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Thai's Nose & Face Definition Kit

Posted: June 2nd, 2017, 5:56 pm
by Thaitanic

Hi everybody! I've actually made custom content! This is very exciting, because the last custom content I made was done like five years ago, terrible and also done in MS Paint with the spraycan brush.

I originally made this for myself because a lot of my skins were lovely but I felt they needed more definition on the face. This may also be a reflection on my sim making ability or my graphics card. I decided to upload it mostly because I like medals and that creator medal still exists. :hmm:

Anyway. Included in the kit are four different definers. One for cheekbones, one for the nose bridge, one which creates a button nose and one which adds freckles to your sims. I don't know if freckles count as a 'definer' but they were really cute. They work on most skin tones to varying degrees of success but look best on skintones similar to default s2 and s3. The shaders still look good on s1 (the male model in the pictures has s1) and on s4 the only problem is that less freckles are visible. It's very hard to find a colour which works on all skintones though, so I might expand this kit to include skintone specific ones in the future. They work pretty nicely on unnatural skintones too like alien green. :) Plus they stack! :#1:


The definers work on all genders, and on children and up. The freckles work on all genders and can be applied to toddlers!

Hopefully that's everything - if there's any problems, tell me! Thanks a bunch for looking <3

Download here.