Song of the Nightingale: 18, 2(4/27/19)

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Song of the Nightingale: 18, 2(4/27/19)

Post by Livvielove »

Well, it's been over a year in the making, but here we are. Song of the Nightingale is a love story I've been working on for ages. It's a stand-alone story, but it does go hand-in-hand with my other stories (Where the Willow Walks; Faction of the Lost Ones; The Reapers Legacy) as it's in the same world and the characters can be seen moving fluidly between the stories. Alas, it's not required to read all of them to understand what's going on. The story revolves around two main characters: Quinn Flanagan, the sassy Priest of the God of Magic and Madness, and Esmerelda Darko, a powerful Siren on the run from the Goddess of the Sea.
I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I do!
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Golden Plumbob Winner: Best Non-Challenge Story 2017!


"Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me, I know you're there.
You could be my sanity,
bring me peace,
sing me to sleep.
Say you'll be my nightingale?"
Preface: Author's Note
Prologue: Frozen in Time

Act One: The Lost Chapters
One: A Symbol of Freedom
Two: The Night Has Just Begun
Three: A Dangerous Game
Four: Behind the Mask
Five: Soulmates
Six: A Meeting in Chaos
Seven: A Dance in the Rain
Eight: Ezekiel's Wife
Nine: Purpose
Ten: The Secret
Eleven: An Unexpected Deal
Twelve: What's Meant to Be
Thirteen: Ditto
Fourteen: My Name is Quinn
Fifteen: Thanks For Being You
Sixteen: Taking Risks
Seventeen: Little Fish and the Conch Shell
Eighteen, One: Playing Pretend Never Lasts
Eighteen, Two: In This Life and the Next
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Re: Song of the Nightingale

Post by Livvielove »

And... we're live with chapter 1!


A Symbol of Freedom

“That is a Nightingale; it is a symbol of love… and a symbol of death.”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale

Post by Livvielove »

Chapter 2!

The Night Has Just Begun

“Swim, Nightingale. Swim for shore and no matter what you do, don’t look back.”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Three (11/24/16)

Post by Livvielove »

A Dangerous Game

“I have an idea - a game. Interested?”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Four (12/22/16)

Post by Livvielove »

Behind the Mask

He wasn’t prepared for how undone she had made him in the course of one night, and he certainly wasn’t prepared for what came next.
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Five (1/15/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Delayed chapter. Had a looot of editing in this one!
It's up now!

Chapter 5!


“Oh no… we have to make this play out, Ninae.”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Six (2/12/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note -
I'm still here! I put a super amount of effort into these chapters so it takes me a bit of time to produce them. I apologize for the delay. I also was spending a lot of time with my focus on my Reaper's storyline and trying to work through my schoolwork. I'm also in that awkward phase of Chapter 5/6/7. It's the hump I always struggle to get through, but once I do it's almost always smooth sailing.
The good news is I had some fun inspiration for this chapter - I got to draw my own divination card for Quinn. Now I know that sounds silly but I take my art rather seriously! Here's another divination card from my Reaper's storyline for example:
Meanwhile, no warnings for this chapter. Just good, clean, chaotic fun.

A Meeting in Chaos

“It’s not just a meeting, Quinn. There’s a war incoming.”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Seven (3/5/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note-
Real life is kicking my ass, sorry everyone!
Too much stuff on my plate, but it's still fun to get time in with these lovely characters.
Warning: This chapter has sexually-charged nudity towards the end.
A Dance in the Rain

“The world has a way of brushing away pain, doesn’t it?”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Eight (3/25/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note -
Song of the Nightingale won the Golden Plumbob for Best Non-Challenge Story! :spit: :bounce: :heartbeat: :popeye: :mrgreen:
Thank you guys so, so much for all the support and love for this story! I know it's a bit unconventional, but it's my baby and I'm just glad to see people are enjoying it.
Meanwhile, onto the chapter:
TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains disturbing images and depictions.
Ezekiel's Wife

“How unfortunate Majnun sends his messengers alone. That seems a little… dangerous, doesn’t it?”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Eight (3/25/17)

Post by Cororon »

Livvielove wrote:I know it's a bit unconventional
Things that stick out poke the eye! :yoyo:
TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains disturbing images and depictions.
Muahaha :twisted:

*goes to look*
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Eight (3/25/17)

Post by Livvielove »

<3 Only if it's the best kind of eye-poking. ;) :awesome:

I probably shouldn't get so much enjoyment out of setting up darker chapters but it makes the lighter ones that much more fun!
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Eight (3/25/17)

Post by Cororon »

Livvielove wrote:I probably shouldn't get so much enjoyment out of setting up darker chapters but it makes the lighter ones that much more fun!
Ohh, I love the dark stuff with helplessness and blood. I enjoyed it! That may seem weird because you have seen my pics, and even if they aren't part of a written story thing they do tell a story of the warm and lighter kind, but that's only because I play my selfsim's family. Can't be too dark then. :) I love how you mix poses, perspectives and creative editing! Putting in stuff from outside the game really spice things up, like the phone messages and blood drops. :D
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Eight (3/25/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Cororon wrote:Ohh, I love the dark stuff with helplessness and blood. I enjoyed it! That may seem weird because you have seen my pics, and even if they aren't part of a written story thing they do tell a story of the warm and lighter kind, but that's only because I play my selfsim's family. Can't be too dark then. :) I love how you mix poses, perspectives and creative editing! Putting in stuff from outside the game really spice things up, like the phone messages and blood drops. :D
Hehe! I'm so glad to hear!
Yes we wouldn't want our Simselves getting themselves into sad, dark places... but it's still fun to experiment a bit! I try to put my all into this story with editing and posing. I still borrow a few poses here and there because making every single pose would be a little tedious... but overall I try hard to get the chapters exactly how I like them. The texting caught me by surprise, but my characters tend to run away with the plot anyways. :roll:
It means so much to me to hear that someone liked it! <3 Thank you!
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Nine (6/7/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note -
Hey everyone! There was a SUPER long delay on this one and the reason for why is nearly passed - I'm GETTING MARRIED! June the 10th! I'll then be on my honeymoon until the 18th! I also just graduated from college with my Associates (2 year) and it's just been very hectic all around! So this story got put on a bit of a backburner and then I spent 3 weeks writing this chapter I'm presenting you right now!
I POURED MY HEART into this chapter, ok? I know I say that a lot but... some of the editing I did was pretty intense.
An example would be here: BEFORE | FIRST EDIT | SECOND EDIT
So, I hope you'll forgive me for my long silence, it wasn't intentional! Life just chewed me up and nearly swallowed me whole! In the meantime please enjoy this chapter, I'll see you all back on the 18th!


“Hold on, Nightingale.”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Ten (8/2/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note - Hey everyone! I've been eager to get this one up! It's the first of it's kind in my stories so I'm interested to see the numbers that come from this (viewing wise). I know this story walks the fine line of dark and gruesome and I understand that not many people appreciate that. This chapter has two versions of it - one with gory images and one without. I'm not certain people will actually prefer one over the other, but I want to do this when I have plot-important chapters that are fairly gruesome so that all my readers who really CAN'T handle the gore can still understand what's going on.
That being said:
Trigger Warning: This chapter contains disturbing images and detailed descriptions of gore and blood.

The Secret

Would her mother tell about their secret? The practice they had? The fact that Esmerelda could do more than change her appearance?
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Eleven (10/13/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note - Sorry for disappearing, I put all my focus last month into SimNoWriMo! This chapter is also cursed. I'm happy with it now, but HOLY GUACAMOLE did this chapter kill me to do. Rewrote the draft like 3 times, had several computer crashes mid-posing and had to recreate this intense pose THREE times because Blender magically forgot it... ack and then the editing wasn't as nice as I hoped, but in the end... it's all worth it.

An Unexpected Deal

“Yes, so the only logical conclusion is for you to stay with me.”
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Twelve (10/21/17)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note - Holy guacamole batman! It's officially one day away from the one-year blogiversary of Song of the Nightingale, as such, I'm here to keel spoil everyone with an update. Please enjoy the update; if I have enough energy tomorrow I'll try to put a little author's note together for the blog, but I'll be honest that I'm neck deep in paperwork for my school right now. It makes me sad to think I can't do something "fun" or "interesting" for the one year anniversary but I'm just glad to say I've got an update that should (hopefully) warm everyone's heart. Please enjoy and happy one year blogiversary, Song of the Nightingale!

What's Meant to Be

“Now, it’s your home too - clutter and all!”
Last edited by Livvielove on December 20th, 2017, 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Thirteen (12/20/17)

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It was kind of strange to think of it that way - that Quinn was essentially everything she wanted in life.
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Fourteen (6/20/18)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note - Long time, no see! Sorry it's been a hot minute. Life sucks. XD
So, slight (really slight) Trigger Warning (I honestly contemplated including it at all, but I like to be safe); depictions of child abuse; discussion of prostitution, mention of murder.
Proceed at your own risk!

My Name is Quinn

Underneath all of the insanity and erratic behavior of the God of Magic was a man who cared for him more than anyone else had in his entire life.
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Re: Song of the Nightingale: Fifteen (8/26/18)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Note - This one slayed me. Hard. My emotions couldn't take it!
Trigger warning - This chapter depicts some home-done stitches and blood.

Thanks For Being You

"You don't have to go. Stay with me."
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