[TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

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[TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Thaitanic »

A gnome comes to your House base, terribly distressed. "I was stolen from my home and I can't get back!" He says, "could you lovely people help me build a home for myself here?"
"Of course!", you say, because you're a lovely person.
"But," says the gnome, "I have a few strange requirements..."


There is a group of five gnomes which really need a new home! If you want, make them a little home to their little gnome requirements and post their homes below! One per House member, so if there are five members in a house all five can post a home if they want, and each member can choose a different gnome if they want. For every posted home you win 25 points for your house :)

However, each gnome has a weird request you need to fulfill! Gnomes aren't constrained to silly sim things like needing to go to the toilet or needing to sleep, so don't feel the need to give every gnome a bedroom or a bathroom like you would your sims! In fact, unless a gnome specifically asks for any of those things, you're pretty much free to do whatever you would like! Every gnome shares one requirement though, their home can only be as large as 7x7, because the gnomes feel too small otherwise! But every gnome has different tastes in decoration, and that's where the real challenge is! Even though the gnome pictures are from Sims 3, you are welcome to use any Sims game you like.

The Gnomes!:
This is Gnomepoleon Bonaparte and he is an angry gnome; how dare someone steal him from his home? He never wants that to happen again! Gnomepoleon requests his home have a fenced-in garden, and that it be flanked by his minimum of 10 flamingo guards. It must be built of solid materials like metal, or stone, or concrete. But don't think Gnomepoleon is solely focused on function, he simply must have something that reminds him of home - and if home is Champs Les Sims, that means expense! He needs the most expensive comfort item you can fit in (so that's beds, sofas, recliners, etc.).

Countess Gnomesferatu has fled from her home! But she would never admit it. Gnomesferatu lives a nocturnal life, and simply cannot have any windows in her home. However, that doesn't mean she wants total darkness! She needs to have at least five candles in her home at all times (it covers the unpleasant smell of rotting flesh), and she is a voracious reader - what else can one do when one's night is turning into morning? She needs two bookshelves and a comfortable chair to read it in! Back in her home, Gnomesferatu had a pet cowplant called Fifi. She'd like either a new cowplant to help her with her loneliness, or an image or picture of a cowplant to help ease the loss...

This is Pete. He doesn't ask for much, just a kitchen and a bed (he has to have a bed, he never saw the appeal of sleeping upright like the rest of his gnome cousins). But Pete misses his family, and even though he can't get home he'd like to still contact them somehow, so could he get three house phones? One for each member of his family, his husband, and their two children! Pete also has a bit of a guilty pleasure when it comes to animal print - so any animal print would be lovely. Pete, being a nice normal gnome, also LOVES gardening, so if you could give him a little garden that would be absolutely lovely!

This is CEO Pierre. Pierre is a normal guy really, just a multi-million simoleoned gnome on a summer vacation. He just wants a happy life and a nice home. Can you help? Pierre is a bit materialistic, he judges his happiness by how expensive his decorations are, so the more expensive the better, and he simply MUST have access to an expensive car or, if not possible, certainly at least a nice chair. A swimming pool is optional, but preferred, and if he doesn't have a jacuzzi he doesn't know what life is - so he has to have that. Apart from these few asks, he's not a picky guy - oh, did he mention that he wants a butler? He'd like a butler.

Etna the Bear who is also a Gnome is a bear who is also a gnome. She loves the story of Goldilocks, so would love to relive it in her own home. To do that, Etna know she needs to have a nice, comfy look to her home, with as much gingham as possible and lots of kitsch decorations! And obviously she needs a table and chairs to eat her porridge and the famous three beds (all of which of different types!). Etna remembers being read this story by her grandmother years ago and it's just stuck with her ever since! She paints about it all the time, so needs an easel or any other artistic thing in her house to help her capture her passions! So perhaps you can help with that?
If you have any questions, PM me! :)
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Heather »

Home for a Gnome
Countess Gnomesferatu




It was super fun building this little fire hazard home library. :)
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Mauricette »

I picked Gnomesferato, too.
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by milaek »

I also picked the Countess XP
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Ani-Mei »

Gnomepoleon Bonaparte:

Ten Flamingo Guards on duty to protect their leader's private island home.


Only the best in comfort items for a great leader.


Ah, fishing. Is there no better way to spend your time on your own private beach?


The view from your front window can't be beat, why not enjoy it in luxurious comfort?


Afternoon tea with friends perhaps?
P.S.: Sorry about the build mode pics, Sims 3 does not like to let me take pics of unowned lots. :llama:
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Emily Whalers »

Pete's Petite Palace:
Pete's always been a bit of an over-the-top kind of guy. Now that he's temporarily left his husband and kids behind for a better gnoming opportunity, he can decorate his little house as he sees fit!

Pete always wanted a leopard print fridge. The cowhide stove was just a bonus! And how can anyone think that fruit wallpaper is garish?!

His new bedroom features a delightful orange paint job, zebra-print curtains, a slightly-different cowhide rug, and a snakeskin bedding set, which he never bothers to make now that his husband isn't around to nag him.

Pete's living room features the always classic leopard print, some bright, happy lime green and hot pink, plus a great retro TV. Oh, and the three phones, one in each room? Pete never cared for cell phones - he's single-handedly keeping landlines alive!

Best of all, Pete has a little flower garden all to himself, without any pesky (but adorable) kids to trample through it!
The Scatterday Matriarchy - Chapter 5.9 and 5.10 published October 31, 2016
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Thaitanic »

I looove all these homes, and I know the gnomes do too :lol:
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Radiochocolate »

I quite enjoyed building this, makes me tempted to try out a few Let's Build It contests :D

While Gnomepoléon Bonaparte is furious about being stolen from his home, he has learned to make the most of his new one. He agreed to give me a tour, but since there are some revolutionary spirits back in Champs Les Sims to whom he'd rather not reveal his current whereabouts, I had to keep the camera hidden in order to not raise suspicion.
The frontyard is surrounded by a tall fencing, with our host's loyal flamingo guards on standby around the fortification. The mailbox provided by the postal service has been lowered for convenience, and while the mail carrier doesn't seem to be too fond of this arrangement, I think the beaked bodyguards have taught him to mind his own business.
The yard is so riddled with greenery that it would be more appropriate to call it a garden, but upon asking Gnomepoléon whether gardening is a hobby of his, the answer I got was a grunt and a mumble, so I guess it's better to leave it at that.
The 49 square house may be deemed small, but it holds a variety of items. Upon entering, one can not help but notice the fireplace on the opposite side of the room, ideal for warming up on cold winter nights. To its right, there is an enclosed area for bathing; to the far left lies the nectar bar and mounted juice bottle racks to accompany it.
To the left of the door, a divan of the most expensive and comfortable kind is situated, with an exquisite coffee table of marble and wood. Lined against the wall are three half-walled bookshelves with much quality reading (I presume). Gnomepoléon isn't too pleased about being taken before having a chance to pack some of his possessions with him, but fortunately he has managed to find nearly exact replicas of some of his favourite souvenirs and sculptures.
One can easily say that Gnomepoléon is a man of art, not only for the many paintings in his abode, but for the easel and supplies left in plain sight. As I complimented him on his taste in art, I asked why he kept his mirror so high up on the wall (and hoped that he wouldn't be offended by me indirectly mentioning his height). He eyed me for a few seconds, with a look that claimed me a fool for not knowing the obvious answer, and replied: "It is there as an aid for my greatest masterpiece yet to be: a portrait of myself". I nodded, and he continued with a smug: "I had counted on completing it several days ago, but it can be quite hard to focus with such a handsome distraction staring back at me".
Narration over :P As you can see, there are 10 flamingoes on the outer side (1 next to the chimney) and 1 next to the front door (he's François, Léon's personal bodyguard).
CC used: OMSPs, TS3 Gnome Conversion (more can be found here), Highsmith Fences, TS1 Wine Rack Conversion, The Cludder Ladder, Smaller (Empty) Dahlen Bookcase & Bookstacks, more Maxis bookstacks & recolors.

Edit 2019-10-18: Updated images to new host site.
Last edited by Radiochocolate on October 18th, 2019, 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by MichelleCYoung »

These are great!
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by jcampbell »

I thought I would go ahead and give this a go since I've been in the mood to build and it was so much fun!

I chose Etna the Bear ^^




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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by candiedgala »

I did Etna the Bear for House Llama.
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by calientequeen »

I also chose to do a house for Etna the Gnome-Bear!
here's the outside of her house. I went with a woodsy-outdoors kinda feel for it!
here's the little bedroom, with daddy bear's bed on the right and mummy bear's bed on the left. baby bear's little crib is sat in the middle!
here's the little kitchen. (Etna's gotta have somewhere to make her porridge of course).
here's the dining table, with daddy bear's chair that's too hard, mummy bear's chair that's too soft, and baby bear's high chair that's juuuussst right.
and here's the little artsy lounge area for Etna to paint whatever she sees out her window!
there's a surprising lack of gingham-decorated things in ts2 but I did my best :D I hope Etna likes it!
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by Thaitanic »

We loooove seeing Etna the Bear representation on this thread! <3
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by simsterlyrock »

I built a home for Countess Gnomesferatu!


It's tiny, but it has a cowplant, zero windows, two bookcases, a comfy chair, and at least 5 candles.


And here's the top down view.
I'm really happy with how it turned out and I might end up using it as an actual library in a house at some point. :lol:
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Re: [TGBO] A Home for Gnomes!

Post by candiedgala »

That's really nice! The cowplant looks right at home.
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