The Paraverse: Rotation 6.2 (31/05/21)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.2 (26/10/20)

Post by 108sims »

Woo go Jeff! You follow your dreams.

It's good Jeff's bros are still around. Always need a solid bro group. :lol:

It's not a party until something catches on fire!

Alec is outta there. He doesn't care about anyone attending the party. He just needs to make sure his food is safe. They can fend for themselves. :D

Jeff's there to save his best bro.

Awe the proposal was so sweet. I love Jeff's bros cheering them on.

I also love that they're both in plaid for their celebratory dinner.

Alec's just super in love!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.2 (26/10/20)

Post by Sam »

You always decorate the apartments so nicely :heart:

Love the bro squad, even if none of them stuck around for the weenie roast. Maybe they heard about how weenie roasts tend to end in fires :lol: I wish we had an actualy fireman career path, Jeff would be the perfect fit! The proposal scene with all of Jeff's bros was so sweet :) I love that beach in Brindleton Bay.

Alec has gone so sappy lately :lol: bless him!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.2 (26/10/20)

Post by Heather »

Whoops, it has been 2 months since I lasted posted, almost 3... :shifty: I have written up 3 more updates, so expect the last 2 rounds of rotation 5 to be up tonight or tomorrow! Hoping to post at least a round or 2 of rotation 6 before the new pack comes out, but we'll see how that goes. :lol:
108sims wrote:
Woo go Jeff! You follow your dreams.

It's good Jeff's bros are still around. Always need a solid bro group. :lol:

It's not a party until something catches on fire!

Alec is outta there. He doesn't care about anyone attending the party. He just needs to make sure his food is safe. They can fend for themselves. :D

Jeff's there to save his best bro.

Awe the proposal was so sweet. I love Jeff's bros cheering them on.

I also love that they're both in plaid for their celebratory dinner.

Alec's just super in love!
If only dreams could be that easily achieved in real life!

Yes, it's very important to surround yourself with a squad of supportive bros.

Pretty much any party could be made more... exciting with the addition of an unexpected fire. :lol: And they have legs, they can get themselves away from the fire just fine! Not Alec's problem, okay.

Jeff's bros may not always be there for him (or his parties), but at least Jeff will always be there for them!

Their multiple, matching plaid looks are completely unintentional, but still very cute haha.

It's kind of cute how sappy he got in this rotation!
Sam wrote:
You always decorate the apartments so nicely :heart:

Love the bro squad, even if none of them stuck around for the weenie roast. Maybe they heard about how weenie roasts tend to end in fires :lol: I wish we had an actualy fireman career path, Jeff would be the perfect fit! The proposal scene with all of Jeff's bros was so sweet :) I love that beach in Brindleton Bay.

Alec has gone so sappy lately :lol: bless him!
Thank you! I definitely prefer decorating to building, which is why I love doing the apartments so much - only gotta worry about the interior!

Haha, hey if the whole soccer team gets taken out by a weenie roast, how is their team gonna win?? Better sit this one out for safety. ;) A fireman career would also be perfect for thrillseeking or adventurous sims now that Snowy Escape has introduced lifestyles!

The proposal scene at the beach was one of my favourite moments that have ever played out in a sims game. <3 It was just so sweet and wholesome I almost cried a lil, haha. And it's such a nice beach, I just wish they could swim in the water there!

I can only imagine how much sappier he is going to get with sentiments!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.3 (17/01/21)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.4 (18/01/21)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.4 (18/01/21)

Post by Sam »

I also got completely sucked into Stardew Valley again :lol:
It looks like they were sharing popcorn with the familiar/the familiar was thinking of stealing a piece :lol:

So hyped to see the Vatores again :D Olive and Lilith wearing matching hats to the beach :heart:

I'm glad they fixed the future cube problem - and that Felix got to keep one :lol: he just wouldn't be Felix without one now, I think

Cole on the beach :heart: those sunset pictures are gorgeous

I love the yard you've given these guys!!

Leo's fishing pimp outfit :lol: he's so perfect for Scott

:o Scott getting hyper charged - I've never seen that in my own game!! It's so cool, but like you say, it's a shame it's not easier to achieve.

Sounds like Mars made the most of his vacation :lol:
Loved seeing the Paraverse gang again! :heart:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 6.1 (22/05/21)

Post by Heather »

Image Very sorry for the back-to-back hiatuses I took from this! Trying to get my blog caught up to speed again, so that I can figure out how I want to work all this new content we've gotten - and the content still to come! - into my gameplans. :)
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 6.1 (22/05/21)

Post by Sam »

:wave: it's nice to see you!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks at new content and then wonders how I can fit it into my little world :lol:

Miko is so cute with her knitting! It's the perfect hobby for her :heart: even if she doesn't always pick the best locations for it - surely knitting by the pool isn't a great idea? :D

Love going places and not seeing Thorne Bailey hogging the guitar :lol: if it's any consolation he's exactly the same in my game, too.

Have I mentioned before that their apartment is cute? Because it's so cute, you're so good at decorating them!

Cosmo! :heart: the kittens are absolutely adorable in this version of the sims! I also take far too many screenshots of them! Love little Cosmo sitting on his egg bed too :lol: :heart: And Jeff's delight over him!

Hooray for graduation!
Loved seeing the gang again, Heather! Can't wait to see what you have planned with all the new content :)
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 6.1 (22/05/21)

Post by Heather »

Sam: Hello! :wave: Now that I'm back I gotta catch up on your Culpeppers again!
Never got back to your last comments, so I'll add them in here!

I like to think that Cole would occasionally toss his frog a piece of popcorn. :)

I enjoy how in this save they have similar style but in totally opposite colour palettes. :lol:

Same! It was really funny at first but it got very old, very fast. Of course I had to let him keep one!

Sulani is just so gorgeous at any time of day. I only wish that we had more lots, so I had more room for nice beach houses!

I think it's starting to come together nicely!

I would love if there was an easier way to give my sims some lightning powers. I think once upon a time there was a mod that made it a CAS trait, but I suspect it's long since broken from patches, and I'm not sure if the modder is still around to update it.

If by 'make the most of his vacation' you mean 'acquire as many diseases as possible' then yes, Mars always makes the most of his vacations. ;)

I'm so bad that as soon as we get a hint of what's to come my brain goes into overdrive formulating all possible plans... I've already made like 3 different plans just based on whether the farming, fairy or werewolf speculations come true for the next EP! And those are just speculations!

I would absolutely drop my ball of yarn into the pool if I tried to knit poolside. :lol: And yeah, I think it is extremely fitting for her, seeing as donating the items to charity is also an option! :)

I am just so sick of Thorne Bailey in general. My least favourite NPC solely because I see him too much, haha.

I've probably said this before, but apartments are just so much fun to decorate! I love their little Evergreen one, but I really wanted to move them to Komorebi, so I had to find a way to work in some of their old items and colour scheme into their new house. ;)

I was going to adopt a full grown dog for Jeff and Alec, but now that I've seen how cute the kitten/puppy stage is, they are absolutely going to get a lil dalmatian puppy, and then I will proceed to cry over it, too. :lol:

2 down, 3 to go! Unless one of them drops out! There's a lot of possibilities with all this new content and I can't decide!
Ani: Thanks for pointing that out! Those tags must have been broken for a while. :lol:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 6.2 (31/05/21)

Post by Heather »

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 6.2 (31/05/21)

Post by Heather »

Just like to add that with the next EP confirmed I will finish posting this rotation, but going to take a hiatus from playing any further until it is released in July. :) So many good things coming that I don't want to play too far ahead!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 6.2 (31/05/21)

Post by Sam »

Some day Alec will run a restaurant :lol:

I still don't own Fitness stuff, but I'm very happy to see they tied the rock climbing wall in with the actual skill - I honestly expected EA not to bother! Also, loved seeing Jeff's temper tantrum :lol:

I know a jogging date is perfect for these two but I hope I never have to go on one irl :D

The dinner party was so cute :heart: Of course everyone needs to watch Alec prep dinner, he's showing off his skills! Love that he took two servings, also :lol: "Well, I made it, therefore it's mine."
Totally get wanting to take the hiatus, the new pack is super exciting!! I have no idea how I'm going to work it into my current Culpepper gameplay yet, but I'll figure something out :D
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