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Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Sophie »

Boolprop Housewarming (Recipe Sharing)

So Boolprop's moving to its new house, and no house is truly a home without a housewarming party to help everyone settle in! But there is no way the admins are going to be able to feed the army of Boolprop members all by themselves, so we're asking you guys to help us feed the masses! To make the party a roaring success we want everyone to bring their own dish; it could be a new experimental dish you've been dying to try, or a tried and tested, signature dish you know will go down a treat at a party

So this thread is going to be the buffet table of our housewarming, we want you to share your party food recipes, and if you make it too, pictures are more than welcome. So come on and share your recipes to ensure we have all the food we could ever want for the party and no one goes hungry at the Boolprop houswarming!

(Credit to Sophie)
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by jenny42895 »

My two favorite College Budget Plus things, for lunch and dessert!

1. Noodles of Awesome
Ramen Block. (I used beef flavor)
2 eggs
garlic powder
terriyaki sauce

boil water (3 cups, 150% of instructed)
add garlic and ramen flavor and terriyaki sauce to taste as water is sitting and you're waiting for it to boil
Boil noodles as instructed
Crack eggs over boiling pot in last minute of cooking time and stir immediately to break them up

There. You have a full meal that will keep you going for a good long time (and it's cheap!)
2. I don't know what to call these besides "snackies" since I usually refer to them as...well, a sound hard to spell in English lettering.
Graham crackers (I like cinnamon grahams)
Peanut Butter
Chocolate chips

Spread peanut butter on the crackers and coat top with chocolate chips. Serve open face.
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by SmlKttn »

Chili Macaroni

Cook wide noodles according to directions
Drain and return to pan
Add a can of chili (Wolf brand is what we use)
Stir until chili is hot and noodles are mixed in nicely.

Inexpensive, quick, and easy to make.

You can also add spices to make it hotter/spicier
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Teresa »

Mexican Lasagna

Corn tortillas
Shredded cheese

Preheat the oven to 350

Spread a thin layer of chili in the bottom of the baking pan
Add a single layer of tortillas
Continue to layer chili, tortillas, and cheese until reaching the top, ending with a cheese layer. I tend to put in lots and lots of cheese :)

Cover with foil and bake for 60 minutes
Remove from oven, uncover and let stand for 15 minutes

Serve and eat!
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Ani-Mei »


1 cup sugar
2 blocks cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 can pie filling (for topping)
1 pre-made pie crust (graham, chocolate, or shortbread)

Mix together cream cheese, vanilla and add eggs until blended
Add mix to pie crust
Bake at 400 degrees F for 45 minutes
Let cool in fridge for 3 hours
Add fruit topping once cooled and serve.

I have this memorized because everyone who has my cheesecake says it's the best they've ever tasted.
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Thaitanic »

Super Lemon-y Madeira Cake i.e. the best thing ever

125g Self-raising Flour
125g Butter
125g Caster sugar (Granulated sugar is just as good, though!)
2 eggs (any size!)
1 Lemon (for zest!)
Lemon Curd
Double Cream (Optional)
Powdered Sugar (Optional)

Preheat the oven, first of all! To 180C/350F/Gas 4.

Cream the butter and sugar together until the butter pales, then crack in a single egg. Mix that together until the egg is fully ingratiated, then crack in the second. After that's been mixed, you're going to want to put a peeler to the lemon (or the lemon to a grater, whatever works) to get a good amount of lemon zest (I'd recommend enough to fill at least one tablespoon, more if you fancy!). Add in the lemon zest, then mix well. At this point, you want to sieve in your flour and mix it to create your batter.

At this point,with the lemon curd, you want to separate the batter into two (same-size) greased cake tins, and then put them in the oven to cook for 20-25 minutes at 180C/350F/Gas 4. After the twenty minutes, remove them, then choose one to be the base. On the base cake, you're going to want to spread your lemon curd evenly. Afterwards, pop the second cake on top, optionally sprinkle with powdered sugar, and then serve with some double cream drizzled on top! This also tastes fantastic with ice cream.
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by ceruleanbabe »

I don't cook unless the recipe contains copious amounts of sugar and/or is made in the microwave. So I have two desserts, one of which is microwaved! Yay.

The complicated one comes first: Texas Sheet Cake
2 sticks of margarine or butter
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 cup of water
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sour cream or soured evaporated milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla

Boil together the margarine, cocoa, and water. Then add the sugar, flour, salt, sour cream, eggs, baking soda, and vanilla. Mix it well. Pour onto the largest greased pan you can get your hands on.

Don't make the frosting until the cake is almost done. For when that comes up:
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
6 tablespoons milk
1 stick margarine or butter
1 box of powdered sugar (about 3 1/2 cups)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine the cocoa, milk, and margarine and boil it. Then remove it from the heat, add powdered sugar and vanilla, and mix. It should be very liquidy.

Now the fun part: While the frosting and cake are both still hot, pour the frosting over top of the cake, then set aside to cool. The frosting will soak into the cake and make this deliciously rich, dense, fudgy cake with a sugary layer on top. Careful, it's addictive.
This one's not really for a group, but it's a good recipe to have on hand.
Mug Brownie
Take a mug and put in it:
2 tablespoons oil (I use melted butter, but you could use vegetable oil)
2 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (you could probably use orange or mint if you want)
A pinch of salt
2 tablespoons cocoa poder
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons flour

Add the ingredients in that order, mixing after each one. Put the mug in the microwave for 70-90 seconds. I do 80 seconds, it's a good place to start.
If it rises above the level of the mug, don't worry about it!

Eat with ice cream, whipped cream, fruit, or a fork.
I think my chocolate obsession is showing. :cookie: :smore:
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Rhea »

Super duper bonus points if you include a picture with your recipe!
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Teresa »

Rhea wrote:Super duper bonus points if you include a picture with your recipe!
Well, time to start cooking. I need to see if I have the cheese :hmm:
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Rosanna »

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cupcakes: recipe here
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Sporks »

Chelsea's Killer Guac

Who says some mashed up avocado's with spices is guacamole?! I mean, lots of people... but that's not how it flies over here.


1 Tomatillo (a small green tomato like veggie covered with a leaf-like sin on the outside)
1 Jalapeño
3 Avocado's (or 2, depending on size)
1 or 2 Limes
2 cloves of garlic
Half of a red onion
Chili Powder
Hot sauce
And other seasonings, according to taste
(Yes, fire)

To begin, you first need to fire roast the tomatillo and the jalapeño till it's warm and the skin is slightly blackened. On the jalapeño, it'll enhance the flavor. Next, cut up the tomatillo and place in a bowl. Using whatever you can, mash the tomatillo, skin and all till it's soupy. Next, finely chop the garlic cloves and cilantro (as much or little as you want) and add to the bowl. Mash this up as well. Repeat the chopping and mashing process with the onions and pepper, only, not too much. Just to loosen and release the flavors. Then, cut up the avocado's and continue the process of mashing and mixing it till the mix is combined as you wish. Now, it's time to add the lime and spices! This really up to you, honestly. Squeeze the lime juice and then add, add the flavors that you want!
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by mandarine »

A recipe thread? Here I come :D

I have...brownie cookies!!
You’ll need

125 grams of chocolate, at least 60% of cocoa
40 grams of butter
100 grams of flour
100 grams of cocoa (sweetened)
50 grams of shugar
a pinch of salt
1 pakage of vanilla shugar or vanilla
1 package of baking soda
2 eggs
100 grams of shredded chocolate
add nuts or almonds or whatever extra crunchies you want in

The 125 grams of chocolate need to be melted with the butter so you can get a nice paste you’ll soon mix into the rest of the dough. Stirr well, because the butter-chocolate mixture doesn’t need fatty eyes.
Mix all the dry ingredients, then add the eggs and the chocolate paste. Add the shredded chocolate and your crunchies.
The dough should be somewhat droopy, not liquid like, more like paydoh that was in the sun for too long or like mashed potatoes.

Now, put your dough onto your baking pan (in little lumps!) and bake it for about 16 minutes in a preheated, 180 ° celsius hot oven. Tadaa

Brownie cookies.
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Sophie »

Salted Caramel Brownies!

This recipe is adapted from a Mary Berry brownie recipe, but the salted caramel twist is all mine! It has proved popular at family parties, so I figured it was perfect for the Boolprop housewarming!

350g dark chocolate
225g butter
2 teaspoons of cocoa
2 Tablespoons of hot water
3 extra large eggs
225g caster sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
175g self-raising flour
225g of chocolate chips

For the caramel:
175g caster sugar
150ml double cream
10g unsalted butter
Sea Salt

1. Preheat oven to 190c and grease a rectangular tin with butter then line with non-stick paper, then oil the top of the paper so the caramel doesn't stick.
2. To make the caramel, put the sugar into a heavy stainless steel pan and simmer until the sugar has dissolved and turned a light copper colour. Do NOT stir or the sugar will crystallize.
3. Heat the double cream until warm, but not simmering. When the sugar has dissolved, remove it from the heat and pour the cream into the melted sugar, mixing constantly to avoid lumps. When this has stirred in, add the butter and allow to melt. Then, add the salt to taste. Pour into the lined tin and place in the fridge to set as a thin layer.
4. Melt the chocolate slowly in a bowl with the butter over a pan of hot water. Dissolve the cocoa with 2 Tablespoons of the hot water.
5. Mix together the cocoa, eggs, sugar and vanilla extract. Beat in the chocolate mixture. Fold in the flour, and chocolate chips.
6. Take the caramel out of the fridge and remove using the greaseproof paper. Line the tin again, then pour in half the brownie mixture. Peel the caramel off the greaseproof paper in one square, then drop onto the brownie mixture. Cover with the remaining brownie mixure.
7. Bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes or until firm to the touch and a dull crust has formed. Leave to cool in the tin. When the brownies have completely cooled, cut into squares. Dust lightly with icing sugar if you want!

A picture, of said brownies at a party!
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Rflong7 »

Oh, how fun! It all looks so good and sounds/reads good, too. Making me hungry. :cookie:

I like to bring something... Here's what I normally bring to a house party/pot luck.
Go to Bi-Lo- look at meat and cracker trays,... wanders to fruit trays... stops at the cookie section and ends up with 3 boxes of Bakery Cookies arranged in a lovely tray!


Hmmm hm. :rofl:
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by hippielayla86 »

I usually get asked to bring cheesecake to parties - good thing they don't effect humans the way they do sims ;) But I also like to bring creepy cheeseballs to Halloween parties...
White Chocolate Berry Cheesecake (original recipe was for raspberries, I've also made it with black berries like the picture above - the pies were made by my Grandma, it seems I inherited her baking skills :D)
1 cup chocolate cookie crumbs (I use oreos and omit the sugar listed next, and use less butter for the crust)
3 tablespoons white sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 (10 ounce) package frozen raspberries
2 tablespoons white sugar
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/2 cup water
2 cups white chocolate chips
1/2 cup half-and-half cream
3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. In a medium bowl, mix together cookie crumbs, 3 tablespoons sugar, and melted butter. Press mixture into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan.
2. In a saucepan, combine raspberries, 2 tablespoons sugar, cornstarch, and water. Bring to boil, and continue boiling 5 minutes, or until sauce is thick. Strain sauce through a mesh strainer to remove seeds.
3. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). In a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water, melt white chocolate chips with half-and-half, stirring occasionally until smooth.
4. In a large bowl, mix together cream cheese and 1/2 cup sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time. Blend in vanilla and melted white chocolate. Pour half of batter over crust. Spoon 3 tablespoons raspberry sauce over batter. Pour remaining cheesecake batter into pan, and again spoon 3 tablespoons raspberry sauce over the top. Swirl batter with the tip of a knife to create a marbled effect.
5. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until filling is set. Cool, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 8 hours before removing from pan. Serve with remaining raspberry sauce.

Notes : Make sure you either give the cheesecake a water bath, or put a caserole dish filled with water on the shelf below the cheesecake, it keeps it moist.
When my cheesecake is done baking, I leave it in the oven with the door open for an hour, then move it to the counter top for an hour to cool, and then finally to the fridge with plastic, this helps keep the cheesecake from cracking :D

This has been the most requested cheesecake of them all, though my favorite is my citrus one :D

And if it's near Halloween I've also been known to bring this creepy looking cheeseball - pure deliciousness :D I've also made it into a Michigan State Block S and a heart :D Depending on the holiday I'll change up the shape and the coating :) For the State S, I used white cheddar cheese and sliced green olives as the topping, and for the heart diced red peppers :) Note - this is creepy :D

3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic (I use more, more like 2 cloves)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce (I use more, 2 tablespoons at least)
1 pound shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cup pecans, coarsely chopped (I omit the nuts most often for food allergies)

I add either Ham or Pastrami for the Halloween version - I make the cheeseball mix and then put seran wrap in a mask and layer the meat, then fill it in with the cheeseball mix and refrigerate it.
1. In an electric food processor or blender, combine cream cheese, garlic, Worcestershire sauce and hot pepper sauce. Blend well. Add Cheddar cheese and process until the Cheddar is fine, but still very visible. Shape the mixture into balls or logs. Wrap individually in plastic wrap and place in the freezer.
2. (If you decide to use the nuts instead of meat) While the balls are in the freezer, combine the ground pecans and parsley in a shallow bowl. Remove the balls from the freezer and roll them in the pecan and parsley mixture.
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Anne »

Here's my carrot cake recipe! It's a real crowd pleaser, usually :)
Anne's Carrot Cake
You’ll need…For the cake (approx. 10 servings)

- 3 eggs

- 150 ml sunflower/vegetable oil

- 100 g white sugar

- 100 g light brown sugar

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavouring

- 125 g flour

- 2 teaspoons of baking powder

- a pinch of salt

- 1,5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

- 0,5 teaspoon of ground ginger

- 165 g grated carrots

- 50 g chopped pecans

For the frosting:

- 200 g cream cheese

- 1 tablespoon of buttermilk

- 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla flavouring

- 220 g icing sugar

- zest of half a lemon


- a springform tin (22 cm)

- parchment paper

- and an oven, of course! This cake needs to be baked at 175 °C (don’t forget to preheat your oven!)

So, let’s get baking!

1. Mix together eggs, oil, sugar and vanilla First of all, you need to beat together the eggs and the sunflower (or vegetable) oil, and then add the two types of sugar and the vanilla flavouring and mix until everything is evenly mixed. I just used a whisk for everything.

2. Add flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and ginger Next up, you’ll have to add the flour and the baking powder and mix it through, and do the same with the salt, the cinnamon and the ginger. As I said above, you can adjust the amounts of cinnamon and ginger to your taste.

3. Add carrots and pecans Now, stir in the grated carrots and then also add the chopped pecans. Mix everything until your mixture is nice and smooth, which shouldn’t be too difficult; such an easy recipe, and so delicious!

4. Prepare the tin and bake the cake Line the base of your springform tin with parchment paper and grease and flour the entire tin. Then pour in the mixture for your cake. You’ll probably won’t have to smooth anything because the mixture is quite runny. Put your cake into the preheated oven and bake the cake for 35 to 45 minutes. Check the cake after the first 35 minutes by inserting a skewer; if it comes out wet you’ll need to bake the cake a bit longer. If that’s the case, just check again after 5 extra minutes of baking.

5. Make the frosting After your cake has cooled you can coat it with the frosting, which you prepare by mixing the cream cheese, buttermilk and vanilla flavouring together with an electric mixer, after which you gradually mix the icing sugar through it. Then add the zest of about half a lemon. Just gradually add the zest and taste after mixing if you think it’s right!

And that’s all to make this delicious easter carrot cake! Enjoy!

You can also find it on my blog: http://booksbakingandblogging.wordpress ... th-pecans/
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Siem »

Here is some Blue berry pie (or apple pie if that's what you prefer)

Blue berry pie

250 gr. flour
150 gr. butter
125 gr. caster sugar
1 whisked egg
3 gr. salt
1 tsp. lemon rasp

500 gr. blue berries
50 gr. sugar
1 tbsp. lemon juice

Make a dough using the flour, butter, part of the egg, lemon rasp and salt.
Spread about 2/3 of the dough onto the bottom and sides of a baking tin (about 20 cm across).
Pour in half of the blue berries.
Sprinkle half of the sugar and the lemon juice over it.
Pour in the other half of the berries. Sprinkle with the rest of the sugar.
Make strips from the dough you have left over and lay them in a pretty pattern on top of the pie.
Coat the top with the left over egg.
Bake in an oven at about 200 °C (we usually bake it at a lower temperature, 180 °C and look at it after 30 minutes to see if it is brown already. If it starts to get too brown, cover it with some aluminium foil).

You can also use apples instead of blue berries.
I made this pie with apples instead of the blue berries:
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Chase »

This isn't my recipe, it's Betty Crocker's (from the 70's :P). Made these today for the county fair :P, so I can confirm they're pretty delicious!
Just finished adding the chocolate! Yum!

What you'll need for cookies (in the AMERICAN units of measurement, because it's the COUNTY FAIR YAS UNITED STATES):
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine/butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted then cooled
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Mix sugar, 1/2 cup margarine or butter, vanilla, egg, and chocolate. Stir in flour and salt.
Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten each cookie with greased bottom of glass (I used a flat spatula :P) dipped in sugar.
Bake until set, about 8 minutes. Cool slightly; remove from cookie sheet. Cool cookies completely.

What you'll need for Peppermint Frosting:
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup margarine/butter, softened
3 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract

Mix all ingredients until smooth and of spreading consistency.

Spread Peppermint Frosting over each cookie to within 1/4 inch of edge.

What you'll need for Chocolate stuff?:
1/4 cup margarine/butter
2 tablespoons corn syrup
6 ounces semisweet chocolate

Heat ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly, until all is melted. (I heated the chocolate and mixed them; I wanted more icing-like consistency to make designs) Drizzle (I used icing dispenser thing :P) mixture over each cookie.

Makes about 3 dozen cookies (apparently... I made roughly 2 dozen). 155 calories per cookie.
They're actually pretty easy to make! I used to think anything involving chocolate was impossible to do, but I discovered microwaving it on low and taking it out to stir every 20-30 seconds melts it pretty easily without separating the oils/whatevers.
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Re: Boolprop Housewarming!

Post by Keika »

Anyone ever make no-bake cookies? They are FABULOUS.
2 cups sugar
4 tbsp. cocoa
1 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter (creamy is good, crunchy is better)
1 tbsp. vanilla
3 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper

In a heavy saucepan, bring to a boil the sugar, cocoa, butter, and milk. Let boil for one minute, then add peanut butter, vanilla, and oatmeal. On a sheet of waxed paper, drop sheet of mixture in a thin layer and wait until cooled and hardened. Or eat hot, they're good that way, too.

Alternatively, you could drop them in cookie forms of chocolate. I don't usually bother, though.
Also there are these creatively named cake balls, which are also AWESOME. ^^
1 boxed cake mix, cooked as directed on box
1 container frosting
1 package almond bark (cooking chocolate)

Let cake cool. Break up into mixing bowl. Add whole container of frosting. Mix with mixer until creamy. Using hands, roll into bite size balls. Freeze 1-2 hours. Melt 1/2 almond bark at a time in double boiler. Take out a few balls at a time and cover with chocolate. Put on cookie sheet covered with tinfoil. Put back in freezer until frozen.

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