Evolution & Progress in Change (EPIC) Challenge TS3

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Evolution & Progress in Change (EPIC) Challenge TS3

Post by StyxLady »

(For the Sims 3)
This challenge is so unique and so different that you’d be hard pressed to find any one like it. The challenge is what you make it, you pick your rules and limitations through mini challenges and then, halfway through the challenge you choose your own path. How do you want your family to go? Towards the light…or towards the dark? Remember though, it all comes full circle.

Have you ever wanted to try an apocalypse challenge but found the rules too restricting? (And there are so many of them!) This challenge is for you! It's a kind of a mix between an apocalypse and a choose-your-own-adventure book. (Does anyone remember those besides me?) It's also perfect for those who crave a challenge that begins in the past, and becomes more modern with each generation. It's fantastic for story-telling, but would work well for a commentary-type story as well.

Starting out:
Your founder may be male or female. You may purchase any size empty lot in any town to begin with.

General Rules:
-CC is fine, but using mods in a way that gives you unbalanced advantages is not.

- Due to a shortage of the availability of birth control, the world is overpopulated. The government puts strict limits in effect: Sims may only have one child per household.

- Homes are limited to one room in the house per occupant. For example, a house with just the founder will be a studio with everything open (half-walls are allowed, however). A house with the founder, his spouse, and his child can have a kitchen, a living room, and a bedroom. When the founder grows old and passes on, you do not have to delete a room now that you have one less sim in the house, but the next time you add a sim to the household, that existing room is claimed by the new sim, and another may not be added.

-There can only be one baby per generation, unless you randomly get twins/triplets (Fertility Treatment LTR is not allowed). If that happens, the eldest will be heir/heiress, and you may not control the others at all throughout their lives. If you have Generations, the non-heir twin or triplets must be sent to boarding school during childhood and teenagerhood. Upon YA-hood, all non-heirs must move out immediately.

-The family may move to different towns or lots, but the room rule must apply, so if you move just your heir to a new lot, he'll be back down to a one-room house again.

- Compendium farming is not permitted.
Generation 1 - Garden of Eden:
- Must have a pond and plant a garden on the lot.
- House may only be wood or stone, with a dirt, stone, or wood floor.
- Wooden windows are allowed.
- Electricity has not yet been invented, so NO lights (except candles/torches) or electronics.
- Toilet must be placed outside, outhouse-style (except without the “house” part…so no walls enclosing it).
- No showers allowed, and the tub must be placed outside (I.E. filled with pond water).
- Since there is no running water, sprinklers may not be used.
- Only the cheapest washing machine is allowed, and no dryer (just the clothes line).
- Male founder or male spouse must enroll in military, gardening or fishing career. A female founder or female spouse must enroll in the culinary, gardening or fishing career. Either could also choose to run a horse ranch (breed and sell horses, and enter competitions for money).
- Women must have babies at home - NO hospital.
- No travel (planes haven't been invented yet).
- Can only gain athletic skill from the weight bench, jogging or swimming.
- No cars, including carpool. Must purchase a bike or ride a horse.
- 2nd generation heir must get to level 5 skill of two of the following before he/she becomes a YA: gardening, fishing, riding, cooking.
- No phone use (they haven't been invented yet). Must go to others' houses to visit/meet someone.

- Gen 1 Mini Challenge: NO fridge allowed until the founder or spouse reaches level 10 of his/her chosen career. Sims must eat from their own garden. Before their garden is providing food, they will have to find others’ gardens from which to eat. +3 points
Generation 2 - Sound of Music:
- Heir must choose between music career or self-employed artist/sculptor.
- Spouse may work in any of the listed jobs the heir did not choose, or culinary, fishing, gardening or ranching/riding.
- Starting with the sims of generation 2, if the heir(ess) or spouse masters the handiness skill, cars/carpools are unlocked. If this generation doesn’t complete this, it will be up to future generations to gain the necessary skill.
- Starting with the sims of generation 2, if the heir(ess) or spouse masters the artistic skill, walls and floors may be any material. If this generation doesn’t complete this, it will be up to future generations to gain the necessary skill.
-Once heir reaches the top of the music or artistic careers, radios are able to be purchased and used, and you may make use of plastic surgery from the hospital.

- Gen 2 Mini Challenge: Make at least 1000 simoleans by busking (no subway busking). +3 points
Generation 3 - Let there be light!:
- Your heir(ess) has a choice between the science and inventing career field.
- Spouse may work in the field the heir did not choose, or any other previously unlocked profession.
- When the heir(ess) reaches the top of the inventing or science career, the light bulb is invented and lights can now be placed. NON cell phones may also be used, as well as telescopes;
- Sims may now use planes to travel to foreign lands;
- Indoor plumbing has been invented, so dishwashers, toilets and showers may now be placed indoors;
- Dryers of any quality may now be purchased, and you may now replace the cheap washer with an expensive one.

- Gen 3 Mini Challenge: Discover all potions and inventions during this generation. +3 points
Generation 4 - Sports & Entertainment:
- Your heir(ess) has a choice between the acting career, sports career, or mixologist/nectarologist.
- The spouse may work in the field the heir(ess) did not choose, or any of the previously unlocked professions.
- Once the heir(ess) has reached the top of the acting career or the sports career (or has reached level 10 of mixology and earned the ability to moonlight at all bars, clubs, and lounges AS WELL AS level 10 of nectar making), televisions, video cameras, cell phones, and arcade games are able to be purchased and used, as are workout machines.
Generation 5 - Crossroads: Criminal vs. Law Enforcement:
- Heir(ess) has a choice between the criminal or law enforcement career.
- Spouse can ONLY choose one of the previously unlocked careers.
- If heir(ess) chooses the criminal career track - every child born afterwards will need to be given the rebellious trait (or evil if you don’t have Generations), until a future heir(ess) (generation 9) reaches the top of the law enforcement career. Also, if you choose this route, once heir reaches top of criminal track, couples can have as many children as they want, because they’re used to breaking the law anyway. Proceed to Generation 6-b
- If heir(ess) chooses the law enforcement track - every child born afterwards will need to be given the “No Sense of Humor” trait, until a future heir(ess) (generation 9) reaches the top of the criminal. Law enforcement track allows sims to purchase and use home security systems. Proceed to generation 6-a

- Private Investigators can choose to have high morals, which would conform with track A, or they can choose the more under-handed road, which would designate them onto track B.
- Less ethical investigators (the B track) are those who bribe or beat up sims for information, rather than befriending them. They steal objects from others and claim them as “evidence,” and blackmail other sims. Performing any of these actions forces the challenge onto the B track. Avoiding these and taking the high road allows the challenge to enter track A.
- Whichever kind of PI the heir(ess) decides to be has an effect on what kind of job his/her spouse must take. Moral PIs cannot have criminal spouses, and Underhanded PIs cannot have law enforcement spouses.
Generation 6 a. – Make the World A Better Place:
- Heir(ess) must join the political career or the firefighter career. Spouse may enter the job the heir does not choose, or do any previously unlocked profession.
- After reaching top of political or firefighting career, heir(ess) lifts the one child/family law, and smoke alarms are unlocked and able to be purchased.
- Once the heir(ess) reaches level 10 in the chosen career, the one room per sim restriction is lifted.
Generation 6 b. – It’s Just Business:
- Heir(ess) must join business career or ghost hunter career. Spouse may enter the job the heir does not choose, or any previously unlocked position.
-Once heir reaches level 10 of chosen career, computers and video games are able to be purchased and used.
Generation 7 a – Caring for Others:
- Heir(ess) must choose between medical career or daycare profession. Spouse may work in the field not chosen by the heir(ess), or any other previously unlocked profession.
- Once heir(ess) has reached the top level of chosen career, computers and video games are able to be purchased and used.
Generation 7 b. – Creative Thinking:
- Heir(ess) must choose between architectural design or self-employed writing. Spouse may work in the field not chosen by the heir(ess), or any other previously unlocked profession.
- Once the heir(ess) reaches level 10 in the chosen career, the one room per sim restriction is lifted.
Generation 8 a. – Serving the Public: Education or Journalism:
- Heir(ess) must choose between education or journalism career tracks.
- Spouse may work In the field not chosen by the heir(ess), or any other previously unlocked profession.
Generation 8 b. – Serving the Public: Journalism or Medical:
- Heir(ess) must choose between Journalism or Medical careers. Spouse may work in the field not chosen by the heir, or any other previously unlocked profession.
- Once heir(ess) reaches level 10 of chosen career, smoke alarms are able to be purchased.
Generation 9 a. – Full Circle: Criminal:
- Heir(ess) must join the criminal career. Spouse may do any previously unlocked career.
- Once heir(ess) reaches level 10 in criminal career, “No Sense of Humor” trait is no longer required for each child.
Generation 9 b. – Full Circle: Law Enforcement:
-Heir(ess) must join the law enforcement career. Spouse may do any previously unlocked career.
-Once heir(ess) reaches level 10 in law enforcement, “Rebellious” or “Evil” trait is no longer required for each child, and home security systems are unlocked.
Generation 10 – Go Out With A Bang:
- Heir(ess) must have 10 biological children.
- All children must live with the heir(ess), and all toddlers must learn walking, talking and potty before their child birthdays.
- 5 for each restriction broken
100 points for finishing all 10 generations
1 point per $100,000 the family has accrued
1 point per each skill maxed per generation (by any family member)

Mini Challenges:
You may pick and choose from these to custom-create your own challenge....or try to do as many as you can for the most points!

Roll the Dice: Give yourself 5 extra points if you randomize traits of all children for the whole challenge (minus the required traits following the crossroads). You can still do this mini-challenge if you choose to have a passed-down family trait, as long as you roll for all the rest of the traits besides the family trait.

“Every family has one…”: This mini challenge is in addition to the Roll the Dice challenge. Give yourself 1 point for each sim who rolls the Insane trait.

Business is Booming: Every three generations, the family must purchase as many businesses as they are able to, bringing their funds down to almost nothing. Businesses, once purchased, may not be sold, and must be maintained and, if possible, upgraded to the highest level. 5 points

“No well-behaved woman ever made history.”: Can you make your challenge into a Matriarchy? Must use watermelons to try and give birth to girls so each generation can have an heiress. The use of mods to tamper with gender does not count! 10 points

A Man’s World: Can you make your challenge into a Patriarchy? Must use apples to try and give birth to boys so each generation has a male heir. The use of mods to tamper with gender does not count! 10 points

Gnome Mania: Give yourself one point for each gnome on the family lot by the end of the challenge. Additionally, give yourself one point for each TYPE of gnome the family has collected.

Hoarder: An extra 10 points if the family has at least one of each type of insect/metal bar/gem at the end of the game. In the case of gems, another five points if the family has one of EACH CUT of every gem type.

Senility: Elders may not be controlled directly throughout the challenge. 5 points

Changing the Past: After child restriction is lifted, someone in the family must use the time machine to change one thing about his/her life such as: Must add a time-child to the family, must use time machine to add family friends, or change everyday outfit. 5 points

Doing it the Hard Way: Give yourself 10 points if you did not use any lifetime rewards during the challenge.

Creature Comforts: 3 points for each type of creature which joins your family’s household at any point in the challenge (Simbot, Ghost, Vampire, Mummy, Unicorn, or Imaginary Friend if it becomes real).

Who Needs Real People?: Heir(ess) must marry his/her imaginary friend. 5 points (one time only)

No Wish Left Behind: If heir(ess) rolls up a want and has a free spot, the wish must be promised and completed as soon as possible. You may disregard wishes which are against the rules of your current generation in the challenge. 10 points

Beautifully Decorated: If you have a sim in the painting or sculpting career, every 3rd piece of artwork MUST be placed somewhere in the home. 5 points

Seasoned Traveler: Give yourself 3 points for each maxed visa your sims have earned in other countries.

Pet Legacy: 10 points if you start the challenge with a pet (or the founder adopts one) and carry its line all the way until the end.

DIY: No handyman may be called at any time during the challenge; all broken appliances, plumbing, and electronics must be fixed by someone in the household. No maid or butler may be hired. 5 points

Love the One You’re With: 5 points if all spouses are found within the town and not created for the heir(ess) in CAS.

A Life of Secrecy – Founder and each following heir(ess) must be a vampire. They must guard this secret closely, and so may not make ANY friends other than potential spouses. May not use “Suck up to Boss” or “Chat with Coworkers” from the work dropdowns (or any similar option that raises relationships at work). Must have the family trait of Loner, and each child born into the house must receive this trait at the earliest opportunity. Spouses do NOT need to be made into vampires, but they can be. 10 points
If you run into any problems or have any questions, please comment in this thread so that we can address them. You can also PM any of the challenge's three creators: Rhea, mmmtoast, and StyxLady. And if you decide to try it, thank you! We hope you have a lot of fun with it. :)
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Re: Boolprop Evolution & Progress in Change (EPIC) Challenge

Post by Jenn »

I am within days of completing this. Are there any plans to add a badge for this? Also, is there any plans to update this through ITF?

I would like to thank the three of you for creating this great challenge. It took three years, but the end is in sight for the Vinson's. The having 10 kids is a super challenge.

EDIT: 1 point per each skill maxed per generation (by any family member)

Does this count for pets too?
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Re: Evolution & Progress in Change (EPIC) Challenge TS3

Post by skyegal23 »

I am going to do another one of these to replace one of my lost challenges.
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