The Gregory Legacy - Update 5/8/22!

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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 4/5/20!

Post by Taube »

Thank you so much for your comment, Haleigh! I'll get to the rest of it a bit later, but here's links for all my default genetic files:

Default Replacements Links
Nature Boy by Pyxis for human and alien sims in the Summer Skeletons V2 body option available here

Vivid Eyes for human, alien, and vampire sims by escapingpotplant (formerly thatrayleen) in this SFS file dump
Mermaid eyes by noodles here
Pet eyes by Pyxis in Pretty Visitors no spec here

Lip reskin by Nyloa (tumblr gone but still on Dropbox here)
Baby skin by Leh (tumblr is gone, but you can still get human here and alien here on SFS)
Eye shine and blue mouths for aliens by Menaceman44 at MTS here
Teeth replacement by Pyxis here
EA unnaturals hair colors and eyebrows by escapingpotplant (through Island Living) for children here and toddlers here
Skinny cat whiskers by pickypikachu here
EDIT: And here's my replies. :)

Chapter 48
I think that pet mod helps but it's honestly hard to tell. I have an unpublished household where they have a cat and a dog in a one-story house and the dog is as helpless as Nova and never sleeps in its bed, knows to go outside by itself despite being trained, eats when it's hungry, etc., but the cat does sleep in a bed and seems to be pretty on top of its needs. And their bowls and beds are next to each other so it's not like one is hard to reach. Who knows?

I did show you raising the cap and taking a single sim in to CAS in that video I sent you, but for anyone wondering who happens to be reading this, in MCCC, you click on a computer and then go through these menus: MC Command Center>>>MCCC Settings>>>Gameplay Settings>>>Maximum Household Size. It's universal across all your saves, so make sure to reset it if you don't want all your families that big. Once you have over eight sims (including pets), you should no longer get into CAS with the whole family such as by planning an outfit on a dresser. If you do, it will delete the excess sims. So you need to edit one at a time, and the way to do that is click on a sim and select MC Command Center>>>Sim Commands>>>Modify in CAS. You can't change everything, but you can get most things done here. You'll need to do that sim by sim. So here's your roadmap to Crazy Town, population: me. :dunce:

I'm glad you enjoyed all the little things in the chapter! I know it takes me forever, but I do have fun writing these and it's really nice to know it's appreciated. :D
Chapter 49
So, under normal conditions (I.e. prior to this generation) the house had five normal bedrooms plus a nursery and a toddler nursery capable of sleeping three. The adult couple and elder couple each had a bedroom, and that left three kids' bedrooms. In gens with three kids, each got a bedroom. When I've had four kids because of twins or otherwise, two have to share. One bedroom is slightly larger, so that's where I put the sharers or the heir (in three-kid generations). Right now we've got, let's see, seven normal bedrooms plus the two nurseries. Kenzie and Andres each have a smaller one in the basement, Celeste and Rafael have a regular size one in the basement, Eleanor has the large master bedroom on the second floor to herself, Simon has one kid bedroom, Rowan has one, and the triplets share the big kids' bedroom. Now with Stella, I'm going to have to rearrange. Probably Simon will keep his, and Jason will move in with Rowan so the girls can share. Yes, that is needlessly complex, haha. I redecorate the rooms for the inhabitants each generation, including each kids' room.

I'm really excited for Chloe to join too! Thanks for letting me use her. :hearts:

Kids will autonomously play with makeup and often wind up with really...interesting...looks because of it, like Simon earlier. I think you can also direct them to, but they always seem to find their way there anyway!
Thank you so much for reading and all your comments! I really enjoyed them! :D
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 4/5/20!

Post by klmnz »

I've just caught up on this (thanks so much for fixing the photos!) and I can't stop laughing. I love this legacy. Your picture skills have really grown! I also came back after a lengthy break because of everything going on right now and it was great to find this one, which I had saved for when the photos got fixed, still going and newly updated.
I'm loving that somehow my own legacy has followed such a similar trajectory. I also have eleven Sims, including one unintended alien baby, for my current generation and it's been madness to try and play! Though at least my alien father wasn't an elder! Both this and the Allen legacy have been a joy to read, looking forward to more :)
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 5/10/20!

Post by Taube »

Thanks so much, klmnz! I'm really glad you found it so enjoyable!
It's funny you said that about your legacy, because I'm getting caught up on your legacy and just made it through Loki's gen. (I'll comment soon!) And there's something happening in this chapter that further mirrors what happened to you in yours! These full houses are definitely a handful! :banghead:
Without a whole heck of a lot of fanfare, I have our fiftieth chapter here. I don't know how I've managed to fill fifty chapter already, but this has been going for literally years and the Gregorys do have a lot of character. Thanks so much for reading, all, and I hope you enjoy Chapter 50! :)
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 5/10/20!

Post by MeadowThayerr »

You know I'm always here to read your stuff so let's go!
Hey, if that's what it takes to get some Gregory chapters, maybe I need to sim more often? :lol:

I mean, they all still look cute and unique so it's okay!

Stella is so perfect and I love her.


Yes! I hate that you can't do the pregnancy tests with alien abductions. You can tell with MCCC though.

And that's barely even an interaction! Geez Kaiden.

Omg, Stella getting mad at her Dad and walking away is fantastic.

Recently, I've seen if they're super happy the pets still have that color behind their portrait. But yeah, with being uncomfortable or neutral it's so much easier to tell as ghosts lol. I wish you could at least select them to see their needs like in TS2.

Ooh, that sounds like a fun holiday. I may have to add that one! I created a 4th of July holiday for my sims in summer! :)

Astra! :D

Wow, lot's of fanfare for Simon's birthday!

I think he's handsome, honestly.

I do love Rowan! (Also, how do you keep Rowan, Roman, and Ronan straight? :lol: )

I always forget to go to the awards things when my sims are nominated. I didn't even know you had to go somewhere, I thought it was just on TV lol.
Great chapter, as always. I just love these guys!
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 6/4/20!

Post by Taube »

Thanks so much for reading and leaving such great comments, Haleigh! I love hearing what you think of my chapters, always! :blush: I'm sorry I don't have more time to respond fully, but as you know, I'm enmeshed in the countdown to finals now and I chose to prioritize writing tonight. But I do really appreciate you!
I do love Rowan! (Also, how do you keep Rowan, Roman, and Ronan straight?
I largely don't, haha. That's what editing is for! Having Owen too doesn't really help either. :rotfl:
Anyway, like I said, I did some writing, and I have a very silly Chapter 51 for everyone to read today. :)
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/17/20!

Post by Taube »

New chapter! Chapter 52 :)
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/17/20!

Post by MeadowThayerr »

I know I read chapter 51, did I text you my comments instead of posting them here? I don't see them! :O I'm going to assume that I texted them to you. I just scrolled through our texts, apparently I said "I'll leave comments later if I remember but I just wanted to tell you it was amazing" well, I guess I didn't remember. :lol: :lol:
Guess who opened up her screenshots folder to find 500+ pics waiting to be turned into chapters?
Don't worry guys, I already gave her a hard time ;)
I always forget about the scouting trait, so I've been bad about doing it. But then again, I've mainly played my ISBI where I can't work on it or claim the badges anyway lol.

Poor Astra, how dare you not give her attention, Roxanne.

"A bat? In my kitchen? If that wasn't literally my son, I'd be very upset." :lol: :lol:

I have to say, pre-makeover Allison still looked really cute. Also, the fact that these are so early in the chapter when it hasn't been that long since you texted me these make over pics makes me want to know what you were doing between then and now that you ended up with 500+ pics.

I still love the triplets so much though, they're adorable. Is Owen one of the sims in the group I downloaded for my name game?

Aww Rowan with Astra is so cute, though I don't think vampires should be able to see their breath lol.

I mean, technically the reason he's repairing things and not Simon is because you're working Simon to death ;)

Stella's napping while standing up joke is great.

Astra talking like Andres is even better.

The talking makes Stella tired so she has to nap, then she's energized so she has to talk :lol:

Omg, Rowan being attacked by bats is hilarious. I guess they didn't like the intrusion of a vampire bat.

I can't believe you took them ALL with you to Selvadora lol and then all to explore the ruins lol.

Their shenanigans in the royal baths are great, especially Logan's fifty laps :lol:

OMG Eleanor getting flirty about that is so hilariously weird. Moodlets are so broken since eco.

What a great chapter, as always! I can't wait to see more! :D
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/18/20!

Post by Taube »

Thanks for your comments, Haleigh! I'm really glad you liked it. :) I'm having a fun time with these chapters. As for what could comprise 500+ pics in such a short time span, look, I take a lot of pics, okay? Haha. I had some story-type stuff in mind that you'll see in this next chapter, and then the spares get the treatment they really deserve in the one after that. ;) I think Owen is in that household if you mean the one with Kaiden and the other guys as teens. Thanks for reading!

I was feeling motivated so I got through Chapter 53 too! This chapter only covers a few days but a lot happens, some of it really emotional (at least for me). I hope you all enjoy it! I have a special spare chapter coming up next that I'm working on now. :)
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/18/20!

Post by MeadowThayerr »

Yay for a new chapter! :D And yes, that's the household I mean, cool. His kids are so cute, I will definitely have to use him lol.
I definitely think this is the fastest you've ever posted two chapters :lol: Maybe I'm rubbing off on you? ;)

What is that frame? Does it pull the household family portrait? Or how does it work?

Impressive getting all seven at the tree.

Omg, Kaiden and Simon meeting is hilarious!

I'm glad he's much better to Yori and their kids than he was to Eleanor and Simon.

I feel like the restaurant Eleanor and Simon went to is like Hooters but with men.

I forgot that you also played the flute! :D

Oh my gosh, your sims and their hands :lol:

Yay Chloe! :D I still think she looks so stunning with her makeover in your game.

It's nice seeing bowling stuff, because that pack gets overlooked so much I think.

ANDRES :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hate the line some things cause. It's not as noticeable outside of CAS.

Great job with the chapter, I really enjoyed it!
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/22/20!

Post by Taube »

Thanks, Haleigh! :D
Haha, I think you've influenced me, but don't get used to this speed!

I sent you the link already, but for anyone else looking, you can get the Family Portrait (which was a now-expired Sim Mobile promotion someone kindly separated) at that link.

That restaurant is one I got off MTS because I liked it, but both male and female servers have the same outfit and it's so ridiculous that I knew I needed it in my neighborhood. In my opinion, Mitchell Kalani (who was also the server the last time we went, hence the joke about seeing him again) wears those shorts with class! :rotfl:

Losing Andres was so hard! I loved him so much. When I lose sims like him, I'm just really glad we have ghosts so I'll see him again.
Here's the final chapter to be gotten out of my backlog, Chapter 54. This one chronicles what ends up happening to all the spares once they finally GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. :hissyfit: Hope you all enjoy it!
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/22/20!

Post by MeadowThayerr »

You so need to tell me who made the restaurant so I can download it in my game.

As always, I'm thrilled for a new chapter! My comments may not be as detailed as normal but I'll try ;)
Celeste's reaction is priceless.

I know you told me about the portrait, but it still makes me so sad.

Wait, when did Caleb die? I'm sure you included this but I don't recall.

Rowan defying gender categorization is so perfect for him lol.

I love Stella!

Yay, hi Cheyenne! :D

You already know I love Brad. :lol:

"Back at the main house, I've been playing on three speed and occasionally making people do homework, and it turns out that makes time pass pretty quickly."
It really does, and I so need to be better at not doing it. I need to somehow mod the game so that it won't let me put it on high speed because toward the end of a gen I get antsy and want to post a chapter or whatever lol.

Aww Astra is so pretty!

I'm surprised you said screw it and aged Astra to YA lol. I half expected you to say "eh she can hang around for now lol"

Yay for fixed alien skins!

I've had that happen with the global superstar. They seem to favor your character over NPCs in my experience.

Omg the rushed courtship stuff is hilarious.

I loved all of the spares lives, they definitely did well for themselves, but I'm sad there are no kids ;)

Can't wait to read more! :D
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/22/20!

Post by Taube »

Thanks for reading! :)
The restaurant is here on MTS.

As for Caleb, Faye gave him a tainted ghost goo serum back in her gen 5 rampage and it killed him. Officially, he died of embarrassment. Probably that he fell for that. :haha:

With Astra, I had all these plans for the spares and was ready to move on to other turns and stuff. When I realized I still had to play her whole teen stage I was just like, no, I can’t.

Setting up the spares was a lot of fun. I’m glad you enjoyed it too!
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/22/20!

Post by IotaTav »

Just read through the whole thing. :celebration:

Wow, is this family disfunctional!
My first thought on seeing Astra's trait, recycle disciple, was "good-bye, possessions." That's the trait that makes non-kleptos steal stuff from other lots, but also means that they steal from themselves if they don't recycle regularly.
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 8/22/20!

Post by Taube »

Thanks for reading, IotaTav! "Dysfunctional" is totally the vibe we're going for here. :rotfl:
Oh my goodness! I didn't know that. I wonder if she took Kori and Laurel's portrait since I basically ignored her whole childhood? Guess who's not getting a key to come over!
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 9/13/21!

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Catch up on the Gregorys after my long absence! College, marriage, and lots of outings in this chapter:

Chapter 55
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 9/13/21!

Post by MeadowThayerr »

Apparently I suck and had not read your chapter from September. Can I blame it on Kindergarten Teacher brain? You know as well as I do I've been out of it this year.
I look so proud of myself to have beat Rowan.

Ooh, I'm excited to see a uni chapter with them at uni since you have aging off. I've been considering doing this for a family.

Even though I just started a new legacy, I'll admit that this makes me want to restart because I didn't stick to my not playing on 3-speed goal lol.

Debate club for a future judge seems perfect.

Oh my goodness, the guitar lol.

Yay Chloe! I'm so glad she's getting the life she deserved and didn't get as a spare in my legacy.

The juiced NAP shenanigans are great, lol

Because Kori has the same hair as Chloe's sister Rachel, I thought that was her at first.

LOL at all the ladies looking at Simon and Chloe.

I feel like bat form is totally cheating at basketball lol.

I always forget about the Book of Life, I really should start using those in my games.

Do we think maybe Eleanor might be having a hard time letting go of the spotlight?

I forgot about Bradislaus lol

I forgot Kaiden was their father. Which makes him distant half-siblings to my Disneys and two of my kids in the 100 baby challenge lol.

What a gorgeous proposal!

Poor sweet Chloe! I always felt bad for her, she was my first toddler in that family too so once she wasn't a toddler anymore, everyone else got all the attention because they were much older.

Yep, losing the spotlight has made Eleanor an alcoholic lol

I'm very excited to see how this final generation of kids is, and I'm glad Chloe gets to be part of it!
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 9/13/21!

Post by Taube »

Thanks for the nice comments, Haleigh! I always look forward to what you'll think of chapters :D I'm so far into the ninth generation kids and need to share what all has been going on! I hope I'll have an update for you soon. I'm really grateful that you shared Chloe because I think she's amazing and I'm having a blast incorporating her into my family. She's a very stable influence on the rest of them, which, frankly, they need...
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Re: The Gregory Legacy - Update 5/8/22!

Post by Taube »

Oof, a long time coming for an update, but I've been very busy! I've graduated and am doing some directed studies to train in the lab until I can start my master's in the fall. Yay! I have played all the way through to the end of the legacy now, so this legacy will actually reach the end, and I just need to get caught up with my writing.

Anyway, I am starting generation 8 in earnest now that Simon is done with college, so check here to see how this generation shapes up: Chapter 56. Thanks for reading!
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