Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

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Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I've read some really fun bachelor challenges here on Boolprop, and thought I'd like to do that, too. But, I can't load any downloaded sims (I don't know why. I've tried. They simply don't show up), so doing simselves with my hero doesn't work. I don't have SimPE (on a Mac), so extracting a legacy/challenge sim doesn't work.

Basically, I have come to the conclusion that the only way I can do a Bachelor Challenge is as a stand-alone thing, starting fresh with new sims, and that just strikes me as plain silly, because who would even care who won? Where's the pay-off?

So, I've decided that my Bachelor Challenge will be the beginning of a new story, in which the couple are the founders of the story. I've been wanting to do a Kingdom Challenge, so my King will start off doing the Bachelor Challenge with 7 "ladies of the court." The winner will become Queen. (Or maybe I'll take the opposite route, and have the Queen looking for a King). The losers, on the other hand, will be the "founders" of the appropriate levels. For example, the first and second ones to be disqualified will be peasants, the third and fourth would be merchants, and the fifth and sixth disqualified would be the nobles. These founders of their classes must find mates from among the Townies, and then the "must marry from appropriate class" rules would begin with the children.

Obviously, with one's standing in the community riding on success in the challenge, the competition for rankings will be particularly fierce, even if there's no chemistry.

I call it "The Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge."

Now, since the founders will basically lose a week of their lives before they begin their life as founders, and lose all that time of finding potential mates of their own, I can balance that by gifting each of them with 1 bottle of Elixir of Life, via SimModder and let them drink a week's worth before they move out.

Obviously, since I can't determine in advance who will wind up in which rank, I can't do the thing where you decide that Townies with this hair/skin color are this rank, and that hair/skin color are another. So, I'd have my simself use the teleportation urn, and meet each townie, and (OMG, this is a lot of work!) classify them based on their jobs or something like that, put it all in a spreadsheet, and go from there. Or maybe just teleport in all the non-eligible townies and KILL THEM OFF! MUAHHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Heheh. Yeah. I like that. Sims could marry playables from the appropriate class, or appropriate NPCs. For example, peasants can marry maids, gardeners, repairmen, or Garden Club members. Merchants can marry store clerks, DJs, bartenders, police, firemen and the like. Nobles and Royals can marry "Foreign Dignitaries" (they have to actually go on a "diplomatic mission" to another country to find a mate.) Royals can only marry among the vacation "locals," while Nobles could marry tourists, as well. I might throw in an option for "forbidden love" if it comes via wishing well or matchmaker, but they have to pay a price to be allowed to marry outside their proper rank, such that the couple's new rank will be the LOWER of the two. True love doesn't mind stepping down a peg or two, after all.

Anyway, I thought I'd put this out there and see if this made sense to y'all. I am nearly done with my apocalypse challenge, and want to start planning for future projects. I can do the prep-work, whenever I'm taking a break from apocalypse life.

Heck, maybe I'll make my simself the Queen. I actually was able to get the Simself to work before BodyShop went flooey again. And a bunch of male founders for the various ranks, fighting for the right to be my Prince Consort. Yeah. A modern-day kingdom without CC, but with plenty of politics.

Edited to change the name of the thread, since it's not just a nebulous idea, anymore, but an actual plan.
Last edited by MichelleCYoung on March 23rd, 2015, 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Idea for a Bachelor Challenge

Post by Ani-Mei »

Sounds interesting, not sure why custom sims won't show in Bodyshop. I know when I had that problem it was because there were only so many that could be shown in the CAS screen before the others just "vanished" I had to do some purging of sims I never used to make the ones I did want to use show up. It's why I thought I lost Helen from my legacy. /end voice of experience. Hehe, good to see another RKC being concieved of.
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Re: Idea for a Bachelor Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

It's weird, but when I have no CC, Bodyshop will open. When I have any CC, however, Bodyshop will not open. It will get ALMOST through the loading bar, and then freeze, and when I check on it, it says, "Not responding," and the only option is to force-quit.

So, I can have non-CC Bodyshop sims, but no CC Bodyshop sims, so I'm really limited. I was able to do Bodyshop files for my simself, Clovis Badass, and a couple others. But then, I broke down and downloaded two skins and a hair, for some fun genetics, and BANG!!! Bye, bye, Bodyshop.

And every sim I've tried to download, even if they come without CC - every one I have downloaded from friends' sites - will NOT even show up in my SimBin. At all. I have no idea why. My only functioning option is to create my own sims. I can remove those two skins and a hair, and make Bodyshop work again for non-CC sims, but I have to be the one to create them, or my game just will NOT recognize them. So weird.

It's probably just something funky with my specific computer, but it's the only one I have, so I work with what I have.

What I have allows me to start a challenge with complete unknowns for the stars, but dangit, I'd like to have fun with some simselves, or favorite characters from another legacy or challenge. Plus, without SimPE, I can't extract any sims, either.

Maybe that's why I've been having so much fun with my simself. She's almost the only saved-sim I have going.

Definitely gonna have Queen Simself, and the Bachelor Kingdom challenge, when I'm done with my current apocalypse. I do think that running four current projects is pushing it, but three different ones is OK, because it all depends on my mood, anyway, what I want to play that night.

As for paying taxes, I do have the teleportation urn, so I'll have my sims buy objects of the appropriate value, teleport over the Queen, and give her gifts, as payment. I have to keep my CC to a minimum. Then again, with a completely modern kingdom, I can have Duke Surfer Dude, or Sir Goth, or something like that.

Any requests for Bachelor-types? I'm not averse to growing up an alien-baby to serve as one, because I can clear out all the skills and stuff, with SimModder. I know I can boolprop the skin, but the facial features are another matter. There are some good character-type costumes even in base game. I'd love to use the space-uniform from base game with an alien sim, or the Scottish kilts with a bearded highlander. I have Open For Business, so ninjas, knights, divers and gorillas are also fair game. Bon Voyage outfits, as well. No vampires, please, because I'd have to make EVERYONE nocturnal, to make it fair, but the vampire outfit, and a "cured" character would be fine. I could even make the cure temporary, and have him revert to his nightlife ways after the challenge is over.

Give me your Bachelor requests:
  • *Include physical description or pics of a sim I can copy and create in-game, please. If you want to specify the Face number, that's fine, too.
    *Also include character description, zodiac sign, aspiration, and turn on/off list. Even the LTW can be assigned.
    *If you want him to have any character quirks that I can play, such as he's fond of painting, or this guy hates showers, put that in the character description. Grilled cheese aficionado? Fine. Horndog Knowledge sim who wants six occult grandchildren? Sounds like a blast. I could assign Knowledge aspiration, 10 Outgoing, and the "Have six grandchildren" LTW, and the rest would come from how I play him. ISBI reject? Mad Scientist with plans of Kingdom domination? Just tell me what sort of Bachelor you want me to play, and I'll try my best to play that character.
    *NO CC!, and I have no access to SimPE or other such tweaking software, so please accept my limitations.
    *If alien, he'll be grown in-game, in another neighborhood, then packaged and moved into the Kingdom, so facially, you'll get what the game gives, but I'll SimModder his character for you, any way you want. As for genetics, request what you want his father to be like, so he can have blonde/black hair mix, blue/alien eyes, or whatever.
Remember, you don't have to make him want my simself, if you don't mind seeing him become a peasant, but if you want him to be king, turn-ons are a must. My simself is fat, blonde, wears glasses, and currently has no make-up or jewelry, but I probably will add make-up and jewelry, to make her more "Queenly." She'll start as a blank slate on skills, although my character will tend toward building creativity, charisma and logic, but leaving body alone. Cooking, cleaning, and mechanical will be the job of the Servo I intend to move in with her, so she won't even bother with those skills. Bear that in mind, as you design the future King (or maybe a merchant) of Youngdale.

I will take the first seven Bachelor requests and start the set-up process whenever I need a break from working on chapters of my current projects.
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Re: Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

Post by Chase »

Moved as requested :D
hello! :heartbeat:
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Re: Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

Post by Scribal_Goddess »

This sounds like buckets of fun!

Bodyshop: are you entirely certain that you're running the one based on your most recent expansion? Last time I reinstalled I couldn't figure out which of the bodyshops came with pets vs. apartment life, and couldn't open it forever until I girded my loins and went to MATY to look for an appropriate thread.

If you go to your programs and find two (or more) versions of Bodyshop, delete the one that was installed first. There can only be one. :geek:
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Re: Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

My bodyshop issues were in the Super Collection with Mac (only one installation). I was able to use it, right up until I installed my first CC. After that, even after deleting the CC, there was no making it work.

Now, however, I am working on Windows, and can use it again. I have created all my bachelors, and written out Day 1, already (One of my sims surprised me by just how MUCH he was in character!). I plan on writing the whole six days, and posting the challenge all at once. It shouldn't take too long, and then I'll be able to really get this neighborhood started.

Oh, and although he's not a founder, I couldn't resist putting Vis White in town, as a "Townie." He's not eligible to marry into any family (Gabie won him, fair and square), but don't be surprised if he shows up in the background on community lots and autonomously interacts with people. I tried to get permission from Keika to use him, but she's been offline for months, so I will not incorporate him into my writing, but I enjoy just having him in my neighborhood, as an uncontrollable character. I figure that's a fair compromise.

Anyway, I'm off to play, now. I'd love to have this Bachelor Challenge finished this weekend. It really goes fast, once you get the house built and the ball rolling.
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Re: Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

Post by mysterymusic7 »

It's exciting your getting close to publishing this Michelle.
I'm really looking forward to reading it.
Vis is awesome! I love that little alien spawn. LOL

That sucks about bodyshop though. So weird.
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Re: Royal Bachelor Kingdom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

It's posted!

Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge

Thanks, again, everyone who helped me out with the bachelors! I had so much fun with them!
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