Farm Life Legacy by fun_in_dysfunctional (TS2)

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Farm Life Legacy by fun_in_dysfunctional (TS2)

Post by katrisims »

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Farm Life Legacy Rules (requires Seasons)

I haven’t seen any farm challenge rules anywhere, so I decided to make some myself. If you had this idea before me and put it out there, sorry. Just tell me and I can credit you with the idea.

These rules are very rough, and need a lot of polishing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

---Farm Life Legacy Challenge---

This is a ten-generation challenge, and can be paired with a genetic challenge if you want. (No cheats allowed, except moveobjects and building cheats. Cheats like stretchskeleton that are purely cosmetic are fine – and funny). The founder counts as a generation.

You can make your founder in CAS or any single sim already in the world. If you create your founder, you can make them however you like.

If you make them in CAS, get them a large dog (A farm dog). If thy already exist in the sim world, they can call and adopt a dog.

Move them into an empty lot, any size. I prefer smaller lots with less lag.

Build the following:
- A small cottage in farmhouse style preferably with one bathroom and one bedroom + an open kitchen-living area
- A large pond for fishing
- At least 128 squares of garden plot (seems complicated, but you only need two 8 x 8 plots)
- Two of each tree (lemon, orange, apple)
If you have any money left after all this, invest in lots of garden items…

• Since they live on a farm a long way from town, no-one in the household is permitted to go to a community lot anytime except for weekends
• Every member of the household must wake up prior to sunrise to garden/farm.
• No cars except the ute or the car built as part of freetime
• Nothing from the electronics tab except for a phone and the most basic radio UNTIL someone achieves a gold robotics badge
• The heir may not go to college, but spares may
• All descendants of the founder must be Family sims, spares may later be changed
• Lifetime Aspiration Freetime rewards are permitted, as well as ordinary aspiration objects
• The founder and heirs may not have jobs as they are entirely dedicated to the farm (spares and spouses can have jobs)
• Nothing may be ordered from the Delivery tab on the phone, and taxis cannot be called (they don’t come this far out of town)
• Anyone moved or married in must be made over to look like they’re fit for a farmer’s life (funnier if you move in sophisticated townies – um, do they even exist?)
• Aside from spares and random townies that may have been moved in, no-one is allowed to move out
• No Maids, gardeners or repairmen/women are allowed (servos are okay)

Keep a count of points accrued:
+ 10 Points
• The founder or heir marries (up to 100 points)
• The founder or heir has a child (practically limitless, but a minimum of about 20 points a generation)
• For earning a wishing well before the founder dies
• For keeping a family line of farm dogs for the duration of the challenge
• For every lifetime want completed by the founder or heir
• Bigfoot joins the family
+ 5 Points
• For any gold badge earned by the founder, an heir, spare or spouse. (gardening, fishing, flower arranging, etc)
• For every skill maxed by the founder, an heir, spare or spouse
• For being a member of the garden club
• For every successful crop (all garden-plot plants must be planted at one time, and a plot is considered successful if none of the plants die)
• For every sim in the household with nature interest maxed

- 10 points
• Someone dies of anything other than old age
• Family line of dogs dies out
• For every baby, toddler or child taken away by the social worker
-5 points
• For every unsuccessful crop (plants dying before being harvested)
• A fire occurs
• Any sim in the household goes into aspiration failure
• The social bunny arrives
• Lightning strikes/sim is struck by lightning
• A dog runs away

If you do this legacy challenge please post, okay! And please give me some suggestions to fix this – don’t blame me if I’ve forgotten about something vitally important to the game! I’m going to post my Farm Legacy really, really soon! :lol:
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