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Greenmere Peaks - A (DIY) BACC

Posted: June 20th, 2019, 3:59 pm
by simnights
Oops, I signed up for SimNaNo with this challenge and never posted it! Well, here we go! :shrug:
It's called a DIY BACC because I'm making up my own rules and livin' life on the edge :woot:
Welcome to Greenmere Peaks!
My Rules, Rounds List, Etc. Can Be Found Here
The City Initiative (or, why Build a City HERE?!)
There have been a few attempts to settle the mountainous lakeside area known as Greenmere Peaks in the past, but all have failed miserably due to famine, disease, and blood feuds that were exhacerbated by the settlement's remote location. But the population of SimState is growing too rapdidly to not expand into every nook, cranny, mountain, and valley of the land within its borders. For this reason, the government of SimState has created the Build A City Initiative (or just the City Initiative), which provides grants to qualified, adventurious applicants who wish to try their luck in remote locations with no exectricity, running water, or sufficient contact with the outside world.

As you can probably imagine, the program wasn't exactly adept at enticing many qualified Sims to apply.

Eventually, the SimSenate received enough applications to begin piloting the Initiative. Greenmere Peaks was one of the first round of areas granted to the care of three hand-picked applicants who, due to numerical constraints, weren't very qualified or even prepared for the task that lay before them.
The Rounds

Re: Greenmere Peaks - A (DIY) BACC

Posted: August 7th, 2019, 7:21 pm
by simsterlyrock
Just read all the updates on your tumblr. LOVE IT. Can't wait for more. :)

Re: Greenmere Peaks - A (DIY) BACC

Posted: January 27th, 2020, 10:59 am
by apocalypticautumn
Your game is wow beautiful. :melting: Love your settlers!