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Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [1st November, 2015]

Posted: November 11th, 2015, 12:15 pm
by Bouncer
Yeah just a little, my first trial I had was similar to yours. In the end it was sweets and candy that kept me going.
Was very much fun to read, along with seeing how some users use mod to get things done the way they want to. I personally am having a hard time to remember tax time, so I will be looking at the mod you brought up. Find it interesting by how much leg room you make in your houses, could see it making it a tad easier to get the large groups moving faster.
Also enjoyed how you got all the sims to come through, that Pascal though fighting till he had no choice.
It is also fun to see how all the townies from a different town get together, though the strange Father/Daughter relationships do though give it a bit of questionable points.
Can't wait to see what ends up happening to Pascal also!

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [1st November, 2015]

Posted: November 12th, 2015, 1:29 pm
by katrisims
That's the fun thing about mods, they let you customize your game to your liking. :) I don't think I could go back to completely vanilla anymore, not after so many years of playing with mods.

The hard part about taxes is remembering to pay them. *nods* Unfortunately I haven't found a mod to help with that, but I think the money transfer ones make it more fun.

I suppose I tend to make pretty big houses, almost to the point of looking empty sometimes. Well, sims being sims, it's not a disadvantage if there are less places to get stuck into. :pan:

I'm pretty persistent when it comes to moving sims in and getting to play them!

Yeah, seeing Mortimer and Cassandra show interest in each other was kind of... awkward. Well, I friends zoned them on the spot, and we could just forget about the little incident. Otherwise, seeing the townies interact with each other has been all in good fun!

Pascal's house is next in the rotation, so hopefully you don't have to wait all too long, although I sometimes tend to have a longish time between updates.
Thanks again for reading and commenting, Bouncer. :pie:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [28th November, 2015]

Posted: November 28th, 2015, 2:47 pm
by katrisims
Bumping for an update: Week 2, Part 3 is here! I hope you enjoy! :plumbob2:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [28th November, 2015]

Posted: December 11th, 2015, 3:58 pm
by raebeth47
Nice updates!
Hooray for cute kids! And a big congratulations on reaching population 100 already!

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [28th November, 2015]

Posted: December 12th, 2015, 12:07 pm
by katrisims
Thanks, raebeth!
Hooray, they're indeed cuties! Thanks, it does feel like a bit of a milestone. :) And Regan will be pleased in the next round, as she'll be able to get a spot in her dream career.
Thanks for reading and commenting! :pie:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [20th December, 2015]

Posted: December 20th, 2015, 9:04 am
by katrisims
Andddd, just before the holidays, we squeeze in one more update! Week 2, Part 4 is here! I hope you enjoy! :christmas:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [20th December, 2015]

Posted: December 20th, 2015, 7:46 pm
by Rflong7
HI :)

The Daniels - How cute! :plumbob2:

I'm all caught up and looking forward to Brandi Broke. - Wonderful families. :heart:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [20th December, 2015]

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 1:26 pm
by katrisims
Hi there! :wave:

I have to agree, the Daniels are pretty cute. We'll see how much I will confuse myself with their looks and names in the coming rotations. :haha:

I couldn't resist starting on Brandi's week a little bit, and so far she's a lot of fun!

Thanks for reading and commenting! :cookie:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [20th December, 2015]

Posted: December 24th, 2015, 12:45 pm
by mintoniccals
It seems you are doing very well so far (:
Also that interaction you didn't recognise: I believe Consort was trying to gossip with John, but their relationship wasn't high enough for him to accept it

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [20th December, 2015]

Posted: December 27th, 2015, 9:11 am
by katrisims
Hello, and welcome aboard! :wave: And thanks, I'm pretty happy with how it's going so far!

Oh, right, gossipping, that's probably it! It must have been a while since I've seen that one rejected.

Thank you for reading and commenting! :donut:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [9th January, 2016]

Posted: January 9th, 2016, 10:18 am
by katrisims
Bump for an update! The first of the year and the last of week 2 is here! I hope you enjoy!

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [9th January, 2016]

Posted: January 9th, 2016, 3:46 pm
by Lorinsv
Yay, that was such a fun update! (And adorable toddler pics are never pointless!)
I love watching your TPC! It's too late for Brandi, but I just discovered while playing MV that being chronically late for work decreases job performance, and in fact when I sent Nikki Adams to work too late for the third time (forgot about the two times from the previous week :pan: ), she got fired, so perhaps that can be used as a temporary workaround in the future. (But it's actually good for their storyline, so YAY!) :splat:

I don't make my hardship-challenge households pay taxes either, unless they have a windfall incompatible within the scope of the challenge, then I use that extra money to pay taxes.

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [9th January, 2016]

Posted: January 10th, 2016, 5:36 am
by katrisims
Thanks Lorin! :)
Oh, didn't think of that. Well, I suppose it's too late for Brandi (I'll let her get back into the job after a couple of days I think), but if the situation rises again, it'll be good to keep that in mind.

I think that strategy makes sense. I think I'll be doing the same, so the Brokes will only pay taxes if they land on some big money somehow, which theoretically should not happen. :)
Thanks for reading and commenting! :oreo:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [9th January, 2016]

Posted: January 10th, 2016, 4:31 pm
by Ani-Mei
Just read them all.
You can turn the phone off with AL if it's too loud for the Daniels. I do it all the time since I play with gaming headphones on and they are REALLY good headphones so it's head ringing loud when the phone goes off. Also lets me discover that reading those novels from FT actually make their own quiet theme music. I heard some weird music when one of them was reading a mystery novel, so I checked all the usual suspects, TV, radio, computer and nothing was on so I figured it out as coming from the book she was reading. Anyway, discovery rants over I think I will use some of these challenges either in my Edenville hood or my unpublished BaCC Hidden Sands. Looks like a good way to keep my interest in a long challenge like this one.

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [9th January, 2016]

Posted: January 11th, 2016, 11:55 am
by katrisims
Hello, Ani-mei, and welcome aboard! :wave:
Oh yes, there's that feature. I tend to forget to turn the phone off, and if I do turn it off, I forget to turn it back on and then wonder why nobody calls my sims. :D Well, fortunately the issue is now solved as the Daniels can afford a bigger house with rooms where no one sleeps.

From my experience, I can definitely recommend using side challenges, they make things a lot more interesting. :goodvibes:
Thanks for reading and commenting! :cookie:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [9th January, 2016]

Posted: February 24th, 2016, 8:09 pm
by raebeth47
Nice updates!
The Daniels look like they're a lot of fun. Glad they're doing well.

I love TPCs, and Brandi is perfect for it! From being a bit into a TPC myself, yeah, they're not going to have the money to pay taxes. My strategy with the job was to get my founder up to level 4 and then have her go on permanent maternity leave - she hasn't been to work since her first pregnancy, and her oldest is a teen. No risk of illegal promotions that way.

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [12th March, 2016]

Posted: March 12th, 2016, 1:24 pm
by katrisims

Sorry, I seem to have missed your comment somehow!
The Daniels are a lot of fun so far. It does get a little confusing with the names there, but I guess that's just part of the fun. ;)

Oh, and I agree: Brandi is perfect for a TPC. Something about her just screamed that at me. That's quite an interesting strategy, too. :hmm: Might result in a lot of kids, but I suppose that's a bonus in a TPC! :haha:
Thanks for reading and commenting! :lemonade:

After a long while (I blame real life, and for tonight, I blame Photobucket), we also have an update! I hope you enjoy!

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [12th March, 2016]

Posted: March 12th, 2016, 1:42 pm
by Lorinsv
Great update! Detailed comment on LJ :drinks:

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [12th March, 2016]

Posted: March 17th, 2016, 5:27 am
by raebeth47
Nice update!
The kids are super cute. I often struggle with clothes and hair the same way - "but someone else in the neighborhood already has that!"
I often find that it's harder to keep moods up when sims are home all day, because the needs usually seem to drain more slowly at work. I notice it most with kids - their energy just drains away on weekend days, and it's hard to keep them up until bedtime. And being at work or school freezes the aspiration, too.
I have definitely scrambled to get things done before the end of the rotation. So hard when you have to end it when they're level 9! Nice that it's your first household and you can just extend the rotation a little.
Congratulations on your first Business Tycoon and the business district!

Re: Lakewood: Just a BaCC [12th March, 2016]

Posted: March 19th, 2016, 8:17 am
by katrisims

Thanks again for reading and commenting! Details at 11 LJ. ;)

I know that feeling. Especially hair is something that I strongly associate with a certain sim, so sometimes I just flip through the hair catalog with "I can't use that, it's so-and-so's hair... oh, that's nice! ... but it's already being worn by someone..." This time I accidentally went for the same dress for two toddlers almost in a row, but oh well. That's what clothing recolors are for!

Yeah, I've long suspected that with the work and school. So for the sims the saying "to go to work to rest" is really true! :D

It would have been pretty much unbearable to leave Ajay on level 9 for a whole week! Good thing the Davidsons were first in rotation so I could do this trick easily.

Thanks, I'm pretty happy with both! :)
Thanks for reading and commenting! ^^