I'm so mean to my sims.

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I'm so mean to my sims.

Post by MichelleCYoung »

So, my Sims 2 game got so glitchy on my Mac, I uninstalled/reinstalled/uninstalled/reinstalled/uninstalled/reinstalled/waited for years/uninstalled/reinstalled... >.<

Now, I cleared out a bunch of space on my Windows laptop (it came pre-loaded with :censored: that took up more than half of the storage memory! I HATE THAT SO MUCH!!!), and installed (including three rounds of uninstall/reinstall with the whole thing plus mods), and now I am playing it safe. Plain vanilla, no mods at ALL, and just installing one thing at a time, to play test. I do have all the store content downloaded and installed, and each EP gets its associated SP loaded at the same time.

Anyway my legacy founder keeps maxing out all the skills on each thing, before I'm ready for a new one (gotta find a good stopping place before I quit and install new stuff, right? I wanna plaaaaayyyy!) so now I have reached the point where she is just too annoyingly perfect, and I want to kill her off. Of course, it doesn't help that I wrote her that way. What writer said to "Kill your darlings"?

I promised myself no kids until Generations, so they can have the full experience from the get-go, so I can't kill her off until Supernatural, probably. They need to be at least teens by then (or else I get a monster to take care of them).

But really, how mean is it for me to be longing to kill off my founder, with five installations to go? :diablo:

Of course the question now is, jelly bean or turned to gold, and do I raise her as a zombie? Because frankly, she's annoying me so much, I want her to suffer.

I'm nice in real life, but I do tend to torment my sims, if they annoy me. If they don't annoy me, I do all in my power to make them happy, but annoy me once, and BLAMMO! I'm a vindictive goddess.

Plus, this has turned into yet another project for me, because obviously, I don't have enough. I THINK I am keeping to the Sims 3 legacy rules. I'm not strictly scoring, though. And I'm not going to post until at least December, because my SimNaWriMo and NaNoWriMo have to come first.

I just want to know, to all you other Sims-writers out there, how soon do you plot the deaths of your sims, or do you just wait for things to take their natural course? Do you set up "accidents," or cross your fingers that they will (or won't) happen?

Funny thing is, I want my annoyingly perfect founder to die, but the spouse? The one that came with only three traits and one favorite, and that I vowed to kill off as soon as he gave my founder an heiress? HIM I saved from an accidental death, just because I like the guy. In his quiet puppy way, he has wormed his way into my heart, and I will miss him when he's gone. But really, how many meteor death chances do you GET? And I WASTED IT! Waaaaahhhh! I could have brought him back as a playable ghost, but noooooooo! :banghead:

Now, if the meteor had gone for HER...

Is there a way to trigger a meteor?

In other news, I've been reading Dysfunctional (sp?) legacy while I install, so in fits and starts, and I have learned something from it. My family WILL get glitched enough that they will have to move from town to town, so I have decided to update base-town saves (I have all the Store towns saved as "original," base-game only, and I think I'll go set them up gradually with Ambitions stuff, and a few special lots, as well, saving each incarnation as I go) so that I have a new town ready to at all times. In fact, I might even keep a clean/updated Sunset Valley. Currently I am playing in "Lunar Valley," so called because I have replaced almost all the rabbit holes with the ones from Lunar Valley, gathered into a single lot for convenience and to clear out as much real estate as possible for future lots from the future EPs. So, yeah, I'll update that as I go, and they can "move" into the same town, but fresh.

Actually, I think that instead of moving the whole legacy family to the other neighborhoods, I'll send my spares off to their own games (avoid the story-progression incest), and explore the worlds that way. They won't get much screen time, but it will make for a nice change, right?

Is there a way to move a single sim from the clipboard to the library, and then delete them from the clipboard, so they are OUT of your current town, and available to play elsewhere? I've never done that before.

Also, is there a type of death that leaves a green ghost? Ummm,... asking for a friend. yeah

ETA: Yeah, I changed my mind about updating each town with each installation. I've got the originals, and can update whichever ones I want, whenever I'm ready to use them, and even update them in different ways! Also, can't be bothered right now. Time to install Late Night and Outdoor Living!
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Re: I'm so mean to my sims.

Post by Ani-Mei »

The meteor seems to happen randomly, it scared the willies out of me when it crash landed on Clear's front lawn minutes after I began to play her. I think it has something to do with University Life, I had the Llama dropping off the freebie bucket when the meteor hit. I'm still a newb when it comes to Sims 3, I never delved too deeply into the game before I just used it to play casually.

I don't know if you can SimBin a single sim in Sims 3, unless I have them saved in CAS to use in a new game file, they aren't in the bin for the neighbourhoods. I think there's a green ghost, I have Supernatural so when you choose to make a ghost they give you all the deaths right in the choice window.

I think it's disease, like Sims 2. The cowplant was a Store-only download object and I never got it so I don't know if that has a green ghost death too. I don't plan deaths of my Sims, as much as I wasn't too attached to Sims 3, after playing my Rainbowcy to generation 9 THEN UNINTENTIONALLY DELETING THE DAMN SAVE FILE...(to try to get rid of lag) I had to restart with my generation 8 heiress. Good thing she's an immortal werewolf,(my Immortal Life mod) I got to see my final generation start to be born.
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Re: I'm so mean to my sims.

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Ani-Mei wrote:The meteor seems to happen randomly, it scared the willies out of me when it crash landed on Clear's front lawn minutes after I began to play her. I think it has something to do with University Life, I had the Llama dropping off the freebie bucket when the meteor hit. I'm still a newb when it comes to Sims 3, I never delved too deeply into the game before I just used it to play casually.

I don't know if you can SimBin a single sim in Sims 3, unless I have them saved in CAS to use in a new game file, they aren't in the bin for the neighbourhoods. I think there's a green ghost, I have Supernatural so when you choose to make a ghost they give you all the deaths right in the choice window.

I think it's disease, like Sims 2. The cowplant was a Store-only download object and I never got it so I don't know if that has a green ghost death too. I don't plan deaths of my Sims, as much as I wasn't too attached to Sims 3, after playing my Rainbowcy to generation 9 THEN UNINTENTIONALLY DELETING THE DAMN SAVE FILE...(to try to get rid of lag) I had to restart with my generation 8 heiress. Good thing she's an immortal werewolf,(my Immortal Life mod) I got to see my final generation start to be born.
Thanks, Ani-Mei!

Actually, I've been reading up about it, and I think it's a toss-up between rant (University) and haunting curse (Supernatural) for green ghosts. Both of those are actually quite do-able, without relying on the chance of a meteor. Meteors came with Ambitions, I think, btw.

Oh, unintentionally deleting the save file! Gaaaah! That has happened to me, but now, thanks to my obsessive need to save EVERYTHING, and to avoid the :censored: Error 12, I now do a "Save As" and number. I'm at save #116 for my current game, and I just finished chapter 3. Eventually, I'll cull the old ones.

Once upon a time, I had a mod that did auto-save-as and shifted it around among four different saves. Automatically, every ten minutes. I didn't have to think, at all. It was wonderful. And then... Error struck. "No problem," I thought. I'll just go back to a previous save. Well, I don't know WHEN the error hit the game, but it was there for ALL FOUR saves! ALL of them! They all had that wonky picture with the rainbow background, and nothing worked. So, I deleted that mod, and did my unlimited manual save as system from then on. Now, if an error creeps in, and I don't notice it until it's too late, I can go back (possibly weeks) and find a family save somewhere or other, that's still good.

My brother and sister think I'm crazy for pathologically saving, but, yeah. It's an unbreakable habit for me, now. I clean out the saves folder by moving them to another folder with that family's name, so I can find them easily enough, and it keeps the main saves folder clean. Well, cleannish. I filled it up with "Original" saves of each of the neighborhoods, so that I can manually add stuff for the particular game I want to play. I do NOT like the way Ambitions assigns the lots, and like the assignments even worse for Pets, so I do it all manually, anyway. The nice thing is that I can place things differently, depending on how I want to play that particular family.

I'm just about to load Late Night, so I'll immediately do an "Original Bridgeport," but be stuck with the crummy locations of the fire department and what-all from Ambitions, because they come pre-loaded with later EPs. I wish there were an option to have a base-game Bridgeport.
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