Cinnamon rolls

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Cinnamon rolls

Post by katrisims »

Cinnamon rolls ("korvapuusti")
Different buns are popular with coffee. Cinnamon rolls are a classic that even has its own day. Here's one recipe.

5 dl milk
50 g yeast
1-2 eggs
1 1/2 - 2 dl sugar
1 tablespoon true cardamom
1 1/2 - 2 teaspoons salt
about 1 kg flour
150 g butter or margarine

For filling and decoration:
butter or margarine
pearl sugar

Take the ingredients out in room temperature in advance so that they won't cool down the dough. Crumble the yeast into fingerwarm milk and mix until it's fully dissolved. Add the egg(s), the sugar, the salt and the true cardamom while mixing well.

Start adding flour, first mixing with a suitable tool, then kneading the dough with your hands. You'll learn to feel when the amount of flour is right. Add the butter/margarine, either soft or melted. Keep kneading and add flour as needed. The dough is well done when it's even and elastic in its composition. It should also come off your hands and the mixing bowl easily.

Leave the dough in the bowl and cover it with a towel. Let it sit in a warm place until it's about doubled its volume. You can make the process faster by putting the bowl in a sink with warm water.

Spread some flour on the table, put the dough on it and rub away the air bubbles. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin. Sprinkle cinnamon and fine sugar on top of the dough, then cut small pieces of butter and margarine and put them evenly on the dough as well. They'll melt when baked, but if you wish you can also spread the butter/margarine in advance to get it more evenly.

Roll the dough into one or several rolls, depending on what shape the dough came out when flattening and how big buns you want to make. (Really big ones need longer to bake.) Cut the roll into suitable pieces, alternating the position of the knife diagonally so that the shape is almost a triangle. Place the pieces on a baking paper in a baking pan, the wider part of each piece down. Press in the middle.

Cover the buns again with a towel and let them rise for a bit. Break an egg into a cup and mix. Use a baking brush to spread the egg on the buns and decorate with pearl sugar. Bake in 225 C for about 10 minutes (a bit longer in lower temperature if the buns are very big).
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