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Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 25th, 2017, 12:08 am
by modelmgt
Depends on a few things, such as whether you had any foot-diseases or how good the sandwich is?
I dunno, most likely be conflicted for a minute, then just flick off the toenail and keep on rollin' lol..

WWYD if you were in a petting zoo(or other situation with tame animals) and you approached one of them and said
"Why hello Mr. (Insert animal here), and how are we today?"
But the animal just looked at you like YOU were from Mars and replied "Sorry, I don't DO autographs."

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 25th, 2017, 12:11 pm
by Pony
I would bribe said animal with tasty snacks to get my autograph.

WWYD if you met a fellow Boolpropian in real life?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 25th, 2017, 1:16 pm
by Jesslb429
I would like to pretend like I wouldn't immediately shrink back into my socially awkwardness, but I would probably end up weirdly chattering while trying not to break whatever illusion I have come up with as my personality here.

WWYD if I started chattering at you like a weirdo?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 25th, 2017, 3:21 pm
by Pony
It depends on what you were chattering on about, but most like I would join you in awkward chattering. I'm pretty socially awkward too, but I would finally have someone to talk about the sims with. So I imagine our conversation would be very nice in the end.

WWYD if Boolprop have it's own convention?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 26th, 2017, 9:48 pm
by modelmgt
Fangirl, I think. Then wonder where it was going to be held.

WWYD if you were walking down the sidewalk and came upon a giraffe balancing 9 pies on its head; it uses just its eyes (still balancing pies) to look down at you and say "YOU are NOT Pasqualle." rather snootily before ambling away again?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 27th, 2017, 2:54 pm
by Pony
I would shrug, and wish he had given me a pie since he had so many.

What would you do were given a cabin in the most beautiful scenic place, but you could only stay there if you lived for a year without internet.

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 27th, 2017, 4:29 pm
by Livvielove
I would never get to stay in that cabin then...

What would you do if you woke up suddenly with the knowledge of every single language in the world?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 27th, 2017, 8:08 pm
by Pony
Could I speakbit fluently as well or just able to understand all of them? I could finally understand my customers that speak their native language and help them better. I would probably change jobs to be an interpreter too, can't let a skill like that go to waste.

What would you do if you were swimming in the sea and a mermaid came by to borrow a cup of sugar?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 27th, 2017, 10:39 pm
by Jesslb429
I would probably strike up a conversation with her and in the end, barter a trade for the sugar in exchange for magical secrets. What's the point of having a black cat if you can't play the part :P (I still love my cat)

WWYD if someone offered you unlimited magical power in exchange for one of your five senses?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 28th, 2017, 11:49 am
by Pony
I would haggle with them for my hair color amd all my memories before I was three. If I were to lose a sense, I would be too depressed about what I had lost about my ability to perceive the world to enjoy the gifts I was given.

What would you do if I offered you my hair color and formative memories in exchange for magical knowledge?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 28th, 2017, 12:48 pm
by Livvielove
I would say you must be speaking with the God of Magic and Insanity and wish you luck on your future endeavors.

What would you do if you had won the favor of some Cat King and now you suddenly had hundreds of cats following you around trying to appease you?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 28th, 2017, 4:41 pm
by Pony
I would be rapidly feeding my dog treats, since he is terrorfied of cats, as I desperately try to find the Baron

What would do you if you fell in love with a cat?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 28th, 2017, 4:53 pm
by Livvielove
You say that like it's not been done before...
<fondly pets her kitty>
No but for real in love? I'd probably seek help.

What would you do if you could only speak in memes and emojis?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 28th, 2017, 5:12 pm
by Jesslb429
First off, Livvie needs to get out of my head. Almost wrote that but got distracted. Like for real almost wrote the same thing.

If I could only speak in emojii or memes I'd probably never speak again or at least be silent quite often. I hate when people do that in real life or on Twitter so....I didn't mean to sound mean. I'm sorry.

What would you do if you were human at night but a weeping willow tree during the day?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 29th, 2017, 12:15 am
by Livvielove
One of us. One of us. One of us.

I suppose I would be the most passive aggressive tree I could be. I'd whip people in the face when they walk by and be like "TROLOLO, THE WIND."
Like Mother Willow meets Madea.

What would you do if you were stuck in an area with Madea the Weeping Willow?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: January 29th, 2017, 3:14 am
by Chels
I love Madea! I would probably hug her and commit crime with her! She's my favorite! She would probably slap me lol.

WWYD if you lived with Bella Goth as sims of course!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: What would you do...

Posted: February 5th, 2017, 2:46 am
by Bexx87
I would ask her how Don Lothario is in bed

WWYD if you ran out of sunlight?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: February 5th, 2017, 7:41 am
by Cororon
Buy daylight lamps and eat Vitamin D pills. :)

WWYD if you got an invitation to participate in a game show on tv? You would be hooked up to a lie detector and asked very personal and intimate questions and could win up to 1000 of your currency.

Re: What would you do...

Posted: February 5th, 2017, 12:37 pm
by Pony
I would complete the questions and be thankful my life is rather unexciting. I get a couple of things taken of with a $1000.

WWYD if you went viral?

Re: What would you do...

Posted: February 5th, 2017, 5:44 pm
by Jesslb429
Depends on what I went viral for. If it was something humiliating, I would change my name and get plastic surgery to avoid any recognition. However if it was for something cool I would enjoy it and rake in the Internet money.

WWYD if you were told you and your favorite pet could live forever but you would have to chronicle everything humanity would ever do?