Bella Noir (Finished)

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Re: Bella Noir

Post by ciyrose »

Oh man! What a good couple of updates!
It's good that Jennifer called him out on using Lucy. :) Wow, that was a bit of a shock from Cassandra. I guess I can understand, and glad she seems to have gotten out of that and started being a better big sister. I wonder what Alexander whats to say.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 15 Bella Goth's Last Night
I asked her if she'd let me talk to him about Bella. He still loved his mom, despite what the kids at
school said about her. And that was a strong indicator to me that there was a reason for it. Cassandra
was nervous about going against Mortimer. Though why the girl gave his opinion any weight after her
childhood I can't guess.

But in a rare show of courage she agreed to let me talk to him. She peeled him away from Lucy with
a tender grace and spoke to him a moment before asking him to join us. They shared an affectionate
embrace. He might never appreciate it, but she would always have an active interest in his life.

The four of us walked across the street to the park and went into the gazebo. Lucy politely watched
the chess players there, within eye shot so I'd know she was safe, while Cassandra asked Alexander
about the night before they found out their mom had disappeared.

To his credit, the boy had perfect recall. Bella had received a call two days before she went missing,
while he was practicing his piano. "Why didn't you tell me things were so bad?" she had asked the
person who called. "This puts us all in danger," she followed. A few moments went by, then, "Of
course. Of course, I will." And then she hung up.

The night after that Uncle Michael came over and she and he argued on the lawn. Alexander couldn't
hear everything, but he did hear Uncle Mike tell her to stay out of it. What was happening was none
of her business. Bella shook her head at him angrily and tried to walk away, but he grabbed her by
the arm. Bella winced.

The next night Bella prepared a suitcase filled with money. Alexander asked her what it was for. She
told him a friend of hers was going to have a baby soon. But that they had lost all their money and
they needed her help. She gave him a big hug and kiss and hauled the suitcase downstairs.

"She wasn't afraid," Alexander looked down into his lap, his legs swinging childishly. "And she wasn't
running away. She was coming back home." The boy looked into my eyes purposefully, "It was just one
of those things that grown-ups have to do. Like seeing the dentist or paying bills."

I caught a tear in Cassandra's eye as she wiped it away. Apparently Alexander never told her his
account of that night until now either. What was this about a baby, though? There were no newborns
in town. Who could Bella have meant? It was time to enlist Jennifer's feminine expertise.
Author of Bella Noir.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by ciyrose »

Oh boy!
The mystery continues. A new baby huh? I wonder if that was just something she told him, or if there was something actually going on with a baby. Why didn't Michael want her invovled? So curious for what comes next!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

Alexander talks and a lot is known and a lot is unknown still
great stuff




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

I wonder if there really was a baby, or if that was just an excuse she told him. Also children always seem to know more about what's going on than adults like to think.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 16 The Illustrious Mr Lothario
For the moment Cassandra returned to being my patron in search of what happened to her mother.
Michael, although now deceased, seemed to have a vested interest in this baby matter. His domestic
situation before he died could shed some light in that regard.

On the other hand, anyone without money in Pleasantview was an obvious clue to the Brokes. Brandi
might not have been aware of any connection, but there was a slim chance there might have been
someone who did. The someone who made Skip nervous. And it was high time I acquainted myself
with Don Lothario once and for all.

I found him entertaining a throng of women, unsurprisingly. But perhaps a little more surprising was
that Dina has engaging with him. I was under the impression it was her sister that favored him and
that Dina was attracted to much older men. Perhaps this was an innocent encounter.

Either way, Mr Lothario was in a much more agreeable mood this time around and greeted me with,
perhaps liquid, enthusiasm. I introduced myself and asked him if I could ask him a few questions.
He gave me a very disappointed frown. Apparently I'd ruined his good mood. But he agreed and we
stepped aside from the party.

"So you found me out, eh?" his eyes reeled into the back of his head, "I thought I was in the clear
after that chick ran off."
"You're referring to Bella Goth?"
"Yeah that dame," he nodded. I didn't realize it would be this easy.
"Mr. Lothario are you confessing to the murder of Mr. Skip Broke?" His eyes shot up at me, confused
and alarmed.
"What?! No! You're not pinning that on me! I was talking about the-" he lowered his voice, "The

"The blackmail?" I repeated.
"Yeah yeah!" He scratched the back of his head with a guilty crooked smile and I was able to see
why women found him so enthralling. He had an uncouth rascally charm about him. The kind of guy
who would get you into trouble. And more often that not you wouldn't even care.
"Look, he and a group of friends pulled a heist in the city a few years back, hawked it and came into
a lot of money."
"What kind of heist?" I pressed, knowing the answer in the back of my mind. That's what I was
remembering that day I met up with old Doc Herb.
"An art heist. Some painting. You know the kind, where they switch out the original for a phony?"

"Who were his friends? Were you blackmailing them as well? How did you learn about all of this? Was
Bella Goth involved in the art heist?" But Mr. Lothario was starting to clam up.
"Look, you can't tell Cassandra about any of this. I-... I got engaged to her to piss off Bella, but..."
there was that sheepish charming smirk again, "She's actually a really wonderful girl. I've been
thinking about going through with it."
Thank you everyone for your comments! Secrets being unveiled! Complications getting more complicated!
Author of Bella Noir.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by ciyrose »

Oh Don, you ol' softy. Don't do it though!!! lol Interesting, an art heist and some blackmail, but why is everyone dead? Was the baby the art, or is there still a baby in the mix? Intriguing! Love it, keep going!!!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

I kind of forgot about Brandi Broke being pregnant when the game starts. Are they talking about her baby? I wonder how a baby and the art heist are connected? Also if Cassandra knows Don's true intentions.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

I love this mystery, babies, forgeries, affairs and blackmail what more could you ask for.




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 17 Paying Respects
That afternoon Jennifer asked Brandi to watch Lucy while she visited her new friends Nina Caliente.
Nina was sweet enough, but Jennifer wasn't sure if she'd appreciate the company of children. She
walked a few blocks from their apartment complex to the Caliente house and tapped politely at the
door. Why was she so nervous? This was just a visit. A friend calling on another friend. That's all. All
except for the sleuthing part. She wondered if she could actually do this.

Nina was happy to have a visitor. Dina was out at a class, She'd be home soon enough. They didn't get
many visitors. The women in town were pretty uppity about having a good time and having any fashion
sense. Being from the city, Jennifer would be a breathe of fresh air. Nina asked her about the latest in
the city. It was damned boring being in Pleasantview, cut off from the world. Hardly any men to keep
them company. And shopping for clothes in this abysmal place was sheer agony.

"This may sound a bit rude, I promise I'm not trying to be, but why do you stay?" Jennifer asked. Nina
gave a small shrug, "We need to stay in town until Michael's affairs are in order. Everything must be
nice and tidy for Dina," she said with an affectionate, if not tolerant, sideways glance, "His accounts,
this house, which he bought only about a year ago. I don't see why these things take so long."
"Oh, it's a lovely house," Jennifer said, appreciating the fireplace and hardwood floors.

"Oh, I'll show you around," Dina offered and Jennifer agreed. It gave her a chance to do some
innocent snooping, but her heart stopped when she saw Michael's grave. "Did you know him?" Nina
asked gently. Jennifer nodded. "I'm sorry," Nina gave her arm a soft pat and left Jennifer there to
pay her respects, "I'll be in the front when you're ready." Jennifer gave Michael a silent minute and
reflected on her memories of him before rejoining Nina, "Did you know him well, too?" she asked.

Nina frowned. "Oh, I envied Dina getting married before me, that's true. Michael seemed like a safe
bet. He had that streak of gray Dina finds so attractive in men. So she thought he was tame and
stable." She cast a pained look at the house. "He wasn't," Jennifer surmised out loud. Nina gave her a
brief but severe glare. "He was so determined to have her in the beginning. She thought it was out of
love. But I don't think he understood what love was. He was possessive, controlling and extremely
jealous. The first year they were married I wasn't even allowed to visit. Not even allowed to visit my
own sister!"

Jennifer guided Nina inside the to kitchen table and started some tea while Nina continued on."When
I was finally allowed to see her again she was a completely different person. We had always been so
alive, but she... it's like she was in a daze. The only sign on life I saw in her now was fear whenever
he got close to her."
"How dreadful," Jennifer murmured, mostly to herself. She handed Nina a cup of tea and sat down just
as Dina opened the front door and made her way into the dining room.

Jennifer was caught off guard after listening to what her life was like being married to Michael and
she stammered very clumsily, "You m-must be Dina!" she knew she said that too excitedly, but stood
up and shook Dina's hand and offered her a cup of tea and to join them. Dina smiled politely, but gave
her sister a questioning look. "Oh, this is Jennifer, just come in from city, I told you about her," Nina
explained. Dina smiled again and asked how Jennifer was.

"A little rattled," Jennifer confessed, "I just paid my respects to your late husband. I knew him...
when he was much younger." Dina stared at Jennifer, "How?" "I... I used to live here when I was a
child," she explained. Dina began angrily nodding, "Ah, and I bet you're married to that cop that's
been asking around about him, huh?! Thought you'd just come on over and see for yourself?!" Jennifer
had the look of a frightened rabbit and searched Nina's face for some kind of help. "Dina, that's
enough." "No, Nina! She's a spy! She's spying on us! Little information gatherer for that lousy two-bit
dick!" (Detective, in this context.) Jennifer stood up, made her apologies to Nina and curtly left.

*No italics this time. John isn't narrating this episode, so they weren't necessary. ^-^
Yay! New readers! Thank you for your super encouraging comments! Things are starting to amp up!
Author of Bella Noir.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Lorinsv »

I just started reading too, about five updates in so far. Really enjoying it, love the noir style!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

oh dear Jennifer rumbled all ready




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

Oh no Jennifer was caught! I wonder if Michael was involved in any of the other deaths because he does not seem like a good man.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 18 The Artist
The Art Heist. Seemed like ages ago. It had only been seven years. I was still a beat cop. Lucy was in
diapers. I wasn't involved but the case was famous. The duplicate could have been there for weeks,
perhaps months. And it's discovery prompted a slough of investigations into the authenticity of other
priceless pieces. There were eight confirmed counterfeits. If Skip or Bella were involved I could take
a wild guess who produced the bogus artwork.

Mr. Dreamer. Grieving husband. Former artist. That was the connection. It had to be. However, after
our first blunderous meeting, I wasn't eager to start a conversation. But as he was at Mr. Lothario's
get together, providing the music, I couldn't overlook the opportunity. Between numbers I asked him
to meet me outside for a small chat. Small chat. Who was I kidding. I was about the accuse the man
of being involved in the biggest unsolved mystery in Sim City.

"First, I'd like to make my apologies about our first meeting," I started, "I had no idea what you had
been through-" Mr Dreamer cut me off, "No, don't worry about it. How could you know? I should
apologize for just walking out on you." That made me feel a little better, "Well, you might want to
rescind your apology after what I have to ask you," I gave him a weak smile.

"You see, after I learned about your wife and Mr. Broke's death I started looking into it, in addition
to discovering what happened to Ms. Goth's mother and uncovered some very... interesting facts.
I'm afraid I must ask: ..." Out with it, John. Just say it. "Were you involved in the SimCity Art Theft?
Were you providing the counterfeit paintings to him?" Mr Dreamer looked at me like I was crazy.

"What... are you TALKING about?! Skip Broke?! Stealing art? The man was a- an ignoramus! He
couldn't plan a picnic outing!"
"Then he was working with someone else," I posited, "But you did provide the paintings."
"I didn't. I couldn't. I wouldn't even know how. My art was Avant Garde, no where near professional
enough for a convincing replica."

"Come on, Mr Dreamer, you expect me to believe that. You got involved in Skip's gang. That's what
brought you to Pleasantview in the first place," I said, as if I was trying to convince him.
"Darleen brought me here. I played for one of the clubs Downtown, that's where we met. We fell
in love. We moved here," Mr Dreamer corrected me, "I didn't know Skip before I moved here."
"Then what was Darleen in Cim City for?" I followed up.

"Some job, I don't know. It didn't last long, so we moved back here and she started teaching."
I stared at him for a good long while, then something clicked.
"And... when did you take up painting?"
"Darleen always had art stuff around the house," Darren said, but by now he was getting pretty
defensive, "She taught an art class on the weekends. I took it up so we could spend more time
together. Now please leave!"
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

I'm so interested to find out how everything is connected. So maybe it was Darlene that was involved in the heist? I wonder if whoever was in charge offed everyone who was involved.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by ciyrose »

Oh man, caught up again and wow.....
So much intrigue. Poor Jennifer getting yelled at by Dina. I mean she was kind of snooping, but he also knew Michael, it's not like she didn't have any reason to be there. Now Darren wasn't the counterfeiter, but Darlene maybe? Did the person in charge of the art theft take out everyone? And what of Skip, if he had some gang that pulled that off did he not get paid, and what part does Bella have in all this??? So many things to wonder about!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

my mind racing with everything going. But great writing getting us all hooked




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 19 An Unexpected Friendship
Darleen Dreamer. I scoffed into my scotch. If I was right about this everyone to do with the heist
seven years ago was either dead or missing. And I had no proof. Well, aside from the word of a
philandering, blackmailing flight officer and incredibly circumstantial testimony from Mr. Dreamer.
My guess is he'd never betray his wife's memory. Especially in court.

Statute of limitations was probably running out, if it was still in effect after all these years. And
with no evidence I'd only look like some small town crack-pot cop spinning conspiracy theories. Not
quite the legacy I want to leave my family. And there were still so many unanswered questions. I
wasn't about to go back to Mr Dreamer though. He's been through quite enough.

Jennifer burst into the apartment, shaking like a leaf.
"What? What happened?" I asked, trying to calm her.
"Oh! That woman!" she said breathlessly, but that's all she got out before a knock came to the door.

It was one of the Caliente sisters. As I didn't know which woman Jennifer meant I guarded the door,
but Jennifer looked over my shoulder.
"Nina?" she said, recognizing the red-head. Apparently this was the favorable sister, so I let her in.

"Oh, Jennifer, I am so sorry," she said, racing into my wife's arms, "Dina, she isn't- ah, you know, after
Michael's death," she tried offering up excuses for her sister.
"Oh Nina," Jennifer said with a bit of relief, "I'll be fine. I hope I didn't get you into any serious
trouble with her, though," she said and invited her to sit down and I decided to keep an eye on things.

"I should have been upfront with you about what I was doing," Jennifer started, "My husband was
hired to look into the disappearance of Mrs. Goth."
"I hadn't realized Dina was married to her brother when I first met you," I stepped in.
"Oh, we thought- haha! We thought that was why you were there! To ask about Michael," Nina

"Well, not at first. It didn't occur to me to ask if you knew her at all."
"Who, Bella?" Nina asked, "No I didn't know her well at all. I can't imagine what it was like being
married to him, let alone being his sister. God knows how she survived."
"If she did survive," I said rather bleakly. They both gave me looks of shock.

"Would Dina have known her? Or called her? Say, if she was in a family way?" Jennifer asked with care.
"Oh, you know about that," Nina said a bit sedately and took a moment to think on it, "She never
mentioned Bella. But... she doesn't say much of anything these days." Jennifer held Nina's hand and
gave her a look of consolation, while I sat there completely confused. Was Dina pregnant or wasn't
she? If so, where was the baby now?
Trying to get around to wrapping things up, but other things keep popping up! ^~^;
I want to say thank you again to you guys. It means a lot that you read and comment and you're having as much fun with the story as I am. I don't think it'd be the same story without you guys. :heart:
Author of Bella Noir.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by ciyrose »

Oh boy, additional intrigue. What did Michael have Bella do? So many thing still unanswered. I'm glad I've been able to read this story and that you have kept telling it. It's been so much fun!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

who is pregnant Dina or Bella and is Darlene Dreamer the mastermind of the heist.
Yep I think we are all hooked




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