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best place to post a sims 4 legacy?

Posted: March 24th, 2018, 7:18 am
by AuliesWORLD
Finally on the bandwagon of legacy creation with sims 4. What is the best website to use to do so!? My legacy will be in the comedic side. Thanks all for the help

Re: best place to post a sims 4 legacy?

Posted: March 26th, 2018, 3:57 pm
by Livvielove
Hi AuliesWORLD!
Welcome to Boolprop!

I'm an avid storyteller myself, I have 2 legacies and 2 miscellaneous stories as well as 2 challenges that I all host on Blogger! Blogger is run by Google, so if you have a Google Account it will all hook in nicely together, I've found, and there's unlimited, free photo storage/hosting through Google Photos with that same account. I have a small (incomplete) tutorial on how to work blogger on my website, found here, if Blogger interests you, but it's not the only website out there.

Wordpress is a common blog/hosting site for many simmers I've seen, and I've heard that while it's a bit more limited than Blogger in customization that it's very user-friendly.

Finally, there's LiveJournal (which I know a few people around here use, though not many) and even Tumblr can function as a posting place. I know LiveJournal is more set up for chapter-like posts, but I've seen people do it on Tumblr as well. I, personally, only use my Tumblr to post alerts about chapters and link *to* them, but everyone has their own way they prefer. You may like none of these options and find a better one of your own!

Alternatively, I have seen people post their stories directly onto forums like this one - so if none of the above options work out for you, maybe the forum instead?

Either way, good luck, and let us know if you start a story! We have a lot of writers and readers here that love some good, fun Sims. We also have a monthly Story Newsletter that comes out the first of each month.