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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Three - 10/13/14

Posted: October 13th, 2014, 5:50 pm
by IchigoMcCoy
Of course they would. XD They are twins, after all.

I would love some recommendations. I love good legacies, no matter how new or old. I really need to branch out and read more.

Now, the chapter. I love that there's a lounge for vampires that isn't the Crypt. Romi will appreciate the synthetic blood. And hi, Fricorith! Nice to see you! I wonder how many more vampires are running around...

I like Donovan's evil grin. Donovan would make a great villain name, actually. Think about it.

Wow, Fiona is precious! I guess either Bigfoot isn't that bad of a looker or Fi just got lucky with the genes!

I need to start sending my heirs on vacation to find spouses for variety and experimenting with unusual fathers. In fact, I have one sim who just loves to experiment, although, I really shouldn't encourage her.

Great chapter! Can't wait for more!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Three - 10/13/14

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 11:11 am
by Sam
Slightly late comment is slightly late.
I'm loving all of these random fathers. I didn't see what template your Bigfoot had, but Fiona is gorgeous! Not going for the Ninja in Takemizu then? I always struggle getting him to talk to my sims, I don't know about you.

All the kids are great! Looking forward to more :)

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Three - 10/13/14

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 5:58 pm
by Lorinsv
Seeing such a variety of kids from the same mother (and very cute, I might add) is really fun!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Three - 10/13/14

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 12:03 am
by MichelleCYoung
Oh, hooray! I'm loving this, and just wish I had spotted it earlier!

So, comments:

I'm glad she's not going to have her own grandfather (with several greats attached) as a baby-daddy. However, I'm not at all squicked at the idea of her getting it on with a many-generations-removed uncle. I think the game allows it. And VIIIISSSS!!!! Also, I loved the thing with the newspaper. Hey! Vis could be the one to have the alien baby!

It is so cool to see all these sims from the White Legacy, self-sims, Vetinaris, etc. as your townies!

It's a pity that the genie's child doesn't have the purple skin, but then again, Seraphina didn't have that skeletal/invisible thing going, either, so I guess it is to be expected.

HEY! Why not have a ninja-baby? That would be so cool!

I'm really enjoying this. Thanks, Keika, for doing another challenge!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Three - 10/13/14

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 12:21 am
by MichelleCYoung
Also, if you're going for unusual fathers, please have Wynn be a plant sim for long enough to clone herself.

Also - Repo-man! That would require a cheat, because I've tried teleporting them in, and it never seemed to work. But it would be unusual.

Do NOT however, EVER try to cheat up a child with Mrs. Crumplebottom. Your entire game will be destroyed, and you'll have to uninstall and re-install. I believe the same is true, also, of the mustache-twirling villain, but I'm not certain.

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Three - 10/13/14

Posted: October 25th, 2014, 1:08 pm
by Little White Comet
Wow you really didn't waste anytime did you?
Wynn is awesome. I love how that she's so messy she praises it when her children are messy to. I also love the fact she's constantly getting pregnant and then leaving the kids she has already had in the hands of her eldest. I'm really loving this and I can't wait to see more :highfive:

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: October 28th, 2014, 10:34 am
by Keika
Hi everyone! :wave: Ahaha... so in case you haven't seen my LJ post, I've been doing a lot of stressful stuff IRL the last couple of weeks, and haven't hardly even booted up the game in that time. I did play yesterday for quite a while, which felt great with the stress relief and all, but that's beside the point. What I'm noting here is that I'm still not really in a position to spend a lot of time in the community (which is why no comments have been replied to), but I promise that when I get applications and everything turned in and ready to go, I will sit down and make some lovely, long replies. And also go participate in the games forum again.

Now that we've gotten past that wall of text, here, have an update. I've got a few chapters in stock and ready for release, so I'll try to put those out fairly regularly, even if I don't actually get a chance to play.

Okay! That's it! Thanks for reading and for the comments, everyone--even though I'm not terribly active in the community at this moment, I do read and greatly appreciate every single one! Thanks again! :D

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: October 28th, 2014, 1:04 pm
by Ani-Mei
The Thai gets around doesn't he? The Thai is always up for some bedtime fun. So anyway, I'm still on Baby G and I have no idea what to do next. Nice chappie. :thup:

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: October 28th, 2014, 4:09 pm
by Sam
I struggled to remember who Garrett's dad was, but luckily you'd put it at the end. :) And hooray for a Vetinari baby, they're always interesting-looking. Think I might be a little bit in love with Eric, he's great. Looking forward to seeing Thai's baby!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 1st, 2014, 9:31 am
by MichelleCYoung
Chapter 4

Not worthy. Just accept it. Awwww.

Slobber a little on the torn-up homework!

Dang! That boy grew up nice!

She got my purple!

There is just so much good stuff in this chapter. Thanks!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 2nd, 2014, 4:11 am
by Anne
Just a short comment to let you know I've read the chapters and loved them, and also to wish you good luck with your application and your stress levels! I'm currently in the middle of midterms, so my stress levels are quite high as well. Haven't played Sims for over 2 weeks I think, eek.

Anyways, good luck! :D

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 2nd, 2014, 10:58 am
by Lorinsv
Super funny update!
I died laughing at your Bryan transition tribute, and totally deserved! :rofl:
It's a cool idea to make the grown kids townies, since there's no real point in continuing to play them, but they can still make little cameo apprearances. I also like seeing a house with kids allowed a fairly loose rein.
Fun seeing childrinion (top on my list of made-up words!) Hazel Larch-spawn.
I don't think I'll end up playing this challenge, but this is making me want to put a baby-making-factory type family in my BaCC.

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 5th, 2014, 11:53 pm
by WistfulRose
Hey look,sis, I finally made it over here to comment on you're new challenge. And I caught up on it all. :heart:
You're making cereal dirty now... I'll never be able to look at breakfast the same way again. :faint: I totally squealed when Zane showed up. Gotta love other people's sims. This is fun to read about you having fun. With sims that are having fun. Still feels very White legacy, but with WYDC twist. And of course, no plot. But who cares. Hows the large household working for you? I know how you micromanage, so I can imagine the time it takes. Keep up the awesome chapters and post another one! Love you.

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 8th, 2014, 3:16 pm
by mandarine
Ehehe, cute Thai-kids ahead :3
I enjoyed your White-Legacy, and Wynter reminds me a lot of Snow (even though she's less...uh...gracefull? Sounds like the right vocab)
I hope that you'll be able to continue soon, but, you know, take your time with that RL-stuff.

By the way, spotted the toddler!!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 1:18 pm
by SprinkleOfSugar
Awh, Wynn! ^-^ I'm so sorry for putting this off for so long Keika! I've been meaning to reading it but life is being a pain in the backside. But i am here now!
Ella! Seraphine! Vis! *-*
Sharing cereal, eh? :P
Abby is sooooooo cute!
Wow, i wish i could paint like that!
The Pirate Ghost? Cooooool!
Of course, you have to anger the monkey gods!
Don is so cute! Little Panda Boy! :3
Fiona is my favorite, by far. She's just so... cute!
Or maybe it's Don... Yeah, definitely a family of teenage heartthrobs
I'm laughing so hard, Omg.... Best transition award?!
60 points? Nice! *Proud applause*
Amazing updates Keika! Update soon-ish! :drinks:

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Four - 10/28/14

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 4:43 pm
by Keika
Okay... um... you know how I promised I was going to write nice, long replies to everyone's comments once I got back? Well... uh... there's, um, 14 unreplied comments here. :faint:

Thanks you guys so much for all the kind words! I'm too lazy to go back and reply individually to everyone, but seriously. THANKS. You guys are amazing. I am unworthy. :hugs: I'll be better at writing replies in the future.

And Jessie? If you still want recommendations for classic legacy reading material, I would definitely suggest Marina's "Fitzhugh Legacy", ProfessorButters' "Squeaky Clean Legacy", DocNerd's "Vetinari Dualegacy", Netsfn1427's "The Ten Caesars", Candi020765's "Uglacy", PurpleBunnySarah's "A Piratical Legacy", Orikes360's "The Pseudo Legacy", and ephemeraltoast's "Apocalypso A-Go-Go". You can find all of those stored in Hoopty's archives. Then there's peasant007's "Devereaux Legacy" and the Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy, both of which I consider a little more on the recent side of classic, and still absolutely amazing.

Finally, here, have an update. ;) Thanks again!

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Five - 11/11/14

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 8:24 pm
by Ani-Mei
Hex makes gorgeous kids, *pets Eirene* But Bruges would have been awesome too with those eyes. I should get back to my own WYD, have to work on baby H and I...nice update.

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Five - 11/11/14

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 4:02 am
by Anne
This update was so much fun! :D
I actually went "RHYYYYYS" at my computer screen when I saw him, haha. Such a legendary Sim!
And then I got some face time! HI ME! *waves*
I love how all the kids do have different personalities, despite there being so many of them.

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Five - 11/11/14

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 9:23 am
by WistfulRose
That chapter ROCKED!!! I was laughing the entire time! :rotfl:
Especially when all the potential fathers came by. :haha: Hex without CC :eek: Doesn't even look like him.
Also, I got face time! In fact, a lot of boolprop people got face time... Sweet. And, Rhys! hehe. Anyway, loved loved loved! Update again!
(And stop being self conscious! Just because this isn't plotted, doesn't make it unenjoyable! It's still got all of the fun!)

Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Five - 11/11/14

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 1:04 pm
by IchigoMcCoy
Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely check them out! But for now, the chapter!

Yay! All of my sims made an appearance!

Wow! Bruges looks so different in your game! That's probably because my S2 is only slightly, very slightly, darker than my S1. Also, his face seems chubbier. He's so cute! And Ce looks so unassuming! You'd never guess her true nature just by looking at her!

Rhys! I recognize Rhys! And Dez! Yay! Don't really know Hex, but I'm sure he'll be a good father for baby J! I'm a little sad Bruges didn't show up for the outing, but I suppose it's in-character for him. I hope you keep him in mind, though. He's responsible for Drusilla, after all.

Eric looks good. Real good. I think it's the hair. And Ivan is a cutie. Garrett is a jerk, a jerk with nice hair.

Sorry about losing the Unsavory Charlatan. Glad my simself could cheer you up, though. Because I've never lost it over the game, nope, nope, nope!

Hi, Romi! She always looks so awesome in your game.

I liked this update! Can't wait to see more! Also, welcome back!