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A Whimms Whimacy Generation 1 Heir Poll

Posted: March 24th, 2024, 9:47 am
by Mojo
Well, it’s finally here! We’re finally at the end of generation 1 and we need to decide who’s going to live by their whims in the next gen! We don’t really have any criteria here for picking an heir, so just vote for your favorite!


First up is Ace! His traits are snob and cat lover. The cat lover trait will give us some cat whims. Which we just did with Demi… soooooo.


Next is King! His traits are dance machine and goofball. The goofball trait has him constantly being mischievous and wanting to do funny interactions. Which could put him on the track to die due to hysteria. Which would not be good for our legacy lol


Next is Jack. Jack’s traits are outgoing and good. He wants to be everyone’s friend. Literally. He’s always rolling whims to meet new people and make friends. So we would probably have no problems finding a spouse to date.



Next is Joker. His traits are bro and loves the outdoors. The loves the outdoors has given us vacation whims before, which could be fun! And also I just love him because he’s been so chaotic for me his entire existence.

Joker is my vote for heir. But don’t let that influence you


And finally we have Queen! She’s the only girl in this generation! Her traits are genius and loves the outdoors. Like Joker, we could get vacation whims with her.