The White Legacy

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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by Keika »

I had to do it!! He needed to be with Jade!! And also he was too convenient!! :hissyfit:

It's funny just how easily June fit in with this generation. :haha:

Thanks, Sam! I can't believe it's almost over! :no:

Destroy you all before the legacy is over?



It is SO weird getting used to actually playing June, rather than just letting her sit. I love her to death, and I'm so glad I could find an opening in the family for her. :D

Shh. He has stockpiles. That means he can survive for an undisclosed period of time. :shiftyeyes:

"Final showdown," huh? :rotfl: That is literally the exact phrase I've been using in my outline...

Thanks a bunch, Miri! I'm going to miss these sims, too. Maybe I'll have to do something about that. :hmm:

Yes, Jessie... :cryingeyes:

I'm really looking forward to seeing that. I hope you're planning on taping it! :rotfl:

That would pretty much rock. IN THIS CORNER...

You know, I pretty much agree. This event was an important part of Saffron's character arc. She needed someone to tell her to buck up and stand strong under pressure, because she wasn't doing that. Note that despite Bay telling her otherwise to make her feel better, no one was exactly denying what Clary had said by the end of the scene. :) It was important to happen, but Clary had to apologize and Saffron needed to be comforted because Clary was pretty unnecessarily harsh along the way.

Destroy it with sledge hammers... :rotfl:

Thanks a bunch, Jessie! :hug:
Aw Gabie, you should know better than opening spoiler tags! :D Yup, I took Sun away. He needed to be with Jade, and besides, he was a little too convenient for what I have in mind for the end. :yes: I still got all misty-eyed at having to kill him, though. :cry:

Exactly. This is when all the emotions start running high. ^^

Sacrifice June! XD :rotfl:

I had such a fun time with that double proposal! I love how it turned out! :awesome:

I figured that plantsims would be the natural enemy to the vampire--since they're very likely bloodless and all. :yes:

Goodbye college! Don't let the door hit you on the tail on your way out! :wave:

Thanks a bunch, Gabie! :D
I HAD TO DO IT!! :cryingeyes:

Hm? Zombies? What is this now? :shiftyeyes:

Thanks for commenting even though you were zoned out, Ani-Mei! :hug:
Rent-a-Sun... :rotfl: That's such a great idea!

Ah, is that this infamous wedding episode I keep hearing about? :) I'll probably have to go watch that show. I'm really into fantasy--I don't know why I haven't yet. I've even got at least one of the books (inherited in two or three huge boxes from my grandmother), and I just haven't gotten around to it yet! :thdown:

"Final showdown." I think you guys are getting into my notes. You're the second person who's used that phrase, which just happens to be the exact wording I'm using in my outline. ;)

Don't worry, we'll be finding out. ;)

Awwww, thanks so much! You're so nice! :hug: That really made my day!

Thanks for the comment, Michelle! :D
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I posted a link to this legacy on my new Sims Stories page at my website. I'll be adding others, as I read them, but this is definitely the one that keeps me hooked, at the moment, so it has pride of place as the first listing.

And on that complimentary note, when will you update? 8-D

Also, regarding the scene with Clary and Saffron - I was harsh, but it needed to happen. What's more, the way it turned out at the end, with the apology and all, really worked to bond the siblings together, as well as give me all sorts of "welcome-to-the-family" feelies for June. She's wonderful, and I love her. Clary was harsh, but she was right, and Saffron needed to hear it. She also needed to hear from Bay that her grandmother's death wasn't her fault, and she can't hold onto that guilt. She needs to move forward. It was a very necessary scene, and will work to make the whole family much stronger!

I'm still not sure about that firefighter, though. He could be a spy.
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by Radiochocolate »

Way to go June >:D 0 neat points? I'd reconsider eating her food :P "Blasphemous heathen" :rotfl: Aaw Spike ish shou cuuuute *pulls his cheek* Right, you're a family sim... *evil cackle* I'm still scared of Clary becoming Merry's reincarnation... Their nicknames even rhyme! Poor Spike... Did you know Clary is a tub pirate? ;) Ugh, sounds like my asylum... BayxJune? *ship* Arie is the greatest pixelated aunt ever xD Pepper! <3 Dane didn't host the party? Uh oh... ARC! :evil: Fen! No! *cry* Of course he allied himself with the vampires. Of course. SUN TO THE RESCUE! *woot* Don't you die too... :cryingeyes: And the ones at the dinner too... STOP DYING ON ME DAMNIT! *gets chocolate* Yup, here comes the Merry in Clary. Oh wait, nevermind. Guess June's actually useful for something. BayJune is actually pretty cute. Wonder what their kids would look like... A fire?! DON'T YOU DARE KILL ANOTHER CHARACTER KEIKA OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN--- oh look no one died. Good. Double proposal :D Aaaaand here the vampires come again. Splendid. /sarcasm Plantsims to the rescue! :3 The legacy's almost over... *pout* But I don't want it to end!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by Keika »


Cool, thanks! I appreciate that! :D The next chapter is... let me see... within a scene or so of being done. This last little bit is kicking my butt. I don't have a specific day I can guarantee it'll be out, but it'll probably be very soon. *Possibly* this evening if I get right down to it after work, but if not today, not any earlier than Monday.

That also pretty much pinpoints what I was hoping to accomplish with that scene. ^^ In reward for summing it up so well, I'll give you a free semi-spoiler.
The fireman... is not a spy. ;)
There were some... unfortunate repercussions... of marrying in the slob. Such as the absolute zero neat points inherited by some of the children. -_-

WHAT!? Clary is a tub pirate!? GASP! ;)

I love Arie. She's just so much fun to write, and has a habit of kind of stealing every scene she's in. :rotfl:

Of course he did! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all! They've got pretty much the same goals, so it only makes sense. ;) I've had all this death planned for a long time, but I didn't count on how hard it was going to be! :P

Nope, no one died. Just a convenient way to get Saffron to meet an NPC. :yes:

I don't really want it to end, either! Well... actually that's a lie. I kinda do. It's been over a year, it's time. But I don't want to relinquish these characters! :cryingeyes:

Thanks a bunch, Gabie! :D
Last edited by Keika on September 6th, 2014, 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by Radiochocolate »

My name is not Gabie :P
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by SprinkleOfSugar »

Pahahah, why does Keika keep on doing that? xD
Thanks for the Siggy Thai!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by Keika »

Ooooh my gosh, oops! Sorry, Mia, Gabie! XD For some reason, I am having the HARDEST time adjusting to new usernames! :rotfl: So sorry!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by SprinkleOfSugar »

I personally don't mind :P I find it very amusing
Thanks for the Siggy Thai!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by MichelleCYoung »

If it makes you feel any better, I have forgotten my name three times that I can remember.

Wait. I forgot one.

Two times that I can remember, and once that I remember remembering at one time, but have since forgotten. Yeah.

And all that was BEFORE I got hit by a truck and started taking pain pills that make me loopy. :roll:

Today, I hurt myself, because I saw my cat do something sooooo cuuuutttte, and had to demonstrate for my sister, which of course threw my neck out. So I took a pain pill. An hour later, I saw my Mom, and of course had to demonstrate the kitty-maneuver to her, because I remembered that it was soooooo cuuuutttte!, but forgot that it threw my neck out. And that just made things worse.

Where was I going with this? OH, YEAH! I am never offended, any more, when someone forgets my name. Also, I fully expect to forget other people's names from time to time, even without changes in user names. Please don't take it personally or be offended. My memory is not what it used to be, and it never was all that. Fair warning.

Also, there's a reason I use my real name, instead of a made-up user name. I actually tried starting an account here with a made-up user name, but I could never log on again! That account is probably floating around somewhere in the inter tubes.

And, yes, I was born blonde. I love blonde jokes, but I don't let other people tell them, unless they are also blonde. :pan:
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Uni. 2 - 8/31/14

Post by captainmills »

This is my favorite legacy. As much as I can't wait to see how it ends, I'm pretty sad that it's almost over. I can't wait to see what you do after this.
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by Keika »


Aw, thanks a bunch! I've got some plans for after this is over, I just have to pick a direction to go! :P Thanks again!


Alright, new chapter is up. Sorry for the longer-than-average delay. It took me a little while to write this chapter, for reasons I'm sure you'll notice, and then after it was done, I was really reluctant to read it again (for editing purposes before I posted it), for those same reasons. This one was a bit of a roller coaster. :P

Anyway, I hope you like it. I'm planning one more chapter (the grand finale, if you will), and then an epilogue. We're almost there!

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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by IchigoMcCoy »

That was a nasty cliffhanger. Shame on you, Keika. Shame on you.

Shame on you for a lot of other things too! Saffron, no! She may not have been my favorite heir candidate, but that is a terrible way to go! Dammit, vampires! They need to go down! Though, quick question: Why were the vampires burned by Dez able to come back, but Sun wasn't? Was it because it was magical light?

Aw, I was kind of hoping I'd get to see Clary as heir. Despite her harshness, she's my favorite of the generation, probably because of her harshness, now that I think of it. She's tough as nails. But I can get behind Bay as heir and I think it's hilarious that June managed to get into the legacy. She looked a bit reluctant, but the fact that she managed to weasel her way in is just fantastic.

Geez, Lara and Arie, it's not like they can risk a repeat of Saffron's wedding. There are more important things to worry about than getting to see your nephew get married. Deal with it. I love you, Clary!

VIS! YAY! HE'S BACK! AND HE'S EVIL AS EVER! Also, love that we're getting to see a Vis kid! And he got the ears! Seems like he and Gabie are happy together.

Wonder what Hattie was talking about. And WHAT IS ON FIRE?! KEIKA?! KEIKA!

Can't wait for the grand finale! I would hate to see Romi die, but since she is evil, it would be for a good cause. And I can't wait to see Arc get his! Hopefully.
Last edited by IchigoMcCoy on September 12th, 2014, 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by Anne »

I cry.
Nooo, not Saffron, too! You better have some darn good reasons for all of this, Keika! This chapter made me sad. :( Poor Priya and Jessica, too. I wanna know what's happening in Peach Tree Valley, though.
Also: OMG VIS! That's so evil.
Also also: smoke? What's on fire? What's going on? I gots to know!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by Ani-Mei »

Isn't that like putting all the eggs in one basket, then having that basket slip out of hand and go over Niagara Falls? :misspeak: :shifty: Aww, Gabis spawn with the ears. :heart: Yes they have a couple's name now. :yes: So you knocked off your heir huh? Way to go. :shiftyeyes: Anyway, it's really windy outside my room today and I'm expecting the Wicked Witch of the West to come flying by on broomstick any minute now. Oh and evil cliffhangers are EEVILL.
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by SprinkleOfSugar »

Awww, i'm glad that Bay's still around :)
Bee attack? o.O
Saffron, noooooo!!! >:O
Wait..what? She died?
NO, NO NO NO NO! STOP! Saffron died?
KEIKA! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! You killed off your own heir?! How could you do that?! Well..actually you already did that, didn't you? -.-'
Yay for Calcite having some balls!
I have no words....June is now the...the...i can't even bring myself to say it.

:O ... I forgive you! ^-^ Visssssss! And a baby boyyyyy!
Hattie...what are you up to? :eek:
Very nice chapter Keika! I would say update soon but...i really don't want this to end. So take as long as you like, okay? ;)
Thanks for the Siggy Thai!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by Sam »

Curse you, Keika! Are you planning on leaving anyone alive? I am looking forward to seeing how this all ends!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by Taube »

I guess I forgot to comment on the chapter before last, but I loved it, as usual. This one was very dramatic, and I can't believe another heir bit the dust! June finally getting into the legacy is hilarious, though. I hope the poor spares are okay. This really is turning into like the Battle of Five Armies, except none of them are orcs. Can't wait for more!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by MichelleCYoung »


OK, comments:
Second, from now on, all weddings shall be performed at first light. With the dawn breaking behind them, symbolizing the start of a new life together, and NOOOOOO VAMPIRES!
Third, YAY! I love LARA! She's brilliant!
Fourth, that is sooooo EVIL! I Love you!
Fifth, also, I love Clary. She is tough and hard, but also knows how to put the legacy first. I really hope she marries well, when it's all over, so she can have happiness and love for the rest of her life.
Sixth, June! YAAAY! But why would the Secret Society feed its own members to a cow plant? Some sort of ritualistic sacrifice for the head of the Society? Gee whiz! I'm surprised you don't have evil SS members on the opposing side, fighting to reclaim their "virgin sacrifice." Oh, wait. Too late! YAY!
Seventh - Connor is the boringest spouse, so I'm so fine with him being gone.
Eighth - I hate to say it, but Hattie is probably telling the truth about going to the valley.
Ninth - Smoke? Oh, ARC! What are you up to, now?
Tenth, When is Arc going to find out that his son was NOT killed, and was raised up by the spare? WHEN? And why would he ever think that people who weren't even close enough to notice smoke at a BBQ were more to blame than the person who purposefully lit the fire, in the first place? Something is not right in his logic, and it bugs the heck out of me.
Eleventh - I am so glad that "neutral" warlock got his head on straight. There's a special place in Hell for fence-sitters.
And finally - Baltic? Baltic, please? Also, Seraphina! And, hey, why not pull Dear old Dad into the mix, as well, on the side of right, of course. He OWES them.
Oh, boy! This was so great, and I both anticipate and dread the next chapter!

When's it due?
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Battle of the Five Armies? I think she's trying to get every single type of sim involved that she can.

Speaking of which, I think a Servo ought to be able to hold its own against a vampire, don't you? Is he still knocking about over in... Wait. WHERE IS THAT FIRE?!

So, for her next project, Keika will be presenting highlights from the Great Luau, I suppose. It will be a cast of hundreds.

This is like checking the page numbers of the last Harry Potter book, and realizing you only have fifty left to go. Noooo! We want more! There MUST be a sequel!
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Re: The White Legacy - Gen. 9, Ch. 1 - 9/10/14

Post by Radiochocolate »

Saffron and June make such beautiful brides x3 Way to go crashing the party -.- and another death. Whoopdedoo. #Bay4heir! Lol alien comeback xD Gabie makes cute kids too ^.^ Wait, smoke? Oh no...
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