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Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 13th, 2017, 7:51 pm
by modelmgt
Nope. I'm not a dish. ;-)

WYE visit an outdoor mineral bath if there was a good chance you'd get hit by lightning while there?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 13th, 2017, 7:56 pm
by Jesslb429
Depends if this was normal lightning or magic superpower giving lightning. I want the superpowers so yeah if it was that lightning.

WYE go a month without showering if it meant you would meet your soulmate at the end of that month?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 13th, 2017, 8:07 pm
by modelmgt
Nooo! a month without showering and I'm pretty sure even my soulmate would say "Try again Later".

WYE permanently go without work if it meant that all you could get to eat was canned spinach?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 13th, 2017, 8:34 pm
by Jesslb429
I would seriously consider it if it was just raw spinach. I love raw spinach. But I've never had canned so probably no...well after getting my most recent schedule maybe I would. I'm a bit pissed with them at present.

WYE break into heavy sobs once a day if it meant you would have fabulous skin.

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 3:09 am
by modelmgt
Jesslb429 wrote:I would seriously consider it if it was just raw spinach. I love raw spinach. But I've never had canned so probably no...
^raw spinach is awesome! I make a salad for thanksgiving & sometimes xmas that involves that. But canned??? :yuck:
It's like when the raw stuff goes bad and it wilts and becomes that green sludge. Plus when they can it its put in some sort of brine that doesn't exactly add to the appeal. :sour: They used to offer it in the school lunch line when I was a kid, way back in the long long ago. Nuh-uh. Fu#$ that!

Aannyhoo. . . I would not break into heavy sobs on the daily. Just take care of your skin! :D

WYE Lick something in your house upon waking every day if it meant that Kenny the Good Times Elf had a chance of randomly appearing later in the day to you, where only you could see him?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 6:25 pm
by Jesslb429
Nooooo I probably wouldn't. That's like licking a pole outside of....oh....

WYE lick a light pole outside of a gas station if it meant they would sell you lottery ticket with a higher chance of winning?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 17th, 2017, 1:59 am
by Cororon
I guess I would... Is that bad? :shifty:

If your mouth is very dry and you're about to make an important phonecall, WYE pick up and chew gum from the sidewalk?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 17th, 2017, 8:45 pm
by Jesslb429
:sour: :yuck: :no: Nope...nope that's a whole lotta nope. I find it gross in movies/TV when couples share gum.

WYE date someone in the public eye if it meant true love, but also intense scrutiny from the rest of the world/ country.

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 2:55 am
by Cororon

No... Too awkward. And I'm not sure what true love is. :shifty:

WYE participate in a tv reality show called "Nudist Colony" if you can win $10 000?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 11:16 am
by Jesslb429
Don't worry. I don't really know what true love is either, but it sounds like the right wording.

And it would depend on m participation in this reality show. Would I be naked or would I be the sole clothed person in a nudist colony for a determined set of time. I'd definitely do the second one because I feel I would get desensitized quickly and I could use $10000 to pay off a small chunk of student loan debt. Student loan debt is a pretty good motivation for me. HOWEVER, if I had to be naked. Nope. I wouldn't. Too shy and have way too many body issue to be okay with being naked. Even for the money, I couldn't bring myself to do it. It's one instance where I would have to insist on more money. A million...maybe. I could be financially stable for the rest of my life with that, so getting naked on TV for a little would be an okay compromise.

WYE spend an entire week in complete isolation if you would get your dream job at the end of it?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 11:18 am
by modelmgt
Post-blocked AGAIN! :pearls:
But sure. I handle isolation quite well. And for the opportunity to never have to job-hunt again? :yes:

WYE List your name, home address and phone on a billboard at a VERY busy intersection/highway if there was the off-chance that the person you were fated to marry would see it and take an interest in calling?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 21st, 2017, 10:37 pm
by Jesslb429
Heck no! Look what happened to Tony Stark! And I'm a helpless lady with zero Iron man suits. Plus, call me a pessimist, but most people are creeps. Not people here the people where I live kinda suck sometimes.

WYE be friends with a ghost if it meant you would look like you were talking to yourself?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 5:18 pm
by Pony
Yes, ghosts are lonely, it would be good for one to have a friend. I already tall to myself half the time anyway.

WYE go into a grocery store and any time they announced anything over the loudspeaker you would clutch your temples screaming about the voices in your head?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 5:44 pm
by Cororon
Only if I got paid! :rotfl:

WYE walk up to a random guy on the street and ask if he wants to show you his epidermis?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 6:23 pm
by Jesslb429
Despite my awkwardness, I love doing stuff like that. Like asking people if they enjoy masticating. So heck yeah I would!

WYE dance like know ones watching while everyone was watching.

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 6:43 pm
by Cororon
Cool! I love to masticate. Might do it before bed. :lol:

Depends on who the people are. Maybe if I'm drunk. (I like to dance when I'm alone) :tongue:

WYE eat yellow snow to impress friends?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 11:19 pm
by modelmgt
Uh- that would be a NO. . . Unless it was colored yellow with Garlic-parmesan wing sauce?

WYE climb to the tippy-top of the world's highest mountain and back down again, if it meant that you would never think about changing your socks again?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 2:35 am
by somebodysangel
Uhm...not sure I understand this question? I'm not a hugely active person, so climbing a mountain isn't really my thing - regardless of socks(?)

WYE lie to a parent/spouse about your health? (mental or physical)

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 7:05 am
by Cororon
I think Modelmgt likes my socks. :haha: :heart:

I do lie to my parents about my anxiety problems sometimes, because I don't want to worry them and because it goes up and down so I know that I will feel better after a while. :cheeky:

WYE let a stray penguin into your home?

Re: Would you ever...

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 7:12 am
by modelmgt
Sure, I guess? Just long enough to call animal control. .

WYE eat a chicken again if you realized that doing so left you irresistibly compelled to knit leg-warmers and sweat-bands for all of the still-living chickens on the planet?