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Golden Plumbobs 2023 - It's back!

Posted: December 8th, 2022, 9:29 am
by Palmer


The 2023 Golden Plumbobs have arrived! It's time to start off the new year with some highlights~

This is an announcement post to let you know what's to come! The Golden Plumbobs start on January 1st!


Once again, there's adjustements to this year's awards, all in favor of trying to give everyone the best chance at winning a medal. Here, see the list of categories yourself!
Challenge awards
Palmer Whisperer
Best ISBI Challenge
Best Legacy Challenge
Best Legacy with a twist
Best Story or Other
Best Common Challenge
Best Uncommon Challenge
Best Rare Challenge

Member awards
Best Avatar
Best Signature
Glamorous Architect
Busy Bee
Boolpropian Olympian

Sim awards
Sweetest Lovebirds
Sim of the Year
Fun fact!
You have a chance to win three flairs this year :D
Winner's flair of your choice for nominating someone for each category
Nominee flair Image
Golden Plumbob flair Image


General Guidelines/Rules

:pencil: Only stories/challenges updated at least once in 2022 are eligible for the Golden Plumbobs of 2023 :pencil:

:pencil: You can only nominate once per category/Only your last nomination will be kept per category :pencil:


For the new members, the Golden Plumbobs is an event meant to highlight specific members of the site for a number of reasons turning around their involvement with Boolprop!
Anyone can win a prize! Be it for having the prettiest avatar, the most intriguing story, or for having completed the most challenges during the year!
The month of January is spent with you nominating members around the site for all the different categories. I'll be releasing one category every few days, with a detailed explanation of what the category is and who you can nominate for it. The final week of January will be a final week for nominations.
Then the month of February is spent on voting! At the end of February the winners are announced and will receive their flair and a badge for their category!


Detailed January Schedule

First Part: January 1st - January 9th
-- Miscellaneous Awards --
1st-2nd= Palmer Whisperer
3rd-4th= Sweetest Lovebirds
5th-6th= Terminator
7th-8th= Glamorous Architect
9th-10th= Sim of the Year
Second Part: January 10th - January 23rd
-- Challenge and Story Awards --
10th-11th= Best Common Challenge
12th-13th= Best Uncommon Challenge
14th-15th= Best Rare Challenge
16th-17th= Best Story or Other
18th-19th= Best Legacy with a Twist
20th-21st= Best Legacy Challenge
22nd-23rd= Best I'm Surrounded by Idiots Challenge
Third Part: January 24th - January 27th
-- Member Awards --
24th= Best Signature
25th= Best Avatar
26th= Busy Bee
27th= Boolpropian Olympian
Fourth Part: January 27th - January 31st
-- Final nominating week --

Re: Golden Plumbobs 2023 - It's back!

Posted: December 26th, 2022, 3:43 pm
by Blamsart
It's the Golden Plumbobs again! Hope you're all ready for some fun reads!