Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge Apr 28, 19

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Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge Apr 28, 19

Post by MichelleCYoung »

At last, I've started my Royal Queendom of Youngdale. I'm using my own ruleset, although I did use Chase's modified Build a Royal Kingdom rules as a base. Anyway, it's not scored, just for fun.

Instead of creating peasant, merchant, noble families and a royal family, I created a queen (Michelle Simself, of course), and had a bachelor challenge for her king consort. The contestants then became founders for the various classes. They'll start out alone, and have to marry in non-player sims of the appropriate class (according to my own rules), and establish their classes from there.

Since I played the prologue and bachelor challenge together, and posted them in one master post on my blog, there is only one link here:

Bachelor Challenge First Royal Proclamation - November 2, 2015

Week 1
Chapter 1 - Royal Wedding- November 2, 2015
Chapter 2 - Hunter's Good Luck - January 12, 2016
Chapter 3 - What Groop Does Best - January 18, 2016
Chapter 4 - Waiting for Googoo - February 2, 2016
Second Royal Proclamation - February 3, 2016
Chapter 5 - Face Time - February 23, 2016
Chapter 6 - Copperfield (Yes, I've stopped coming up with titles) - May 27, 2016
Chapter 7 - Trace - May 27, 2016
Chapter 8 - Lermas - May 27, 2016
Week 2
Simself Household - May 30, 2016
Rock Household - Serf - Messy Messlot Challenge - May 31, 2016
Hunter Household - Peasant 1 - August 28, 2016
The Meanderer Household - Peasant 2 - March 6, 2017
Lermas Household- Peasant 3 - March 19, 2017
Rock Household - Merchant - August 31, 2017 - Now on Slideshare! This time, it's PDF format, so please let me know how that works for you. I'm experimenting.
Rauta Household - Merchant - September 25, 2017 - This time in Open Office format on Slideshare. Please let me know if I need to post in PDF or PPT
Stone Household - Merchant - March 10, 2019
And now:
I'll be playing on a weekly rotation, because I LOVE the weather adjustor, so seasons are unreliable guides of playtime, to say the least. Expect seasons to be screwy.
Last edited by MichelleCYoung on April 28th, 2019, 11:26 am, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Sam »

I LOVE the house, it's gorgeous!
Lol @ Beat's attention complex, that was quite funny. I feared he was going to have to go when he rejected that flirt! Oh well, at least he's a Merchant.

As if Clovis won, though! I'm sure you guys will make very interesting kids. :)
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Radiochocolate »

Oh goodie, goodie, goodie!
Btw I play on a weekly rotation too, I have a mod that lengthens the seasons to 7 days.
Ah yes, what is a queen without her subjects?
I think Nep has the longest link name :lol: May the best subject win!
It's weird to see him as an adult xD And I keep imagining Groop's voice as Groot. I think Beat and his face-time are making me laugh the most xD
It's true that Nep hates baths. I don't think I've seen him take a bath even once, voluntarily at least. Poor Nep, he just wants some love <3 I think he's arguing with Walter about how he didn't get first place. The weather adjuster counts as science, so does dreaming about science.
WAIT, NEP LOST? HOW CRUEL, HOW UNJUST! Well, at least he gets to be a merchant.
So much fighting :haha: CLOVIS HAS 145 :rotfl:
Oh man, there's just something surreal about seeing Clovis and your simself together xD I'm rooting for Thai's kid from Ani-Mei's game!
AND SHAWN JUST LAYS DOWN ON THE COUCH *lollollol* Also, slide 15 proves you don't need no man. *sees the end* YOU DON'T NEED NO MAN.

I'm rather speechless with the outcome, but wish you and Clovis the best of luck. Now get cracking on the next chapter! *poky stick*
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Rflong7 »

Hi :mrgreen:

OMGoodness- I didn't even know there was a BARQ/KC or I'd have started that. I just started a BACC with my medieval stuff. I should have checked more better. :duh:

I'm just starting the reading and and through the introduction. Woot! Good luck. :fight: :fight:
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, y'all!

Sam, I'm really glad you're appreciating Beat, here. It's a little bit unnerving, playing someone else's character.

Radiochocolate, I'm glad I'm getting Neppie down, as well. Yaaay!

Rflong7, yeah, most Royal Kingdom challenges are medieval themed. I'm really going out of the norm by having mine be modern, but I just don't want to risk another game-explosion with too much CC. Although, there is some really wonderful medieval-themed CC out there!
Yeah, I was both surprised and pleased at Clovis's amazing comeback. I mean, it was all this sudden autonomous stuff, after he just lagged behind so far. Of course, everyone's going to get their face time, because they're ALL founders, now. And Clovis's lifetime want is so inappropriate for a king consort. LOL! He should have been a merchant. But he just couldn't allow himself to be defeated. I LOVE it when my sims stay in character. Clovis really is badass.
I'm excited about this one, because as much as I enjoy the apocalypse and trailer park challenges, the ability to build houses without restrictions, raise a family however I want to, and live with a whole lot more freedom is going to be so cool! There are so many things I've been wanting to try out, but they just didn't work in the other two projects. Granted, there ARE a lot of restrictions, but they're mostly about the size of the family's lot, who can own what type of business, what careers are available (each class gets a wide variety, but no class can choose from ALL the jobs), and appropriate spouses. I'm also including a "Romeo and Juliet" clause, which will allow someone to marry outside their approved class, but at a steep price. They have to give up heirship, and become peasants. I don't know if my sims will oblige me with that kind of drama, but I'm leaving the door open to it, at any rate. I'm also going to add a "Mystic" class, which is where the occult stuff will really take hold. But Mystics must be born in game, so it won't pop up for a generation or two, at least.

I have another surprise: When I tried a BACC before (on my other computer), I came up with the idea of using "Ira Taxman" and his bank account (via Monique's computer mod), to track the taxes, and when a university was earned. This time, instead of Mr. Taxman, I have Vesuvius White! He'll be completely unplayed, except when I need to access his bank account, but I know he'll show up on community lots, or walk-bys at residential lots, and who knows? Maybe those ears of his will be passed on to some cute little green babies, eventually.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by mysterymusic7 »

It's finally up! *bounces around like a complete and total lunatic*
I swear to plumpbob my sims never do well in these things, but I think Joshua has the record for the worst performance ever.
What the hell Joshua? He's normally like the nicest guy in the world...what's his deal with Groop? I wonder if the peasants in Youngdale will end up with some kind of lasting family feud or something?
Seriously Joshua you don't get the concept of a matriarchy? Your mother would totally kick you butt for that. :P
I nearly spit out my soda when Joshua let himself back into the palace on Day 2. And oh yes Joshua certainly isn't shy.
Thing is he grew up in an all natural setting in his home verse...lived off the land and what not, so honestly being a peasant might just rock his world just fine.
And I mean I'm sort of happy Clovis won the spot. I mean he is a total Badass after all.
Can't wait to see the royal wedding in which I hope Joshua behaves himself.
But to be fair Josh wasn't the only one starting fights in your kingdom.
Such a fun read!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, mysterymusic7!
I did not in any way encourage fighting, but there were TWO sets of enemies by the time it was over. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a Hatfield/McCoy situation should, in fact, spring up. Or two. Or some weird war with several fronts.


No, really! I totally didn't plan anything like that, at all!

Seriously, though, FREE WILL. Whatcha gonna do? We'll see what happens in the future.

Normally, I don't use much free will in my play style. It was a challenge to keep my fingers off the controls for this, but it was FUN! Normally, I tend to keep my sims occupied, skilling up, and directing them to fulfill wants. Apocalypses MUST be micro-managed, for survival and rules-keeping. This time, I mean to get them the skills they need for their jobs, and fulfill the odd want, but I want to see how things play out with more free will, and that may very well mean a family feud. Wouldn't be at all surprised, based on this beginning. There may be child services visits and repo men and all those things I work so hard to avoid. We'll see how it plays out.

One thing about having no pose-boxes in my game is that the only story-telling I can do is what comes naturally in the game. So, I have to admit that, although Michelle Simself found all the fighting annoying, I was a bit chuffed to see my sims showing so much character, and giving me so much drama. It's awesome when their characters come out, and write the story for you, even if it does leave you scrambling a bit to figure out new paths to your ultimate goal.

My favorite example of that was when my villain turned himself into the hero of my novel. WOOOT! I really need to edit that, and submit it to a publisher. It needs a LOT of editing. Sigh.

So, tl;dr - Family Feud? Quite likely, and I'd love to see it, but I can't guarantee it, because I'm leaving free will on, as much as I can stand to do so.
I am currently writing out the "Royal Proclamation," where I lay down the rules for this. They will be pretty specific for marriage, careers, businesses, vacations, and college, but still allow a huge amount of freedom. It's a modern monarchy, after all, not a tyranny. In fact, since I'm not playing for score, or anything, the rules might seem a bit sparse to some established BACC-ers. I'm not competing with the real BACC-ers. I'm just doing this for fun and story experimentation. Plus, I hate keeping score.

Then I need to re-model the Royal Residence to allow for a nursery, children's bedrooms, etc., and I need to build the Royal Court community lot, pretty-up the cemetery, and build all the founder's houses. Right now, they all just have an end table and phone. So, it will take a while before the next update, because building is not my favorite thing. But I'm excited to see what comes next, so I'll push myself through the building as quickly as I can. Don't expect beautiful buildings with lush landscaping and delightful decor. The faster I build, the sooner I can play. This building up of a whole neighborhood is the most ambitious I've been in a long, long time.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Rflong7 »

Lol~ Wonderful start! I enjoyed reading it- it reminded me so much of my Medieval Bachelor challenge that I pulled up that neighborhood from 2007 just to look at the pictures again. Thanks so much for that. :hug:

*And thanks for the seasons mod to adjust the length of the seasons for my next rotation to be a week. Such a gold mine of info around here- love it. :goodvibes:
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Amani Ceberlandon »

This was a cool read.
Geez you've got a lot of fighting going on. Those dudes need to like chill.
Course I guess it kept the "ratings" up. :lol:
I've sort of been toying with doing a modern RAK challenge myself. Well sort of.,,,it's more my modern day simself decides to control a town full of sims from all over the frakin place. I just don't want to have to download a gazzilion pieces of CC to a specific time period. And dang it I want my stereo and computer.
Plus I'm super lazy and that's too much work to keep to one "theme".
Clovis seems cool. Looks like he'll make a good consort. I'm sure he knows how to obey the clicky person already so no extra work for you on that end.
Good luck with your hood! May it be prosperous!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Amani!
Yep, Clovis is used to taking direction from his Goddess. My kind of man!
Rflong7, is that old Medieval bachelor challenge published somewhere? If not, why not post it here? I'd love to read it.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Rflong7 »

It was posted on the TS2 BBS. I didn't start using a Blog until TS3- never liked their story boards and having to keep the pictures.

I wish I still had the story but I only have the pictures and I doubt I could write it all again. It was my first and only Bachelorette plus it was my first Medieval neighborhood, too. it's one of 4 neighborhoods I kept from back then. XD
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Bouncer »

Love your intro and challenge, this was a great read while enjoying a bowl of chicken noodle soup!
Even with the lack of rules, I'm really curious how you are going to layout the challenge especially after finding all your Bachelors. Really came over after reading Mia's TPC, and see what happened to Nep. But now I have to go read your Apoca so I can see what Clovis ended up doing in straining situations. I personally was cheering for Beat, but found it quite interesting how the dram unfolded. Started making me brainstorm when I would do this in my own BACC. Can't wait for the wedding!!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Rflong7 and Bouncer!

Rflong7 - Yeah, we lost a lot of great stories when the BB went away, didn't we?

Bouncer - Oooh, a new reader! Thanks!
Actually, I've written up a presentation to explain the rules under which I will be operating, as there are a lot of restrictions on who can marry whom, and what jobs they can have, business and college requirements, and the like. But beyond that, I want them to be able to make full use of what the game offers. As much as I love apocalypse challenges, sometimes, I just really want my sims to enjoy a good dance competition, or something.
My Alphabetepic challenge is next in rotation for play, and I've been off-sims for a month, because of health issues, but I should be getting back into it soon, so hopefully it won't be TOO long before the wedding. I still have to build the Royal Court community lot, for it, and figure out how to get everyone to a wedding party, when my computer will only allow 2 guests to be invited, and how do you do a party at a community lot, anyway? Cheating may be required.

My computer only allows about four or five customers, even at a level 10 business, but if it's an unowned community lot, it can have more come. I don't understand it. Well, that's what you get when you get a low-end laptop, right? So, I'm considering making the Royal Court community lot an unowned lot, since I had already decided it would be free-entry, anyway. I didn't want to charge sims to visit court, especially if I anticipate there being plenty of court activities, such as royal weddings, court balls, and perhaps the odd trial. The Queen will "own" it, just like she owns the whole country, I suppose.

The great thing about playing unscored and just for fun is that I can make up my own rules. I do like to have rules, though, because I enjoy a bit of a challenge. So far, though, my rule for the Queen seems to be "She's a simself, and can do whatever she darned well pleases, thankyouverymuch."
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Keika »

I'm impressed! That BC was a lot of fun! I love the idea of using one to found an RKC, too. What a great way to assign classes!
You had some great choices of men in there, too. I was really sad to see Beat go. I remember him from Sam's Towering Legacy, and he was really cute. ^^

I KNOW I had something more specific to say, but now that I've burned through all the chapters at once, I can't remember what it was. Oh, well. Sorry. This was a great beginning! I'm looking forward to seeing the royal wedding!

P.S. SO FUNNY that your old founder ended up winning! XD
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Keika! Impressing you means a lot, since I'm so impressed by you!

Yeah, I have a lot of prep work to do for the next chapter, as well as building lots (NOT my favorite thing), and I have two other challenges in rotation, so I'm afraid it will be a little while (especially because RuneScape had Double XP weekend, and I got caught up in preparation/playing that, for a while). I'll get back to it, though, don't you worry.

My medication SEEMS to be finally stabilizing, so I'm not too dizzy/queasy to play all the time. Just some of the time. Yay. I should be able to step it again, then.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by Pony »

Oh this was a cool idea. A perfect way to get an RKC going. Even with the anti jealously hack the suitors still ended up fighting all the time. It'll be fun to see how they interact in the neighbor hood. I can't wait see what's next!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Pony!

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, as well. I just have to finish building up all the lots (so not my favorite). Also, this is third in my game play rotation for when I'm actually tying to be "productive." So it will still be a little while. But not forgotten nor forsaken.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »


I added the First Royal Proclamation, which describes the rules under which I'll be playing. It's in presentation form, and shouldn't be too long or confusing, I hope, since I'm not playing for points, or anything.

Next, I added the first chapter, the Royal Wedding, including the honeymoon and the Simself family's first week of play. Although, technically, it was a short week, due to the fact that it really wound up starting on a Tuesday night.

All weekly play rotations will end just after midnight on Monday.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Radiochocolate »

The laws are really interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing them in action! And with the first chapter to confirm, you seem to have a severe case of nepotism (as does any Goddess/Simself/Queen) B) I'm assuming aliens don't count as mystic? Update soon!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Ani-Mei »

It got hung up on slide 89 so I wasn't able to finish the chapter. >_< But anyway, nice to see this finally beginning, I lost my RKC again since my laptop died. I don't know if I will do another one. Kinda pissed at losing two already. Cute little prince though, too bad he can't inherit but hey, red hair is nice!! Anyway, nice chappies.
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