Ms Robinson Makes Babies *COMPLETE* 12.29.24

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Re: Ms Robinson Makes Babies Chapters 12,13,and 14 *FINAL* 12.29.24

Post by creativecress36 »

Congrats on finishing!! :D :D
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Re: Ms Robinson Makes Babies Chapters 12,13,and 14 *FINAL* 12.29.24

Post by ciyrose »

Well, now that you have finished and I'm like still back on chapter 9, figured I would catch up. Real life has really been kicking my butt this last year.
Chapter 10: HAHA, yes, if I was late on my RL bills as often as I am in would not be pretty. Good thing this isn't an ISBI with all those pass outs. Rachel is pretty, I like her makeover. YAY for a girl, even if it did come with another boy. :D All these kids are honestly cute. YES!!! The TTTT's are the best! Similar to the TTPT (twin toddler potty traps if you are wanting them to gain potty faster in a different type of challenge.) :D HAHA, shower woohoo seems to be the ticket for you. I see those strawberries! lol Totally don't blame you one bit! I love the freckles!

Chapter 11: YAY for first try nooboo!!! Good luck with your changes to teens, but I can totally understand and see where that wouldn't feel like much of a challenge once they are at teens. LOL, so much naked Sienna, too funny. HAHA, hidden strawberries, but I still see them. :tongue: I love little Trevor, such a cutie. Trevor looks so cool in that picture of him getting all his skills. lol I was just waiting for the multiples. I could feel them coming. You never did get that girl surge I really expected you too.

Chapter 12: LOL.....yep, just totally normal trees with STRAWBERRIES! lol Seriously kidding, I would be downing strawberries myself. Easton just there being like, what, who's a vampire? I found the strawberries! :wave: She was just TESTING the strawberries he made nectar out of right? Xenia is TOO CUTE!

Chapter 13: That is a VERY empty lot, you are right. LOL, I love fires that are found and out all within the span of me going, wait, fire, where? I am in love with Xenia! She's so cute, and so pretty! I hope you use her for SOMETHING else! I HATE that writing glitch! Oooh, canoodling. OH MAN, twin boys AGAIN??? At least if you were going to have twins ONE could have been a girl!

Chapter 14: Wow, lots of spontaneous woohoo with this donor. Eee, I like Elena, she's another super cute girl, love her makeover! YAY, you did get twin girls!!! WOOHOO!!! Congrats! I know they have to survive and all, but still. I have never had a gift given like that I can't answer, but how interesting. Wow, they are EXACTLY the same, that's crazy. What fun though!
Woo, it's done. What a crazy challenge you put yourself through, but great job finishing!

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