Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated June 22, 2021

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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated March 7, 2016

Post by Lili »

Literally growing old together! They're so cute :)

Level 9 restaurant, great job!

We're very close in our stats, SM9, about 20 lots, 1 BD.. Only you've had 1 fire and 6 burglaries, and it's the contrary for me, 6/1 :D

Good luck to the girls!
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated March 7, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Oh, boy! Updates!
Awww, Owen is so cute and sweet, and trying to be faithful. I sure hope it works. And ACR cooperates. I don't use ACR, but I have in the past, and it can be scary, sometimes! But on the plus side, those bolts really aren't all they're cracked up to be. Some of the best sim couples I've ever seen had only one or even zero bolts, and some triple-bolters just don't work. Like real life, that. Some people have the passion, but not the compatibility.

Hmm, crates or singles? Well, if you're going for fast money, use crates. If you're going for business level, use singles, because more sales means more stars. Also, if you can get some snapdragons, then Meadow can focus on making pottery to sell, as well. And pottery and fresh food sort of go together, right?

They are so cute together.

OK, next chapter:

Oh, I love it when a couple shares a birthday! And yes, they are still awesome!

Caroline is gorgeous! She'll always have a special place in our hearts. Now, I'm not sure if I'm sad she isn't heiress, or happy she gets to start up her own family, on her own terms.

Nice restaurant! Yeah, even if you just hire the cooks, servers, and hosts, and then send them home while the family runs it, when other players visit the lot, the assigned workers will be manning their stations. Good choice on getting it staffed, as well as saving money. Running a Sims 2 restaurant is a pain, but having a Sims 2 restaurant to visit is so worth it.

So glad you can save food in the inventory and stock up well in advance!

I hate it when they quit for no apparent reason. Maybe they weren't paid enough? All it takes in one skill-point gain (the servers gain body skill as they work), without an accompanying raise, and yeah. I got a cool mod from somewhere, probably Paladin's Palace, that lets you turn on "always fairly paid," and it automatically gives raises, so you don't have to. You have to buy the electronic thing, and put it on the wall, but it is SO worth it, IMO. If you're allowed to do that, and not consider it cheating. It also allows you to set shift times, which is nice. Otherwise, keep a close eye on those servers. Level 9! WOOOT! I don't think I've ever gotten a restaurant so high. I usually bail at level 5, because I can't stand it, anymore, so I am IMPRESSED! And you did it without the helpful electronic doodad, too. Really, VERY impressed!

Red Hands - it's not just for apocalypses. You gotta have the fun, or they'll never do their homework, right?

That grey-haired bigfoot always surprises me. Yeah, what do you do with a maxed-out sim, who can't romance, and isn't hard at work? Make him the dog-washing, bed-making, toilet-cleaning blessing to have around the house. Bigfoot Butler, for the win! Also, he's MUCH better than the NPC butler, who photobombs, wastes all the groceries making food no one wants to eat, cleans up all the left-overs, instead of putting them in the fridge, and generally is only slightly more useful than the nanny. Playable butlers are the way to go, and Servos and Bigfeet are my favorites for that. I once got a Bigfoot with 10 neat - BLEW MY MIND, but my word, did that house sparkle! And Andrew has always been so sweet! I hope he gets some Elixir, and stays around a long time, because I like him so much. He reminded me why Bigfeet are awesome.

Oh, but marriage IS romantic! You have a guaranteed date, any time you want! Romance sims don't HAVE to be promiscuous. It's just their reputation. After all, having multiple lovers only account for TWO of the possible LTWs, right? Awww, I think they'll be very happy together.

Yay! First crush!

Darn tootin! George needs to grow up! And the game HAS the option, so if it doesn't work, then using mods or cheats is perfectly justified, IMO.

Your sims have the cutest clothes!

Hannah will make a good heiress, I'm sure. I like how you're going the opposite of the usual primogeniture route, and just keeping the youngest at home. It's very simple, and I think far less drama. I mean, I've heard of younger siblings killing off their older siblings, to move up the ranks, but what are the older ones going to do? Get younger? Wait. This is the Sims. That's totally an option. Never mind. Drama possibilities still there. But really, I like your BACC. It's interesting, and yet restful. I like the high-drama stories, too, but sometimes, you just want slice-of-life, sympathetic characters, doing their thing.
Nice chapters!
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 11, 2016

Post by Anne »

NEW UPDATE - Summer 3 - Burke


Thank you! The girls are so beautiful and so much fun to play as adults! :) I like the restaurant, too, it's one of my favourite community lots on the Island - though not my favourite to play, haha!
Thanks, Lorin! The girls are really gorgeous, and I'm having fun playing them as adults! Yes, all those teens growing up and starting their own families... It almost gets me nostalgic ;)
Isn't it adorable? :D Thanks! The restaurant has been surprisingly easy to play...
Ha, that's a coincidence! Funny that you've got so many fire and I've got so many burglaries!
Wow, thanks for you long comment, Michelle!
Yes, I love how bolts aren't the only decider for a good relationship. Pretty life like, that! ACR can be a bit scary, especially when your Sim is visiting a community lot and other playables are doing things there they shouldn't be doing...
The crates are bit of a pain in the a**, so I think I'm going for singles, but I'm not sure yet. I've got a Sim with a golden flower badge somewhere in town, so I'll have her make some snapdragons to sell! They're SO useful.

Caroline is my favourite Sim at the moment <3 She's not really heir-material, what with the Pleasure/Romance thing, so I'm glad she gets to live her own life on her terms!
The restaurant was surprisingly easy to play, actually. The stars kept streaming in!
Andrew would make a good butler, but I feel so bad for treating him like that, lol! I guess that'll be his lot in life though, because I'm not going to let him move out or anything.
You're right, Romance Sims don't HAVE to be promiscuous, but I always feel like they want to be because of those "Make Out/WooHoo with 3 Diferent Sims" wants... Rachel hasn't rolled many of those, though!
Keeping the youngest at home is just so much more practical when it comes to playing! :)
Thanks, Michelle! I'm thinking of storylines every now and then, but I'm not going to make this all drama. I like the restful thing as well :)
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 11, 2016

Post by Lorinsv »

Good old Amin - it's nice to see the Have 20 Best Friends LTW again, I haven't encountered it since my Apoc founder nine years ago :popeye:

The pet store is hopping! It's cool to see all the customers, and soooo much more fun when they can run the cash register better. Bigger families really come in handy then...

The girls turned out really pretty, and awww, I forgot about Caryl. I'm excited to see what's going on at her house.

About Angie and elixir: do you have a general rule about postponing elderhood? After never letting my favorite Sims get old, I'm coming to terms with it and am thinking of extending the adult stage by two weeks, or 42 days total, give or take, down from my original plan of 56 days(!). I estimate that MV's settlers will become elders some time in Week 7.

I also find it interesting the differences playing seasonal vs. weekly rotations - seasonal ones make all the stages seem longer, especially the growing ones, which is nice. I don't think I would have the patience or self-discipline for it though! [/thinking out loud]
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 16, 2016

Post by Anne »

NEW UPDATE! We visit the Harris family this time.


This is actually the first time I'm seriously attempting this LTW! It's fun so far. :)
The pet store is one of my favourite stores <3 It's definitely doing well! And the girls come in very handy indeed.
I'm so happy with how the girls turned out! And I've played Caryl and her family already, so hopefully that update will come soon, too. Although I've first got a few others to get through!
I don't really have a general rule, but I was thinking about allowing them 3 sips (so 9 extra days, which makes for 38 days). Wow, 56 days! That's a lot - I'm way too impatient for that, lol!
I find the seasonal rotations very fun to play. I look at it as being too impatient to play an entire week because I want to move on to other families. ;)
Thanks for your comment, Lorin!
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 16, 2016

Post by raebeth47 »

Great updates! And thanks for the shout out!
The Burkes look like fun. A lot of good-looking teenagers.
Good idea, leveling up a store and then selling it - too bad it didn't work out. Thalia did grow up really pretty!
That's a lot of girls between the two houses.
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 16, 2016

Post by Lorinsv »

Oops, missed your last update (Harris) :splat:
Ella and Carrie turned out really cute!

I don't think it's cheaty at all to meditate through the first, almost interminable levels of a venue. Perhaps not realistic, but definitely not cheaty :highfive: I'm always a little surprised when MV Sims don't have enough Logic skill to meditate, since practically all Apocalypse Sims know loads of Logic due to it being the only one that kids can skill for at the beginning.

I liked the glimpse into some of your strategy and learning about the game mechanics of selling a business.

Dance studio :hmm: What a coincidence... :upsidedown:
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 16, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I just read Summer 3 - Burke and Harris. It's been a while, but it all comes back.

I love watching these little characters just live their simple little lives. Nothing much happens, no plot, no drama, but it's still very interesting.
I love Amin and Eric - the nose brigade!

Also, you CAN sell a business directly to a sim, but you have to do it from a business, and you sell the deed. Basically, you have a store-type business, put the deed out, and mark it for sale (at whatever price you choose), and then "Show Item To" the customer you want to buy it. You might need to call and invite your target sim over, first. And you'll need a cash register, at least, so don't try to sell it from a venue. And you can't sell it while you're AT the venue. But yes, it can be done.

In fact, I once read a story about a sim woman who bought a "Real Estate Office," and basically bought community lots, placed them for sale, marked up the price, dazzled the customers (making sure they were always Townies - she never sold to playable), and then repeated the process again and again. If you sell to a playable, then that playable owns the lot, and it's out of rotation, but if you sell to a Townie, you've sold "to the community," and it actually becomes available again, to buy from the community, so you can cycle through the same handful of lots. It's pretty amazing! Also, pretty lucrative. In large numbers, even a small percentage price increase (going from "average" to "expensive") requires just a little bit more work selling, but nets a hefty profit margin.
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated April 16, 2016

Post by simsterlyrock »

Just read all the updates because I couldn't remember which one I'd read last, haha. Love the neighborhood and how it's coming along. :)
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated May 30, 2016

Post by Anne »

They really are a lot of fun to play! And I'm really pleased with how the girls turned out :)
Yeah, in theory that would've been really cool. I was pretty disappointed when it didn't work! I figured it'd work the same as with transferring ownership, but apparently that's only possible within a household.
I don't know what's been going on in Blueberry Island, but there's been about 13 girls born in a row, which is insane. I almost thought it was some weird glitch, or something, but when I played yesterday, a boy was born, so it's all good!
Thanks for your comment! :D
They did, didn't they? :D I was a bit worried about Ella when she was a toddler, but she's really growing into her look.
I know what you mean! After playing an Apocalypse with the endless chess playing, it's so weird when Sims have hardly any Logic points! I've decided to let go of the feeling that it might be cheaty, because it's the only way those first levels can be fun to me. Maybe I'll play the last couple of levels with the owners actually paying attention, but I'm not even sure about that. :lol:
I love reading about other people's strategies and techniques, so I figured I'd just put all of it in my own updates as well. :)
Thanks Michelle! I'm planning on adding just a little more drama here and there, because all those happy families leading their happy lives isn't very realistic, but I do love just playing these families without having to think of plot :)
Okay! That might be a possibility for a business once Blueberry Island's a bit bigger! Definitely a cool idea, thanks for the tip! For now, this solution was fine too. :) A lot less complicated, that's for sure :lol:
Riss - Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it :D


It's been a while due to dissertation stress, but I'm back with another UPDATE!
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated May 30, 2016

Post by simsterlyrock »

The twins are so cute! I can't wait to see what they look like as they get older (and any of Adam and Gretchen's future children).
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated May 30, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Lovely new chapter!
Awww, the girls are so cute! And what a milestone! The first baby born to an island baby. Wow. It makes you think.

Also, what's up with all the girls? Is there something in the water on Blueberry Island?

It's fun to see your sims so successful.
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated May 31, 2016

Post by Anne »

I love how they turned out as well! I'm looking forward to seeing how much Jamie will end up looking like her father. Thanks for your comment! :D
I was so happy when they were born! Definitely a milestone for Blueberry Island. :)
Right?! You'd think it was something like that, because up to where I've played about 13 girls have been born in a row (!!). I was kinda scared it might be a weird glitch of some kind, but I can confirm that it isn't. :D A boy has been born in my game two days ago!
Thanks for your comment, Michelle!

There's a new UPDATE! We visit the Dawson family this time, and it's not all fun and games there...
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated May 31, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

That just hit me like a kick in the gut.

Great update. Really! Just. Wow. I don't have words.
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated May 31, 2016

Post by simsterlyrock »

Ooooooh, the drama!! I don't like Phil. At all. Maybe having a kid of his own will help soften him up a bit? I am curious to see what the new baby looks like, and if Oli and the twins will help out with Baby or take their anger out on their new sibling. So excited to see what happens next. :)
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated June 5, 2016

Post by Anne »

Michelle - Aw, thanks! That's really sweet, I'm glad you liked it!

Riss - I guess you'll have to wait and see ;) I'm not sure yet what will happen next either, although I do have some ideas... Thanks for your comment!


There's a new UPDATE! More drama as we visit Eric Robinson...
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated June 5, 2016

Post by simsterlyrock »

Oooh, the drama! Not gonna lie, I want Eric and Lilly to settle down and live together. But I'm also a sucker for "perfect lives" in the Sims and I don't usually like Sims who have kids together to not be together. I'm curious to see if Eric's wants ever change to reflect Lilly being a bigger part of his life. :)
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated June 5, 2016

Post by Lorinsv »

Ooh, I like the last couple of family stories! It definitely makes the households stand out from each other, and leaves something to look forward to in the following rotation.
Woo, in Eric's case, I wonder if his wants/fears will trump a good plot? Although sometimes they make the best plots.
Anyway, nice job! :thup:
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated June 5, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Yay! for adults being grown-ups.

"Might as well" :rotfl:

I really like how this neighborhood is growing, and watching the people with their ordinary, but still interesting, lives. You don't need high drama. Sometimes it's nice just to see people behaving well. The basic drama of "Will they act out? Oh, they didn't? They did the right thing? Cool." I mean, you set it up as two adults being well-adjusted. But with a baby on the way, there's always the possibility that things may heat up, in future. For now, though, it's just really NICE to see them acting decently. It's a good contrast to last week. If everyone is behaving badly, then there's no suspense, because you just KNOW everyone will behave badly. That's why soap operas always have someone who behaves well. Of course, that person (or persons) usually wind up being the butt of all the jokes and the scapegoat and the one stuck in all the traps, and such. With miserable lives. And when they finally triumph, it doesn't last long. Not that that sort of thing has to happen here. It's still very interesting.

Maybe I like it so much because they seem real and recognizable. Like people I know in real life. People who some people would say SHOULD get married, but their friends and family, and people who know them best just shake their heads, and say, Naaaah.

I take it you have casual woohoo installed.

Also, I LOVE that time clock! I use it, too. I consider it a necessity. Also, I got the customer controller, that allows me to choose how many customers I get. My computer keeps it at 3, no matter the business level, because it is convinced that it can't handle more than that, but I know for a fact that it can, so I just started putting them in every business, and changing the number, to match the business level (after level 3, that is). The time clock just adds realism, in my opinion, because in reality, you don't call in ALL your workers. You have shifts.
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Re: Blueberry Island - A BaCC - updated June 5, 2016

Post by raebeth47 »

Great updates!
Dawson: Ah, stepdad drama. Nicole just doesn't seem very maternal, which will make it interesting when the new baby arrives. Good thing the teens all get along with each other, at least.

Robinson 2: I like Lilly, and I'm sure she and Eric will make a lovely child. Hopefully they'll come to some kind of resolution, like an open relationship.
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