What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by DreamWeaver »

Just made a new legacy. So far doing pretty well and Polli Tech is having a blast in Oasis Landing.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by DreamWeaver »

Started over with Polli Tech Hues. He completed his lifetime want of having $50,000 of stolen items. Also got abducted by aliens and had Comet and moved in his alien wife and they had triplets. First time I've completed a lifetime want without cheating. Yay.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Gryffindork »

Congrats! I've never played that LTW before... in fact I recently realized I've never played a klepto before, but I really want to.

I have a huge backlog of screenshots right now, so I've been stuck on the blogging train for months. :faint: Seriously dying to get back to the gameplay, but if I didn't make myself run heir polls I would blast through the whole thing without documenting any of it. My half-alien heir and his ghost wife (Gen. 5) are about to have their fourth kid. They keep popping them out because they're getting ALL his colouring and none of hers. Granted, alien blood is powerful and she's as recessive as they come, but still. Gimme something, EA! :P
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Echoweaver »

Haha. I have been dying to play the Klepto LTW. As soon as one of my sims rolls Klepto, off we go! So of course, in 7 generations, nobody ever has. Gah. I may have to force it.

I'm also backlogged on blogging. My Gen 7 heir won't decide on a mate, and I want to ask my readers for input, but that means I have to catch up to somewhere near gameplay.

I switched over to play my ISBI, and I think I'm REALLY going to enjoy playing my Avant Garde vampire Gen 3 heir over there. Unfortunately, woo... the mate pickings are really slim. Gotta decide whether I should choose from what I have or seed the town with more options.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Emily Whalers »

I also have a huge backlog of blog posts I need to type up. Right now I've posted a little over half of Generation 4, but in game I've played until the end of Generation 5. I want to have an heir poll for the Generation 6 heir, because I like all my options and I haven't done one before, mostly because I get attached to one specific Sim so I have to make them heir. I just haven't had any desire or inspiration for posting lately. I have to stare at computer screens at work all day, so when I get home the last thing I want to do is sit down and stare at a computer screen. Tomorrow is a holiday in Ontario, so I might try to start an update in the evening, since I'll be out with friends during the day. Blargh. I'm never going to finish this dang thing, am I? :headache:
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Echoweaver »

I so understand that bit about staring at computer screens. I'm a computer programmer by trade, so I go through chunks of time I want to do anything but computing after work. Also, I get burned out on writing and just HAVE to play to remember why I like this hobby. It's funny. I get bored with just playing if I'm not building a story, but I get bored with the story if I don't play.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Well, I was reading Thai's "Let's Play the Name Game," and just got so caught up in the Sims 3-ness of it all that I just HAD to get back to it. So, naturally, I'm playing an apocalypse. I only have the base game loaded (plus a bunch of store stuff, but most of that is off-limits for this). I do have all the EPs, but I've decided to hold off on loading anything else until I finish this apocalypse, because when I tried to take all the rules from the complete set, and copy/pasted them into a text document, at 14 point text throughout, it came up to FREAKING 226 PAGES!!!!! OK, I'm an apoca-nut, but that's just too darned many rules.

So, I simplified them, and they're all nice and basic, and in a spreadsheet, and they make sense to me.
Since I'm not competing or worrying about points, its fine.

Anyway, once I'm done with this apocalypse, I'll be doing an incremental legacy, where I start with base game and store stuff and explore the heck out of it, and then gradually add the expansion packs to explore them, as well. I'll probably add World Adventures just before giving birth to the first baby, because that kid will get the Adventurous trait! Also, I have NRAAS Traveler installed, so that my sims can explore all the different worlds that I haven't really gotten to play and explore, and it is gonna be awesome!

It's also going to be distracting from Sims 2. Darn. Ah, well. I guess I'll just have to play faster.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Gryffindork »

Echoweaver wrote:I get bored with just playing if I'm not building a story, but I get bored with the story if I don't play.
Could not have said it better. (Emily and Echo, I think we're all very similar in this department. :P) I find that a single generation is the perfect amount of time for non-stop play, but a generation's worth of chapters is just a little too much to slug through. Maybe I'm a dumb optimist but I think we'll all find our balance and finish eventually... right? RIGHT? :? Do we need to make a blood pact or something? :tongue:

I'm sitting at 10/14 on my Generation 5 chapters. This is the part where I either blast through the rest or sit on them for six months. I'm a little out of steam lately, especially on the funny front. I've got some good stuff coming up though - a love rectangle and a boarding school debacle and my first gay heir candidate. Hopefully that means I can muster some excitement.

Michelle, glad you joined us up in this ghost town! You are a crazy person with all those apocalypses. I hope this one goes well! I've never had the patience to sift through the rules. :P I've been toying with the idea of starting a Build a Royal Kingdom challenge, and I had to make all kinds of spreadsheets to come up with a TS3 ruleset I liked. Right now it's 22 pages (and I thought THAT was long). At this point I've made such a project of it that I pretty much have to follow through!
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Gryffindork!

Yeah, Sims 3 is such a different style of game play, it's ALMOST like a whole different game, and the rules really do have to reflect that. I'm not quite sure how you'd even do a BARK in Sims 3, so I'd really love to read an example of it. I'm picturing Dragon Valley.

OMG, I LOVE THOSE DRAGONS!!!! I had to explicitly forbid them from the apocalypse, because if you get an assortment of dragons, you literally need nothing else to survive. It's amazing. Now, for an adventurer/world traveler? They are AWESOME! So, yeah, in my incremental legacy, they are not only fair game, but I want everyone in the family to have their own dragon family. Actually, I had said that I'd add a new EP each generation, but I don't think I'll wait that long. More like each chapter, because I just can't wait for all that good stttuuuuuuffffff!

In the apocalypse, I want to try out making my own stained glass windows with the glass-blowing artisan kit, so I have exempted home-made architectural objects from the architecture limitations. Unfortunately, the Criminal (Thief) limitations limit all furniture to $1000 or less, and the glass blowing station costs more than that, so phooey. Well, someday. Or maybe I'll just let my incremental legacy family do it for their own home. Probably that. It's just... Well, having an apocalypse tower house with stained glass windows just strikes me as so nifty/cool/ironic. I gotta have it.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Gryffindork »

I actually just bought Dragon Valley! I'm debating emptying out the map, or else using one that I've been building in CAW and gradually adding the DV rabbit holes. My ruleset definitely needs game-testing. I think the plan is to build the rabbitholes for free as the careers get unlocked, and for the other community lots, to use the requirements from the TS3 BACC. In those rules, your Sim Multiplier goes up when your citizens start investing in businesses, so I might stick with that. And just pretend-unlock things like university and travel once the requirements for those things are met. :)

Anyway since this is a legacy thread... :P

I can't wait to try out the dragons! I think my regular legacy family will be getting a nice surprise the next time I play them. I love the idea of an incremental legacy - I've read one before, and it's like making the game exciting for yourself all over again. I came SO close to buying that glass-blowing set. I'd love to see that if you do try it out!
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Well, I guess now that I have a request I'll just HAVE to make an artisan to build the windows for their house. If not in the apocalypse then in the incremental one.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by DreamWeaver »

Polli Tech Hues had an alien baby which he named Comet. Then moved the female alien who abducted him into his house and got married and had five kids. A set of triplets named Amber, Thyme, and Cobalt and a set of twins Tiger and Dandelion. Also Polli has completed his lifetimewant.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Echoweaver »

Gryffindork wrote:I find that a single generation is the perfect amount of time for non-stop play, but a generation's worth of chapters is just a little too much to slug through. Maybe I'm a dumb optimist but I think we'll all find our balance and finish eventually... right? RIGHT? :? Do we need to make a blood pact or something? :tongue:

I'm not sure there is a balance, though. My ISBI is well-balanced because nothing needs to make sense, and there are no threads. Right after a play session, I can assemble the pictures that look funny and then write stream-of-consciousness in the voice of my torch holder. The hardest part is usually building the voice of the torch holder.

But the legacy, dang. I can't post too quickly because then I can't build any plot threads because I don't know where anything is going. So I have to play out fairly far ahead, but then I have this huge stack of posts. Right now, I'd love to ask my readers for advice on which of Victoria's potential suitors she should fall for, but I have like seven more posts before I can even ask that question. ARGH.

I actually am really intrigued by the Apocalypse challenge. The longer I play, the more the really complex challenges appeal to me. I have a Nothing Is Free Challenge that's been on hiatus for about a year and a half, just because I was delusional to think I could run three challenges at the same time. I modified the rules until it only barely resembles the actual NIF. I'd really like to get back to it; it was a ton of fun.

Are there Build a Medieval Kingdom rules for TS3? I have been collecting stuff for a fantasy/medieval setting for most of the time I've been playing, and I'd love to geek out and configure such a thing with the NRaas suite. In my, um, spare time.

Margaret Pendragon has a mod that removes the static motives provided by the shoulder dragons, and I'm using that. One of my priorities as a baby modder is to try to make accessory versions of the dragons so that sims can walk around with them appearing to be on their shoulder all the time.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Gryffindork »

See, this is why I could never write a plotty legacy - because I ad lib everything and yet I still take forever to turn my pictures into posts. (I'm not a natural comedian, so coming up with new jokes sometimes feels like repeatedly punching myself in the brain.) I'd love for the decisions I make in my storytelling to actually mean something, but I'm lazy... and having a stupidity-themed legacy means I can stumble along making the most ridiculous decisions possible and pretend it was all part of the plan. I see your dilemma though... Maybe you need two sets of readers: one to run your decisions by, and one to read the finish product without having it spoiled beforehand? :tongue:
Echoweaver wrote:Are there Build a Medieval Kingdom rules for TS3?

If there are, they're well hidden (or I'm bad at search engines). I'm working on converting the TS2 version, but I have no idea what I'm doing so I put out this desperate plea for help just today. The NIF looks pretty similar to the Build a City Challenge, which the BARKC is based on, so maybe you'd have some ideas? Apparently I'm also delusional enough to think I can run three challenges at once (although my Challenge #2 barely counts).
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Emily Whalers »

Gryffindork wrote:I find that a single generation is the perfect amount of time for non-stop play, but a generation's worth of chapters is just a little too much to slug through. Maybe I'm a dumb optimist but I think we'll all find our balance and finish eventually... right? RIGHT? :? Do we need to make a blood pact or something? :tongue:
This. This is the exact thing I'm having issues with! I binge-played two generations over the summer, and now I have way too many posts to slog through. I'm definitely in for a blood pact because it just feels way too difficult otherwise. We shall all succeed....eventually!

I also ad-lib things as I write. I have to be in a very specific mood to work on a chapter - I need to feel incredibly silly, and have access to terrible pop music because it just ~inspires me~ for some reason. Thankfully, my Sims are very silly on their own, so their antics help with the silliness level. I can't simply write things like "So-and-So went to the store. That Guy got a promotion!" etc. I find that to be way too boring. I also can't write a serious legacy - someone will wet themselves, and we're right back to the silliness. It's a very weird process. Add perfectionism to the mix, and it's a wonder I ever publish anything at all. :indifferent:

Last time I posted in this thread I managed to crank out an update, so maybe more rambling here will help? I might be able to work on my next chapter tomorrow night, but I might just end up watching Youtube for hours on end instead. :shhh:
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Gryffindork »

Excellent, so we're all agreed on the blood pact? So like, if one of us fails to finish in say 10 years' time, the others have the right to track her down and forcibly restrain her to her computer chair, feeding her only rice thins and cloudy tap water until she churns out the remaining chapters through silent tears? :diablo: I'm down. I also just spent a really long time trying to find a "blood pact" smiley and this seems to be the best there is: :drinks:
Emily Whalers wrote:I also can't write a serious legacy - someone will wet themselves, and we're right back to the silliness. It's a very weird process. Add perfectionism to the mix, and it's a wonder I ever publish anything at all. :indifferent:
This is exactly how I am! Not just with my legacy but with most things in life - an insufferable perfectionist who can't take anything seriously. In school, that meant calculating how far I could stretch the assignment boundaries without ruining my average (case in point: I once got marks for writing a French C.V. for Ash Ketchum, and a parody entitled "Henry Pitter and the Flying Bicycle") . Now it's more like... putting a lot of effort into looking effortless. And then there are actual moments with no effort involved, but those blend right in. :shhh:

I'm also gonna try to get an update out this weekend, if I can part with Netflix for a while. :sarcastic:
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Rflong7 »

Hi :)

You all are making me miss my Sims 3 Legacy. I had made it to Barnacle Bay with the 4th Generation- I was going through all the worlds and marrying in all the "Famous" Sims:.. like Bob Newbie, Mortimer Goth, Don Lothario,... I was after the Caliente girls next. XD

I will restart it one day -it was only base game and Store stuff.

Lol! Blood pact. :highfive:
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Echoweaver »

Gryffindork wrote:Excellent, so we're all agreed on the blood pact? So like, if one of us fails to finish in say 10 years' time, the others have the right to track her down and forcibly restrain her to her computer chair, feeding her only rice thins and cloudy tap water until she churns out the remaining chapters through silent tears? :diablo: I'm down. I also just spent a really long time trying to find a "blood pact" smiley and this seems to be the best there is: :drinks:
Dude. I started the Samples in 2009. Ten years might be to close on the horizon for me. Otherwise, I'm in. :pan:

Regarding the Nothing Is Free vs. Build a Royal Kingdom, you might find my rules for my NIFish challenge interesting. Here it is.

My problem with the NIF as written was that you had a max a skill to unlock the lot that helps with the skill, i.e. you have to max Inventing to unlock the Junkyard. This is totally backwards from the way I want to play. Inventing is way less fun if I can't go dig for junk. So I tried out reversing the requirement; You must add the lot in order to use the skill. Maxing the skill is worth some money, but in general the goal is to use the skill to make money or LTH that can be used to buy the Inheritance reward.
Rflong7 wrote:Hi :)

You all are making me miss my Sims 3 Legacy. I had made it to Barnacle Bay with the 4th Generation- I was going through all the worlds and marrying in all the "Famous" Sims:.. like Bob Newbie, Mortimer Goth, Don Lothario,... I was after the Caliente girls next. XD
This sounds like a fantastic idea for a legacy. You have my support for starting it up again!

Bleh. I really need to go write. I got distracted by a different video game. I don't know where my priorities are these days.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by DreamWeaver »

Giggles, I'm having a blast with my legacy. Polli Tech Hues had an alien son named Comet and then married his wife-the alien who abducted him. They had triplets, a girl named Amber, two boys named Cobalt and Thyme. Then twins, a boy and a girl named Tiger and Dandelion and now Comet is a teenager. I had fun having him summon a meteror!
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS3 Legacy? Chat

Post by Emily Whalers »

Alright, blood pact it is! :drinks: Let's try to finish our legacies within the next ten years...or whenever, if 2019 is too close for comfort, Echo. (I didn't realize you started the Samples so long ago!)

Actually, speaking of when we started legacies, March 20 is my Legaversary! Three years of the Scatterdays, wow! I really need to pump out an update on Sunday. Work and life have been busy lately - I've had plans pretty much constantly, and I've been working some long hours lately - so I haven't been able to update. I really need to change that, because I'd like to finish Generation 4 soon. My laptop is also starting to slow down, which makes sense because it's nearly three and a half years old, so I need to backup my files in case something decides to crap out.

Also: Rflong, that legacy idea sounds like a lot of fun! You should definitely think about reviving it! And DreamWeaver, I'm glad you're having fun with your legacy! This legacy business is all about having fun, after all! :awesome:
The Scatterday Matriarchy - Chapter 5.9 and 5.10 published October 31, 2016
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