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How to build a basement in Sims 2

Posted: October 27th, 2018, 2:24 pm
by Ani-Mei
One thing that always stumped me was how some Sims 2 players had basements in their houses, I could never figure it out :shrug: ...until now. I found an easy 9 step tutorial on how to do it, gotta love Google. ^^

How To Build a Basement in Sims 2

Re: How to build a basement in Sims 2

Posted: October 27th, 2018, 3:32 pm
by Radiochocolate
In addition, here's a tutorial on how to make a basement with windows :smoothie:

Re: How to build a basement in Sims 2

Posted: December 9th, 2018, 2:15 pm
by modelmgt
Ani-Mei wrote:One thing that always stumped me was how some Sims 2 players had basements in their houses, I could never figure it out :shrug: ...until now. I found an easy 9 step tutorial on how to do it, gotta love Google. ^^

How To Build a Basement in Sims 2
Why not ask us? :shrug:

Without looking at the Googled one, here's what I do:

You can either start with a blank lot, or just a house that you want to add onto that already has a foundation.
(foundations are always key,from my experience)
If the house already exists, I would not worry about replacing any disturbed flooring on the first level(above the basement) until you finish your basement's room-designs.
-Put down your desired amount/shape of foundation for desired amount/shape of basement-space.
-Using the terrain shovel, "dig" down a ways into the ground under the foundation, focusing initially on one corner of one square of land in the grid, and keeping track of how many mouse-clicks you do(for the start), so you can do the same to the other 3 corners of that grid-square and start with somewhat of a guide to level ground. Tap it with the leveling tool to be sure.
-Once you get the one square lower & level, you can do that first whole floor-leveling. It's better(IMO) to be cautious when digging a basement so you don't waste a lot of money digging too deep.
- Continuing your digging, use the ground- leveling shovel tool to occasionally level a section of floor, and test the depth of the basement with a column. You've dug deep enough when you can place a column on the basement floor. (If you're doing a sunken room, such as a living room or den, column-test is not needed as digging is minimal) If you don't dig deep enough you won't be able to put the floors on/ back on the first story of the house above your basement.
-when necessary depth has been reached(you're able to place a column on the basement floor), completely level the entire basement space, up to the inner foundation walls. You've leveled too much if there are gaps between the land and the foundation of the house(at ground level).
From the outside you should not even be able to tell the basement is there in that regard.
-Next, ideally do a wallpapering test. At this point the floors are still earth and can be altered easily enough, and the wallpapers with baseboards are only designed to reach to a certain height/depth before repeating. If the wallpaper starts to repeat at the base of the basement wall, you may have dug the basement too far down. If you don't mind the depth, just pick a wall-covering without the trim-pieces or wainscoting so it will continue uninterrupted, floor to ceiling.
-Now you can start planning rooms! Bathrooms are possible with the move_objects cheat, and lockable rooms are possible if you use your foundation tool correctly, and use fencing and gates to limit basement-room access.
Let me know if this is helpful or if you spotted tips that google didn't mention. :shhh:
Edit: Just checked out the Wiki(googled) one, and I never thought of putting the wallpaper first! Interesting :hmm:

Re: How to build a basement in Sims 2

Posted: December 12th, 2018, 11:08 am
by simsterlyrock
This is the tutorial I've used because it's so simple! That same simmer also has other really good building tutorials that I still use, even though she left the community earlier this year.