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Re: The Queen's Curse - updated 11/5

Posted: November 7th, 2021, 7:06 pm
by Calamity Jade
Ani: I'm on NaNo myself ATM, but I still have a couple updates I already wrote of this story. Hehe, just need to get around to posting the rest.
And yes, you will soon see how Snow fares with her high-profile husband. :toast:

Re: The Queen's Curse - updated 11/8

Posted: November 8th, 2021, 9:51 am
by Calamity Jade
Updated twice with 1.5 and 1.6, which means I'm officially done with Snow White's generation. :toast:

Re: The Queen's Curse - updated 11/8

Posted: January 10th, 2022, 11:57 am
by Calamity Jade
nooboostar wrote:Oh, how I missed this story! I'm so glad I came back to see quite a few updates uploaded (I had a good read with my nightly milk tea, lol). Congrats on finishing Snow's generation (although I may have to revisit Snow's rules if I notice more Simmers struggling to complete them all her goals), it was a fun journey to be a part of! I'm looking forward to seeing what Emma's reign will entail! :D

Out of curiosity, by the way, are you planning anything with the spares? It'd be interesting to see what they get up to after leaving the main lot. I understand if you won't, however. As someone who tried to do that in my own Disney challenge, I found it pretty difficult to try and come up with a story/narrative for every single spare).
Thank you :heart: Snow's generation was challenging but lots of fun. The toughest part was definitely maxing the childrens' skills. Even with the eggplant trick, that takes forever!

I actually don't know yet what I'll do with the spares, haha. I may do a brief single update since all of them aside from Emma are in Academie Le Tour at the moment, but I may just cheat them through college since they're not a part of the challenge.

I do need to get back to the story, I've just haven't thought of any ideas as of late.

Re: The Queen's Curse - updated 11/8

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 11:08 am
by Ani-Mei
I completely forgot about my gen two spares. I was going to do a story for my boys and their travels but things didn't go that way and now they've all died off. Currently on generation seven and my heiress Belle was finally born...glitches man. But I've been setting up Belle's generation challenge during Rapunzel's generation and I do have an idea of where to go. Just have to wait until Belle is a teen, she's currently a toddler. Anyway, looking forward to what Emma will do in college.

Re: The Queen's Curse - updated 11/8

Posted: February 24th, 2022, 12:13 pm
by Calamity Jade
I have to get back to Fairytale Finders, I'm still on Elsa's generation so I should have plenty of reading to catch up to. ^^ My spares are stuck in college limbo until I figure out what and if I want to do anything with them. Poor Emma has also been neglected, I got kind of bored waiting for her to transition into an adult, but I still have plans in store for later on.