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So after my random forum browsing led me to a post about the Disney Princess challenge being converted for Sims 2, I thought to myself...why not? And that's how I found the Disney Princess challenge rules for Sims 3 after some link jumping. This is also going to be my SimNaNo story, I just have to make the thread first then go sign up as it is July 1st here in Ontario (and people are setting off fireworks at 4 AM for some reason ) Anyway, this is the thread and I am currently waiting on my founder Snow White to age up to YA, which won't be for a while.
Does seven kids mean that Caspian has to die before #7 though? That being said I'm happy to see the Grim Reaper back and better than ever. Working overtime so no one has a mum.
No, the father dying before the heiress reaches YA is for Generation 3, Tiana. Caspian gets to live to a ripe old age as he would be the grandfather of Generation 3, which is good because I love Caspian . Grim is back, he's not Solan or Reias in this just a regular Grim.
Yeah, can't have the evil villain without some kind of dopey minion to kick around. It's a fairy tale trope and I'm glad I can play up to that. I'm currently awaiting the seventh dwarf/kid in game. Looking forward to seeing the final kid.
Just because the originator of the plan is dead, doesn't mean the plan itself is dead. Also we'll see what happens because as I said, I don't plan things out when I write I'm an on-the-fly writer and most of the time it works. I have more writing to do for it today, the game decided to freeze on me last night when I was playing so I had to hard restart my laptop (I hate doing that), it either needs an graphics card update or Windows is trying to update again. They both lag and freeze when that comes out, one annoying thing about W10. >_<
Countess Romelda was already an elder and they have like 18 days before they die, less if they don't have the LTW fulfilled or enough points stored up. And well, Leon was just dumb enough to go to bed without eating so... I go to Moonlight Falls a lot, I like it even if it is kind of dark for pictures most of the time. I've played ahead and have enough for two more updates I'll just have to write them up later. Thanks for stopping in!
A double update today and for some reason the size tags don't want to work on my title for generation 2 so it's going to make me rage until it decides to work again!
I wanted to write last night but freaking Windows updates lagged and stalled out my laptop! It's still doing it now so I don't know when I'll get to write without interruptions today and it's irritating.
But thank you for stopping in to see what I DO have up so far.
Yep, I'm flying through this so far. I don't know where the inspiration is coming from, I just hope I can keep it up. I'd like to see how far I can go and if it will catch up to my Rainbow Sins challenge which is on generation 9. I need to get back into the writing of the final generation of that though. Thanks for stopping in
Well, finally got through the computer stalling updates and was able to begin generation 3. Since all the size tags are broken on my chapters, no one gets size tags anymore. If it's not going to play well with the others, it gets taken away.