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Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R3/Renaisse - 1/9/2016

Posted: January 10th, 2016, 7:28 am
by MichelleCYoung
Wow, I've been off-line for about two months. I had to read from almost the beginning, because I couldn't remember where I left off. Not that that's a bad thing, because this is so much fun!

Immmm, where's the spoiler button? My computer died (I was calling it my lamp, for a while), and I had to rebuild from scratch, and upgrade this and that, and now, the whole website looks totally different, and I can't find the spoiler button, so...

Seriously, don't read this, if you don't want to be spoiled...





WOOOOW! I love the architecture style throughout, and you're really inspiring me to work harder on my own buildings in my games. My style will be different, though, because I downloaded a whole bunch of LACK recolors, and that's pretty much going to be the theme in my build-a-neighborhood.

I am loving these peasants! The snark, the brown-nosing, the babies! The "shotgun wedding," without a shotgun, but it was certainly implied. Yeah, he's nice right now, but I wonder how well this marriage will last. If she has all the needed children, and doesn't need a husband for legitimacy, any more, well... divorces do happen, and shotgun marriages are notorious for their higher-than-average divorce rate.

I'm not sure how you're assigning classes to the people, so I'm not sure if Andi has two potential suitors, or if she may wind up going with a townie, or what, but the possibilities are certainly there.

Beor really needs to stick to his post! Especially now with visitors saying, "Take me to your leader." Now, if he had actually brought the guy TO his leader... Wait. We'll probably see that visit in the Rheingold update that comes next, right? D'oh! Still, what was he doing, snooping on the peasants like that? He's a real risk-taker, isn't he? Also, it makes me keep looking behind me. You know that feeling that you're being watched, even when you know full well you're all alone? So creepy. So, thanks for that, Keika!

Anyway, I'm now inspired, and will hopefully post a chapter or two of my own, soon. Now that I can.

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R3/Renaisse - 1/9/2016

Posted: January 10th, 2016, 9:39 pm
by IchigoMcCoy
Dienda is definitely different than Imelda. I have a feeling she's going to be a thorn in the goddess's side.

Now, Keika, just because you're goddess and queen doesn't mean everyone is always listening to every word you say. Unfortunately.

Howard and Darion are so cute! I love how go with the flow Howard is. Baby? Marriage? Store? Okay! Also, yay more redheads!, Beor is the angel of death, huh?

A flower store in the middle of a snowstorm? I can dig it.

Great work so far! I don't know how the challenge goes (still lazy), but it looks like it's building up! Can't wait 'til there's more!

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R3/Renaisse - 1/9/2016

Posted: January 15th, 2016, 10:33 pm
by Keika

Dienda has the WORST pregnancies of practically any sim I've ever played. It was a nightmare! :timebomb:

I see you've got good foresight skills. :angel1:

Thanks for the comment, Mia!
Thanks a lot, Michelle! :D Yeah, you probably already heard it from Rosie, but the new "spoiler" button is the little white square next to the yellow dialogue balloon. :)

Thanks! I personally took inspiration from Veronaville, or at least my memory of it, and embellished from there. I'm looking forward to seeing how your neighborhood develops!

I'm working really hard to give each peasant their own flavor, since challenges like this can become pretty repetitive pretty quickly. ^^ You've got a point with the divorce rate for shotgun marriages. I'll have to think about that one!

Basically, everyone is starting as peasants, and they have to work their own way up to noble, instead of me pre-creating noble and merchant families. I've written in rules that cap the number of families that can be each class, but also have provisions for a more successful family of a lower rank taking over another family's spot. And, of course, plot gets free reign to do whatever the heck it wants with classes. ^^ As for Andi? Yeah, we'll see. :lol:

Yup, that hadn't happened yet when Dienda's pregnancy happened. He had pretty good reasons for snooping on this particular peasant at this particular time, though. You're welcome. ;)

Great! I'm really looking forward to reading more of yours! :bounce: Thanks for the comment!
Yup, those two are indeed quite different from each other. :)


As for Beor? That's pretty close. :shhh:

Totally. Seemed like good timing there. Flowers and snow go hand in hand, don't they?

Thanks for the comment, Jessie!

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 16th, 2016, 4:59 pm
by Keika
Bump it up! We've got an update! And it's coming at you LIVE in amazing 3D!! (Offer not available in all territories.) Read it here.

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 1:56 am
by Lorinsv
The town square is great use of your earned community lot!
Andi certainly looks like royalty now!

Placing snapdragons around for the benefit of her subjects' feeling of wellbeing is a perfectly godlike move on Queen Keika's part!

Great update - I love how you're implementing this BaRKC :wizard:

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 9:52 am
by mysterymusic7
So obviously I'm behind. Sorry Keika.
Love the town square.
Ooooh ominous plot brewing with the alien gods. Why they want to come in and ruin our perfectly good worlds for?
Andi is gorgeous. Wait all your sims are gorgeous. And your buildings too.
Love the shot-gun wedding. All your families are fun to read.
And now for the interesting parts of match-making. That's always super fun.

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 4:53 pm
by GustDragon
Ah! Slipped away for a bit and there were two more chapters up!
Okay, Renaisse. They seem like a lot of fun. More fun then Lauriel, anyway, and they are pretty fun. I love Howard's reaction to marrige. Pretty funny with your pregnancy giving you hate, At least you didn't get quadruplets. The golden frog was funny to. You could have sold windows instead of the fence, but I'm sure you like your windows :D .

And Rheingold... Those aren't posh awnings in the town square? Always wanted your building skill. I'm getting better, but the insides of the houses could use a lot of work. Ah! Sim after my own heart! Keep that imagination running, Andi. Ah! The plot! I knew it would be here soon! Live long and Prosper, Dark Winged Dude. I won't bother learning your name, because I probably won't see you to much. Nevermind, you are going to start a god-war. I would have let them in, but that's just me :P . I like having supernatural running around.
And yes, Andi's title is pretty awesome.

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 11:59 pm
by MichelleCYoung
GERSHINABOP! - Translates to "All Hail Keika, Queen of the BARKC!"

Sooo, comments on the chapter:
Who is Medlar, and where is his story, so we can read it, please? Also, this looks like an excellent back-story to explain the high witches, grand vampires, and the like.

Oh, wait, - backstory AND they're uninvited. COOOOOL!

Wait, no cereal? I must have missed the cereal!

I knew there was meditation coming, as soon as she started playing chess. Congrats! Also, meditation is very fitting for a goddess' mortal avatar. She's communing with her goddess friends, no doubt.

Oh, yeah. Very professional. I want to be this much in love with my husband forever. Awwwww! I love these two!

And is gorgeous! Yes, she certainly does look like a princess, especially in her formal wear.

Crowns usually are that way. They are wonderful! Where did you get them? Are they considered glasses or make-up, so you can wear them with any hairstyle?

Oooooooh! "Evil plans!" Can't wait!

You deserve to sleep in.
Great chappie!

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 2:20 am
by Keika

It's a shameless cheat of mish-mashing four or five different lots I needed into one. XD
I was so pleased with her party look for that reason! :) And yeah, let's call the snapdragons for her subjects' wellbeing, and not her selfish need to get her business up to rank 10. ^^ Thanks so much, Lorinsv! I've been meaning to make my way over to your BACC. I'm hoping to have time to read it this evening; really looking forward to it!

OHAI, Mystery! :D

Yeah, what's the deal!? ;P

Thanks on all accounts! I'm looking forward to getting into matchmaking! :diablo: Thanks so much for coming back over to read; your comments are always so nice!
Yep, at least I didn't get quadruplets. But then again, I've altered my chances for multiples so I have the original base game's percentage chance of roughly ten percent, with the smallest percent for triplets and no chance for quads. Sooo... yeah, I'm not going to have your problem. :splat: OF COURSE I'm not going to sell the windows!! They bring natural light into the house so I can actually take halfway-decent pictures!! Er... and they look nice, too!

You should've seen my first houses, Gust. Lot-size squares with neon walls and the loudest carpet I could find. Trust me, you're better than I was at your age. :haha: Yup, the first big plot is underway! Unfortunately, it's mostly gonna have to stick to the Rheingold chapters... :P

Isn't it, though? Thanks for stopping by, Gust! :)
We'll get there. ^^ Glad you like the first seeds of all that! :D

Oops, forgot to slip the cereal in! :duh: Sheesh, I've just realized that my sims are never going to be able to have an innocent bowl of cereal again!

Those crowns are by Wawa and Cynnix, and you can download them right here. Yes, they are considered glasses so you can wear them with any hairstyle, though a lot of the more complex ones kind of clip right through them. ^^ My sims are wearing the simplest ones for this occasion, but there's a variety of choices based on the real King Edward's crown. And they're all awesome. ^^

My poor simself. I'm putting her through so much in this challenge. She gets to be privileged though, so complaining? :pan: Thanks for reading and commenting, Michelle! :D

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 2:28 am
by MichelleCYoung
Thanks, Keika! I'm going to download those crowns. Don't know if my Queen will wear them, but I want to give it a try, at least.
Hehehe. Innocent cereal? I can picture it now: The straight-laced mother walks into the kitchen in the morning to see her teenaged daughter pouring a bowl of cereal, and completely freaking out. "FRANK! GET THE SHOTGUN!"

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 5:15 am
by Keika
:rotfl: That's hilarious!

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 9:37 am
by Anne
I love the town square! That's such a nice first community lot. I'm not entirely familiar with the BARKC rules for the community lots. Do some of them still unlock careers?
Andi is adorable. Her and the Queen's search for faeries was so endearing! Have you by any chance read the Throne of Glass series? I recently finished reading the third book, so it's still fresh in my mind, and the name Evalyn ne Maeve rung some bells (since the books mention an Evalyn, and her aunt (or something) Maeve). Just wondering! :)
I'm loving the plot with the angels and the set up for the supernatural creatures making their way into town ;) Looking forward to seeing how that will develop!
"His name shall be Lyas and he shall be my Lyas". Finding Nemo? ;)
Anyway, this was again so much fun! :D

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 1:04 pm
by Lorinsv
Keika wrote:<snip> let's call the snapdragons for her subjects' wellbeing, and not her selfish need to get her business up to rank 10. ^^
'Course not! Keeping her subjects happy with the least amount of effort on her part isn't in Queen Keika's self interest at all, nope, not one bit... :sly:

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 3:54 pm
by Keika
Thanks! Yes, some community lots do still unlock careers. The town square doesn't, of course, since I just needed it for a place to gather and shop, but you know. Next time. :)

Nope, I've never read that series! Wow, what a coincidence! I came up with "ne Maeve" because I really wanted a surname that followed the pattern of "le Fay" from Arthurian legend, with using the two words and all. Evalyn I picked because it sounded like an appropriately pretty name that would fit into the dynamic of the town, with half realistic names and half fantasy names. :)

Yup, Finding Nemo. :sly:

Thanks so much! Thanks for reading and for the comment, Anne! :D

Nope, nope, not at all! :cheeky:

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 19th, 2016, 9:16 am
by MichelleCYoung
Thanks for the link to those crowns, Keika! I'm using them, already. They are wonderful.

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 19th, 2016, 4:08 pm
by Keika
No prob! :)

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 20th, 2016, 12:27 pm
by cowplant
After marathoning your other challenges, I had to take a peek into this one.
Didn't regret it :D
If I ever finish my legacy (or accept is as failed, whatever comes first), I'll try this challenge ^^

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 21st, 2016, 2:03 am
by Keika
Thanks so much! That really means a lot that you like them! :D If you're ever in the mood for a very long challenge, definitely try this one. It's a blast. :) Thanks for reading!!

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 21st, 2016, 12:34 pm
by cowplant
Just a question:
Do you build your houses yourself or do you have a site/creator where you get them from?
If not the second, would you consider uploading the floorplans? :D

Re: Clitheroe: A BaRKC - R4/Rheingold - 1/17/2016

Posted: January 21st, 2016, 3:57 pm
by Keika
I do build my houses myself. :) Floorplans is my weakness--I learned to build by copying pictures of houses I found online, so the insides of the houses are much less polished. But sure, I'll see what I can do. You just wanted the floorplans, or did you want a copy of the lot itself? And which one(s)? :)