reach level 10 of astronaut career
Have kids (as many as you’d like)
Have a small garden
Complete the nerd brain aspiration.

Optional Objectives:
Get married
Get rocket science to level 10
Grow the UFO plant

Route 2 (Get to Work EP needed)

Join and reach the top of the Scientist career
Create all serums at least once
Invent all possible inventions
Have small garden
Get married
Have at least one kid

Optional Objectives:
Master the Logic skill
Marry an alien
Visit Sixam
Collect all geodes from Sixam

Generation Thirteen
“Food, food, food, I always liked making food. I blame my parents. They had a garden.”
It was from your father and mother that you found your way into the kitchen. You’ve always liked to cook since you were able to touch the stove. Fancy dishes would be your specialty. It was just something that always kept you going.

Route 1

Join Culinary career career, Chef branch
Reach level ten in the Chef branch
Max cooking skill
Max Gardening Skill
Complete master chef aspiration

Optional Objectives:
Cook all meals for family

Route 2 (City Living EP needed)
Your passion for food is so strong that you decide to follow it to the city. Everyone knows the city festivals are where you go if you want to taste new food. And you don’t just crave the food, you also crave the lifestyle.

Move to an apartment in the city
Master the Cooking skill
Taste all foods at all of the different festival food stalls
Complete the City Native aspiration
Have at least one kid

Optional Objectives:
Master the Gourmet Cooking skill
Master the Baking skill
Go into the Food Critic career
Earn the Chopstick Savvy trait (using chopsticks)
Earn the Spice Hound trait (spicy foods)

Generation Fourteen
“Laziness? I wouldn‘t call it that. I‘d call it heavily thinking about tomorrow.”
You never felt like doing a lot of work. Not even for a moment did it appeal to you to play ball or go around playing tag with the other children. It wasn’t anything that interested you. In fact you’d rather spend the day watching TV, reading books, or looking for rare fossils. Besides it wasn’t like your parents yelled at you or anything.

Route 1

Marry and woohoo a sim of your choice
Have only two kids
Do not get a job (spouse can but the ‘heir’ cannot)
Do not help kids with homework or read them books
Read 15 books
Collect all gems
Collect all frogs
Collect all collectables

Optional Objectives:
Don’t change dirty diapers.
No skill that lowers fun is to be learned
Flirt with 3 sims in town
No dish cleaning

Route 2 (Island Living EP needed)

Complete the Beach Life aspiration
Get a part time job or do Odd Jobs only
Complete 3 collections, one of which should be the Sulani collection (buried treasure)
Don’t get married (throwing a party is too much hassle)
Have at least one kid
Never throw a birthday party
Order pizza once a week

Optional Objectives:
When woohooing, always Try for Baby (you’re too lazy for contraception)
Never cook a meal

Generation Fifteen
“Motivation is key to success.”
Your mother/father’s laziness disgusted you growing up. You never understood why they didn’t take care of themselves; why they never achieved anything of importance. You promised yourself you would never be like them, tossing yourself into sports from a young age.

Route 1

Adopt one child sim
Have at least one biological child (being married is optional)
Join athletics career (either branch)
Max out Athletic skills
Have and complete the athletic aspiration

Optional Objectives:
Have 20 friends
Max out a popularity aspiration

Route 2 (Seasons EP needed)

Reach the top of any career
Get married
Have at least one kid
Throw a party for every holiday
Complete the Party Animal aspiration

Optional Objectives:
Throw only goaled parties, try for gold
Go jogging every day
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration

Last edited by Anne on May 24th, 2021, 9:04 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

The DITFT Challenge is a great challenge to explore everything the game has to offer, so I thought it was a pity that it didn't include any of the expansion packs we've gotten through the years. That's why the challenge has now been updated. As of today, you can choose two different routes for every generation (after the first). 'Route 1' is always the base game route, while 'Route 2' is all about a certain expansion or game pack (which is listed to avoid confusion). Pick and choose and have fun playing!

Thanks to Teresa for helping me out with these rules!

This hasn't been play tested yet so if anyone has any suggestions or comments, please let me know.
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by LuckyDuck »

What a great adaption to the ruleset, that offers more versatility and more ways to explore the game. I might even give this a shot sometime. :)
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Teresa »

Same here, once I get over the EPIC I just finished. :)
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

I'm so glad I'm not the only one excited about this! I'm still debating whether I'm going to start my own DITFT right away, or if I'm going to wait until I've finished my Legacy challenge (I'm on generation 6). Either way, can't wait to play this now :)
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by apocalypticautumn »

Thank you for the big update!! Exactly what I was looking for to explore the packs I keep buying but not using. :peekaboo:
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

Ah, I love that! I hope you'll enjoy the challenge! I'm excited to start it too :)
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by PinkBell »

I saw the updates, and I got so excited that I've already started it :D It looked super fun and a nice way to explore the game.

[align=center]Currently Attempting: The Green Aliens[/align]
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

Ah, PinkBell, that's so cool! I'm about to start my own in just a minute and I'm so excited about it :D
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

I've started my DITFT and looked up an actual list of all of the base game plants and, wow, there a lot of them: over 30. Maybe we should change that objective a bit? Change it to 'Obtain and plant 20 different types of plant' (which is now an optional objective)?
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by skyegal23 »

@anne, I think it should be changed too to grow 20 different types of plant
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

Alright, I'm going to change those two objectives around then! So the main objective is now 'grow 20 different types of plant' and the optional objective is 'grow every base game type of plant'.
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by ciyrose »

So random quick question about this challenge, actually two of them.

First, I don't see one, but when marrying in the spouse, do we need to remove any money brought in?
Secondly, one of the first generation option challenges is to catch ALL the fish. With the packs that is 52 fish. Is that meant to be all the base game fish, and would they need to be displayed in some way to count?

Thanks for the answers!
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

Good questions! As for marrying in a spouse: there's no need to remove their money, as far as I'm concerned. If you want that extra challenge, you could've of course do it! I didn't do it myself in my game, though.

As for the fish: I've been unsure what to do about that myself. The original rules are a little vague sometimes, but I think it's fair to go for the "catch all of the base game fish", so I'm going to change the ruleset to say that right now! :)

I've also been thinking about what to do about all of the packs that have come out since I expanded these rules. I might try adding some more routes that will enable you to use Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, etc., but I'm not sure yet when I'll get around to it - and I'm not much of an expert on those packs (yet). So, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know! :D
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by ciyrose »

Sounds great Anne, and I will let you know. I haven't run into too much since I am still just in gen 1, but I figured I'd ask since my EPIC in 6 gens hasn't caught all the fish in the game yet. lol
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Re: [TS4] Differences in the Family Tree [inc. Expansion Pac

Post by Anne »

I made a change in the generation 2, route 2 objectives today, since I realised while playing my own DITFT that "Earn all retail perks at least once" was a little too much to ask. I changed it to "Earn at least 10,000 retail perk points", which is still challenging, but a lot easier (I calculated that you need 18,950 retail perk points to buy all of the perks - which is quite steep).
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