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BNTM Season 10 - Round 3 RESULTS

Posted: September 4th, 2015, 7:15 pm
by Rosanna
Hey guys, so so sorry for the delay on these results! Three of us contributed to the scoring, but one judge had some stuff going on so she wasn't able to get around to commenting. We decided it would just be better to post the results with only 2 sets of comments.
Top 3 for Round 3
There was actually a four way tie this round!
Some of the camera angles were a little odd, but other than that, really good entry! Especially love the first picture.
Nice expressions!

Thought you did a really good job of portraying greed! Your scenery was great in your shots, and poses and expressions were wonderful!
Great job

Your portrayal was Lust was good, however, make sure you think about your model's clothing and hair, and also the scenery. Try changing things up a little bit.
Nice expression in the first shot. Would like to see the hair/clothes mixed up though

I loved your entry! Simple but effective way of showing Sloth. Your last picture was my favourite, definitely made me laugh!
Great entry! Just would have had that standing sim in the last shot a bit more diagonal or changed the angle of the shot to more top-down so that the model

I felt like your three images were disconnected, even though they were all the same theme. Think about how they fit together as a set, as well as each image on its own. The last picture was my favourite!
The second shot didn't really scream pride to me, but otherwise nice work

Your model looked a little too happy in the first shot to be angry, but I liked the other two, and thought the theme was good.
Nice expression in the second shot, but I don't really see the wrath in the first and last ones

Liked how you portrayed pride, and enjoyed the red themed outfits.
First shot was a bit plain for me (maybe it was the grey) but overall, good job!

Make sure you think about scenery and backgrounds, rather than just cropping it all out just to see your model. Good job portraying pride though.
Nice expressions, but I'm not a huge fan of the cropping. It'll still count as a headshot/full body shot if there's scenery around her

Love how bright and colourful your entry is. Really good job of showing Gluttony. The last picture made me laugh.
Loved it

Really liked this entry! Facial expressions were great, and even with things going on in the background, my eyes were still drawn to your model. Great job!
Great concepts. The first two shots were a bit too similar for me in how it's set up though

Really liked your entry! Nice facial expressions, and even though you had extra people in the pictures, this didn't distract away from your model.
The last shot is great!

Really liked your entry, especially the last picture with the fire. Keep it up!
Great work. Would've have repositioned the second photo, though, with her more towards the middle and him closer to the side.