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What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 3rd, 2017, 12:42 pm
by Nevermore
Here's the thing, I'm in the process of creating a challenge that can incorporate all styles of game play. Or at least not force players to do the same generic things to keep their sims alive longer. Obviously, it can't be just as simple as turning ageing off. I'd like to get some feed back from other players, to see what some of the most popular and least popular types are.

Do you like to use elixirs?
Life fruits?
Age Freeze potion?
Something else? (Please explain)

So, what do you do to keep your sims immortal?

Re: What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 3rd, 2017, 1:19 pm
by Jesslb429
My favorite sim so far has been Cammie and she's a vampire. I know usually vamps have a lifespan but if you have the immortal Lifetime reward from Supernatural they live forever or until cured. And the immortal reward also allows them to function in sunlight without death so they are normal except for extended life, sparkles, and glowing eyes.

Re: What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 3rd, 2017, 1:27 pm
by Nevermore
:yes: That is quite effective. I like that one for vampires too. What do you do if your sim is human, or doesn't have that option for the Immortal LTR?

Re: What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 3rd, 2017, 2:10 pm
by Jesslb429
I believe the immortal LTR only pops up for Vamps. Like King/Queen of the Fae only pops up for fairies. I'm not sure what happens if theyre cured and turn mortal with it but I'm guessing the effects are null.

Re: What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 3rd, 2017, 8:31 pm
by snazzle
I don't generally try to keep them around longer. I'm a family-focused simmer, so as sad as it is to let simmies go, I gotta make room for the new ones. I've only ever tried once to make a sim stick around longer - in TS3 one of the special challenges in the Athletic skill says that you live a longer life. I tried it with Liam. He made it 123 days on a 85 day lifespan. LOL (Probably ~20 days longer than my previous record-holder for long life.) For this baby boom challenge, I've been doing the life fruit. I like knowing that the second that final baby is popped out, mom & dad can age on as needed. LOL

Re: What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 3rd, 2017, 9:04 pm
by Ellenyarai
I cheat. But only if I really, really like them and there is no other way to extend their life. But as far as legal stuff goes, in the sims 2 I just use elixir. Vampires are too much trouble to keep alive and cowplants keep eating people I don't want them eating. In the sims 3 I generally go with the fairy occult. It's the funnest one for me, and I love the wings. I haven't tried many life-extending things in the sims 4. Their lives are pretty long anyways, and the pregnancies extend lives even longer. But I guess the elixir works pretty ok.

Re: What do you do to keep your fave sims alive longer?

Posted: December 5th, 2017, 10:08 pm
by MichelleCYoung
Sims 2 - Elixir, almost exclusively.

Sims 3 - Life fruit and ambrosia. What is this about tattoos? Never heard of them extending a lifespan. I have played the long-lived supernaturals, but never did the immortal LTR. That sounds awesome.

Sims 4 - Doesn't play nicely with my computer, so no clue. But I think there's some sort of lifetime points reward, or some such.