BNTM Season 9 ::::Round 1 Judging::::

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BNTM Season 9 ::::Round 1 Judging::::

Post by Teresa »

Here are the results for Round 1

Puddbudgies (PuddRing18)
Comment: The background on your full body shot was really nice :) Perhaps zoom out a bit from your model for the others, so more of the background can be seen :) Good job!
Comment: I am always a sucker for redheads and freckles. Work on having a little more variety in the shots.
Comment: Your freestyle shot is awesome, I love it so much! However, I really wished to see more of her outfit, and the headshot was too close.
Comment: Overall a good first round. I'd like to see some more variety in your models hair throughout the shots. The background in your second photo great, and so was the 'walking' pose. Keep it up!

Comment: I loved your entry! Such a great concept, and the pictures turned out really well :) Keep it up!
Comment: Really well done. I am not a fan of text on pictures, but you were able to do it in a way that did not distract from the model.
Comment: Wow! I loved the creativity you brought to this round. You went out of the box and nailed it-- keep it up!
Comment: Really original entry. Please keep up the creativity!

SuperFrog (Sam)
Comment: The simple background really worked well for your entry :) Model's expressions were great, and you used poses well.
Comment: Nicely done. I like the way you used the bamboo in the background.
Comment: This is a really good example of using the same background but not making it boring. Your headshot is beautiful.
Comment: Your model looked fantastic. I love how you switched up the outfits, poses, hair & makeup. I typically like more background variety, but somehow you used the same one in different ways to make it seem different. Good job!

Comment: You really thought out of the box! :) Make sure you think about your model's expression, as I know she's portraying grunge, but her expression looks similar in all 3 pictures. Good job!
Comment: Excellent job.
Comment: Wow! Excellent entry! However, I did expect more expression from you model.
Comment: I love your entry and how much you mixed it up! Emotions can be portrayed through more than just the models face, and I think you accomplished that.

Comment: It was nice to get to know your model pre-stardom! Your freestyle picture could have been taken a bit closer to the model, so we could see more of her, but good job :)
Comment: I liked the headshot and the background for the other two shots. Remember the goal is to see the model clearly with the background adding to the picture so try to get closer to the model while still achieving your goal.
Comment: The concept of your entry was awesome, I really dug the story behind it. However, while your headshot is stellar, the full body shot is distracting with the background being all over the place with stuff.
Comment: I really like your headshot! It's a good example of showing expression. Your freestyle shot background was quite distracting though. Zooming into your model a bit more could be a big help. Good variety between shots.

Thai (Thaitanic)
Comment: I loved your concept! And so many bright colours! Normally, I wouldn't like the model facing away from the camera, but it worked really well in your freestyle image :) Really great!
Comment: I like the detail in all of the shots. Just make sure that your model doesn't get lost. Use the color to draw the eye to your model.
Comment: The concept and the details you put into this entry really drew me to it. However, I wished I could have seen your model's face in the other shots! Also, I had to knock you down a few point because I feel like she got lost in all of the detail and color.
Comment: Pretty good entry & concept. Absolutely loved your cooking photo. Not a huge fan of not being able to see the model clearly in the 2nd photo, but I get where you were going with it.

Comment: I really like your entry :) The background in the fullbody shot may be a little bit simple, but apart from that, great job! Really nice entry.
Comment: Nicely done. Watch the background in the distance, if it doesn't render cleanly put something up to distract from it or change the angle to minimize it.
Comment: Great job! However, you do need to vary her facial expressions. She's very interesting to look at and some variety would be lovely.
Comment: Your headshot is really pretty, and well framed! I'd like to see you pay attention to your backgrounds a bit more in the future.

Comment: Your model's expressions were great :) Maybe try mixing up the hair and outfits between shots, and the model's name doesn't need to be on every picture.
Comment: Love the expression on her face in the first picture. Work on lowering the camera angle on some of the pictures so there is more variety.
Comment: I really like how you gave some great variation to the photos and poses! However, the camera angles should be adjusted-- lower, as another judge said.
Comment: Love the expression you got from your model. Would like to see more variety in terms of hair + outfits between shots, as well as a bit more attention to the backgrounds. :)

Comment: Really nice entry, I really like the idea behind it :) Your model's expressions were great and I liked the backgrounds. Keep it up :) (also, Slytherin scarf? Nice!)
Comment: Love it
Comment: These concepts are so awesome! Again, another great concept! However, the dress seemed to too formal to me-- while I got it, it seemed to cross boundaries for me.
Comment: Your headshot was my favorite photo of Round 1. Great job.

Comment: Great concept! Your model looked very glamourous, and nice take on casual. The headshot of her taking out of the trash is my favourite. Good job.
Comment: I am not a big fan of the hat and the head shot should have been closer.
Comment: I wished I saw her face in the first shot. The concept really makes me smile, although, do watch out for boundaries of what's casual and not. I do agree with my fellow judge that the headshot should be closer, although, it makes me laugh.
Comment: Ha! Cute concept to 'glam up' casual. Clever. I liked the first shot. Would have liked to see a closer headshot.

Comment: The freestyle picture has great expression and posing and I really like it, but I feel like the other two pictures are a little plain in comparison. Make sure you think about backgrounds :)
Comment: The background in the head and body shots are plain and the model isn't showing her personality. I like the expression in the freestyle though, she doesn't look stiff or bored.
Comment: This entry was a little plain, particularly in the first two shots. We need to see some variation. Also, the freestyle shot, for me, does not follow the round rules at all with the swimsuit.
Comment: I think the freestyle photo is your best one as it shows some expression. The headshot got some good expression as well, but it looks really close to the expression in your second photo. Mix it some more. :)

Pigwidgeon134 (Olivia)
Comment: You did a really good job of capturing your sim without posing, which I think looks great :) I really liked your entry. Great job!
Comment: Nice job of showing your model and using the scenery to her advantage. Love her expression in the last picture.
Comment: Great expressions! You did an excellent job, however, the althetic wear was passable for casual, but, for me, it was another near the boundary of another round clothing.
Comment: I really love the expression in your headshot and freestyle, as well as your attention to background details.

Comment: Your backgrounds are really nice and I like your model's expressions :) Try and mix up the hair and clothes between shots.
Comment: Watch out for other sims in the pictures - especially avoid thought and chat bubbles. Work on adding some variety to the pictures with her hair and clothing.
Comment: I do like what you did with taking her downtown and to different locations, high points on that! However, the other sim and thought bubble was distracting-- watch out what's there in the background.
Comment: Watch out for the speech/dream bubbles in your background. Would also like to see more hair/clothing variety between shots.

Comment: The picture with the butterflies is so beautiful! Your entry was really lovely. Normally I don't like a lot of editing, but you used it really well, so really good job :)
Comment: Really really well done. The photo editing was just the right amount, it added to the pictures without overwhelming the model.
Comment: Bad news first, wasn't a fan of the headshot. Good news though, I enjoyed the rest of your entry! The colors, photos, and the editing really worked well.
Comment: Your butterfly picture is a really neat angle! Love that one. I do like how you made the model the clear focus of each of your photos.

Afkthenad (Ath)
Comment: The lighting and scenery in your pictures is really beautiful :) Maybe think about mixing up the hair and outfit between shots. But really great job, well done :)
Comment: I don't think I realized how pretty your model is (I hope you share her after the competition). A little more variety with hair and outfit would be nice. And the empty field and simple background worked well without feeling bare.
Comment: This entry was simple, however, it worked really well. Some more variation on her expressions would be lovely because she's one that we would love to see more of.
Comment: This is an example of a simple entry working well. I'd love to see more variety between the shots though.

Puddbudgies (PuddRing18)
Comment: The sunflowers in the background of the fullbody shot are a really nice touch :) Make sure you think about camera angles when taking your photos, so that the model's face can really be seen.
Comment: Work on your camera angles and try to add variety in the pictures. The swimming picture would have been a little better if taken from the side or at an angle instead of head-on.
Comment: The headshot was too far away and really didn't work for me. More variation is needed in your shot and while you get points for the creativity for the freestyle shot, it didn't show off your model enough.
Comment: I like how out of the box your freestyle shot was. I think the judges are right when talking about camera angles. Shifting your camera angles would really help your entries.
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