My Kiddos can't Leave the Dorm! UPDATED 11-12-18

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My Kiddos can't Leave the Dorm! UPDATED 11-12-18

Post by modelmgt »

I say kiddos, but really when 3 college sims have graduated , you can't really get away with calling them kiddos any more. . . :hmm:

Ok so here's the latest weird and problematic thing to hit La Fiesta Tech:

*for the record I'm still having the odd glitch where a lot of them come back from final exams and think it's time to go do another final.
If you don't send them to finals once it's just points(or w/e) off their GPA. Don't send them twice in a row and they go on academic probation, as though you really HAD played thru another semester.

So. on top of the above, now I can't get the taxi to come that's supposed to take them back to their home neighborhood, Schmangetown. maybe it's related, maybe not. Hence, I decided to include the above factoid.
What happens at move-out time is this:
(Scenario #1)
Girlishly fetching Sim A dials to move back to Schmangetown and gets the big window of text, in essence asking if they really do want to move back without throwing a party.
I click yes. (Get them back home so they can hook up with a spouse and start making babies!! Who cares about a party??)
They go through * part * of the grow-up animation, with the little twirl, confetti and change into new outfit.
Animation and salsa-esque song both cut off as soon as the new outfit is on Sim A, and they are now an adult and one day will be an elder. (according to the graphic below their picture).
Schmangetown Taxi does not come.
Recognizing that there is something weird happening with Sim A, I re-dial for the taxi to go back to Schmangetown, to see what happens.
This time a message-window stating that the sim is trying to move out and I must wait for that sim(A) to go, essentially, before I can send another one home. Huh.
Taxi never shows and the sim's movements from point A to point B are full of frequent stops as though Sim A is expecting any minute to catch the taxi home.
(Scenario #2)
Backed out without saving, got brought back to a point before move-out was attempted.
Scenario goes much the same as before, only when the move-out borks the first time, I tried moving out Sim B afterwards, to see if the problem was just with Sim A.
It wasn't just Sim A. Nothing prevents me from calling the Schmangetown taxi home from college for Sim B.
Now Sims A & B are both moving around annoyingly with frequent stops, as though the taxi will show any minute, but it does not, and now they're hanging out on the couch beign "max-motived" for fear of them starving or peeing themselves while waiting for a taxi that's no coming.
(Scenario #3)
Backed out without saving, got brought back to a point before move-out was attempted.
Played all 3 graduated sims through to within hours of where the game should just kick them out of the dorm, and saved.
No change of scenario beyond that; same cut-off grow-up (salsa)music and animation. No Taxi, no moving out.
Exited back to the neighborhood without saving.
If I can get these graduated sims out of this dorm, will move the one remaining player-controlled sim out to another dorms, as the other dorms are still only doing the "final exam" bug from before. The other dorms were successfully cleaned out down to 3 or 4 still doing college, and re-filled with more stinkin' teenagers-turned-college kids.
The point where the glitch happens is obvious. So. . .
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? How to fix both things?
Alternatively, anyone know how to get the graduates out of the dorm so I can try moving Sim (C? D?) to another dorm where this is not happening?
Last edited by modelmgt on November 12th, 2018, 3:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My Kiddos can't Leave the Dorm! UPDATED 8-21-18

Post by modelmgt »

UPDATE 8-21-2018:
Since I had my success with the Tiffany Riley Bug(eradicating that) I decided to take a few more whacks at this mess, since I recently backed up my 'hood.
*I went into it once again thinking that the problem lies with the lot. I could have proven myself wrong on this attempt to fix things.
Prior to messing around and experimenting in-game, I finally put Boiling Oil, Cyjon's hood-checker and Mootilda's thing into my downloads folder, which I had previously put away on a thumb drive. They all 3 now come up in the same 'allow CC?' box as the phone patch and things of that nature.
So I now need advice(in addition to this help post stuff)) if I did the right things with Cyjon and Mootilda; Boiling Oil's notifications are currently showing up in-game, but IDK if I should be seeing something in the way of a buy-mode object(checked tombstone of L&D) or notifications from Cyjon or Mootilda's in addition to Boiling Oil.

First attempt:
Since I now have the know-how to reset a sim, decided to try that.
Since I have a backup, could always put stuff back as it was if things got borked. This was my thinking all the way through this try.
There are 3 girls and one guy left in the dorm. The 3 girls have graduated and can really leave any time(sans bug/glitch). Am keeping names out of it to prevent spoiling anything in the future.
Tried Resetting Girl A. Did move_objects, deleted, saved, exited and went back in to no affect.
Still the game is saying she is leaving and then no taxi back to Schmangetown, even when she calls for it via dorm-phone or her cell.
Of special Note on this attempt: When she attempts to leave the save option becomes unavailable as it becomes greyed(ok blued out).
Tried resetting with Girl B to same lack of change to the glitch or bug. Ruled out a particular sim as being the issue this way.
Second Attempt:
At this point still thinking that it was a lot issue, decided to try the same method i did for the Tiffany Riley house, which was to throw all the dorm-stuff into the college kids' inventories and then move them out together, relocate the dorm to another place in Sim State, and move them back in. (It worked several times before why not now?)
Didn't know whether the game would let me do this as the rules are slightly different in college 'hoods.
Tried it, (#1)was surprised the game would let me clean out the dorm in such a way, lights and all, except for the stove which the game claimed was in use. Ended up selling the curtains because they were fighting going in the inventories(standing on the sidewalk etc. instead of going into inventories when directed) which isn't normal and not a good sign..
They got out with all the stuff inventoried in such a way as to make putting it back the same as before easier.
Found a good spot that was still within close range of all the other Fugly custom dorms & moved sims & stuff back into the dorm.
Leaving was still an issue. One tries to leave and then no taxi but neither will it let anyone else leave, like it's waiting for a taxi that has no intention of coming or can't come. And still can't save, once Girl A calls for a ride back to Schmangetown. *sighs, okay, now to do something else I thought I might have to.
Third Attempt:
Since I didn't have the ability to save, the sims are moved out together with all of the Dollhouse stuff still in their inventories.
I decided to try moving them into a pre-built house in Sim State that I normally used for playing ugly/potentially ugly college sims thru college. EA-built with game sims in it, won't be buggy starting off. Moved MY 4 Fugly college sims into it, and then not only were THEY stuck there and unable to leave because of the same bug/glitch, but now the kids that were already paying the bills there were stuck there and couldn't separate to save themselves. Nobody could leave because one sim was trying to leave, according to the game, when the taxi never showed.
Girl A still initially did the same frame-by-frame kind of walks and movements as she was waiting on the taxi but shortly reverted to normal movements (a few hours later game time).
So. after these experiments, I had to replace my in-game file with the recent backup to get the 4 college Fuglys in question back in their old dorm and free the sims in the pre-built Sim State house. Currently the dorm is still there should I need it for some part of fixing this but will likely be bulldozed in the future, even though I no longer suspect the dorm or lot to be the issue. The 4 Fuglys are currently sitting in the college bin together since the issue at least does not seem to be any one of them individually.

Anyone have any more of an idea what's happening or how this might be fixed so the girls can come home and the guy can finish his bout at college without fear of getting stuck the same way?
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Re: My Kiddos can't Leave the Dorm! UPDATED 8-21-18

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I have no advice for you, because I have no clue how to help, but I wanted to show my support, because that sounds absolutely maddening! I hope you get it fixed!
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Re: My Kiddos can't Leave the Dorm! UPDATED 8-21-18

Post by modelmgt »

MichelleC: Thanks for dropping by; I get the feeling most of Boolprop doesn't know what to do with this because of the lack of responses/ideas. XD I went to the Sims EA site, posted the same thing there and have had a couple people giving me ideas on how to narrow down the problem further: ... elp#latest
I just need to back up again before I try more stuff.
Apparently this is not unheard of tho, which is good to know at least.
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Re: My Kiddos can't Leave the Dorm! UPDATED 11-12-18

Post by modelmgt »

UPDATE 11-12-2018:

Part 1: In which people get moved around.
OK- so now I know it's the college kids themselves that are borked for sure, not the buildings. Here's how that came about:
I went to play some of the grown-up teen townies through college that I had my eye on for uglacy spouses, fully expecting the same kind of wonkiness in regards to semester final exams, but needing certain teens grown up for game-play and this being the only in-game way to steal them from their families. :shifty:
So. I played all of the newly college-aged kids completely through college in a modified pre-built house(modified to sleep more people).
Absolutely everything went normally. There was no bugginess whatsoever, and those kids graduated and moved back to the home neighborhood, with no issues with the taxi coming. :applause: :celebration: :party:

I thought maybe it was that this side of the neighborhood had not really been played, except for that house. :shrug:
I started modifying more of those tiny pre-built college houses with the khaki siding and one bed in the bedroom upstairs.
Some now have room to sleep 6, and one now has room for eight.
Exterior-wise, I tried to keep the houses looking the same or similar to the way they were originally built, and only modified where I had to.

I then moved all of the sims out of my original Fugly dorm, and moved 6 into the first 6-holder house.
I had a plan to start moving sims out of the custom dorms and into altered prebuilt houses, just to get them through college.
I also decided to bulldoze all of the custom dorms- at least I still have a slideshow if I want to look at them now and then.
I have not done any bulldozing yet.
Part 2: Testing the modified houses theory.
That first tester-group of 6 played fine until . . final exams began. Then, the same old issues reared up of the game wanting to send them on multiple finals in a row, and taking away from your grade if you didn't go after that, just to make it stop and (maybe) set to the next semester's info.

I thought I could live with this if only to get them out of college(no guarantee there wouldn't be taxi-issue waiting at the end of the line also).

So I went to load a cheaper $2,000 house with sims that have been in the bin waiting for their turn. I'd get them in a group in the house, move them out together and plunk that group into another 6-holder house.
The game. Went haywire.
I have it set where it plays the short video clip of that first kid being seen off to college by a parent. I would have gotten the kid moved in, saved, and gone back to the sim bin for others.
This time the clip ended abruptly and before it should have. The game began to run as normal, only without the control panel at the bottom.
There was no way to pause, no way to exit to the neighborhood without saving, and no working hot-keys. I didn't really know which keys those were but nothing I hit had any effect on the game which continued to run without controls. I had to quit via task manager and restart the game from the desktop.
Upon going back to Sim State, the $2,000 house was saved with the one sim inside.
Against my better judgement, I put another several sim-bin kids onto the lot. with the first.
The video(usually for just the first sim there) again started playing (for another kid), again was cut off short, and again there was no control panel.

The next time I went into Sim State college, I played with the modified house full of "send sims to college" townies with no ill effects.
It seems I've unintentionally narrowed down the issue here, but I stilldon't know what I can do for it, or IF I can do for it. Any more ideas Boolprop?
This post has also been updated at EA's site: ... 8/p1?new=1
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