Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

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Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by peachy123uk »





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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by Trip »

We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve with lots of fish and drinking (like good Catholics) and then spend Christmas Day making brunch and nursing hangovers. So I never got the appeal of the formal Christmas dinner and I like it better this way.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by peachy123uk »

When my nan was alive we would go to her house and have a great big Christmas dinner, and Christmas pudding. Then literally about two hours later she would bring out a trifle. (and yes we would still have some lol)

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by katrisims »

We celebrate on the 24th, Finns generally celebrate everything on the Eve for some reason. :hmm: The 25th and 26th are also days off, that's when you can play with your presents and stuff. In families with kids, Santa often comes to visit on the 24th, usually in the evening. He hands out the presents to the recipients, reading the tags on them. For many, going to sauna is a tradition, and visiting graves is another. When I was little, we had quite a strict schedule, visiting the graves, getting everyone showered/sauna'd, and eating the requisite number of times before it was Santa time. :D

At least in my family, the "big dinner" is on the 24th, although we do eat the same foods for three days. The most traditional main course is ham, although turkey, fish and vegetarian options have become popular in recent years. Also there's (at least) two kinds of Christmas hams, and often a family will have a strong preference, the other kind of ham is the wrong kind. ;) We also eat different casseroles (potato, carrot and turnip casseroles are the usual ones), various kinds of fish and meat, salads (one traditional one is rosolli, made with beetroots, carrots, onions and herring at least)... Ginger bread and pastries with a plum jam filling are popular desserts, chocolate of course and fruitcake is another. Oh, and at least in my family, the traditional Christmas Eve lunch is rice porridge.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by Designergirl81 »

When we got together with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins we would play a white elephant game. Everyone would bring three or four wrapped items. Some items might be nice "dollar store items" while others were old junk you had lying around the house. One year my mom wrapped up old empty Cool Whip Containers. When it was your turn you could take a new "mystery gift" from the pile and unwrap it or you could "steal" a gift from someone else. You went around and around until all the presents were gone.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by CeresIn »

We decorated the Christmas tree on December 8 and disassembled it on January 7. So the houses and businesses are decorated for a whole month, although the decorations of the houses are austere, a tree, something for the door and not much else.
Here we celebrate the 24th and the 25th, although the 24th is the most important.
We got together for dinner on the 24th with family and friends, the meal starts very late, around 10pm. At 12 o'clock we toast with cold alcoholic cider (December is very hot here) and a sweet table. After the toast the gifts are opened, my family particularly plays the secret santa so we all have a gift to open, although the little ones receive many more because no one respects the secret santa for them and we all give them gifts.
After that the party, music, dance and karaoke usually start until 5 or 6 in the morning.
On the 25th we got together at noon to eat the leftovers from the night before after having hardly slept and a little hangover. Then we sleep the rest of the day :tongue:
New Year is the same.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by peachy123uk »

Christmas Eve in the UK for me is when you wrap the last of the presents up, well my other half does lol. Me personally the only time we have secret Santa is at work. On the 25th we get up open up the presents about 6-7am or even later. Then we have a very big Roads Turkey dinner, with roast potatoes, Brussel sprouts, swede, and pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon).maybe an Acholic drink, Christmas pudding, and then if we can have a great big sleep. Or just have a quiet afternoon.

Thank you for sharing your traditions. It is nice to know what other countries and people do :drinks:

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by WinterChild98 »

On the 24th we have a dinner with duck and nasi goreng and in the evening we watch a Christmas movie. On Christmas day we open the presents in our stockings before having a breakfast of french toast. Then we open the rest of the presents, and lunch is just a bunch of cheese, meats, crackers, and dips. We have a large dinner with turkey, masked potatoes, etc. We end up with enough food that we're eating leftovers till New Years.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by ciyrose »

When my mom was alive we had really strong Christmas traditions. I have tried to keep most of them alive as they meant a lot to me growing up.

First, we baked a LOT of cookies. She would make plates for my dad, myself, and/or her to take to work, the church they went to, any gatherings or get-togethers, and often used small plates as presents for friends. We had these big tins we would fill with cookies, and then she would make pies too and I would often help, even when I was young. That was all done early in the month, and then dad and I would go pick out a tree a couple of weeks in (we always had a real one) and would let it "fall" for a couple of days before I was able to decorate it, and it stayed up until after New Years. The decorations often came from my mom. She had created a handmade stocking that was open at the top and hung by the tree. When I was very little she would put little crafts or things to keep me busy and entertained and as I got older she bought me ornaments. Usually ones at craft fairs and things like that, often there was a theme of some sort for the year, and so for a week or two before Christmas, every day I would wake up and check my stocking to see what the ornament was, and then hang it on the tree. It was almost like an advent calendar, just without the calendar part. For Christmas Eve we would always go to Christmas Eve service and after service, we would drive around town and look at the Christmas lights. Our town often had a contest and the winners and runner-ups would be posted in the paper. We would take that and check out the 'best' and check side streets along the way, turning down any that looked like they would be fun to see. Sometimes it meant nearly sliding around the corner if it was icy. Once we felt like we had seen enough lights we would head home and make hot cocoa/tea/chai to drink. I can still clearly hear my mom's kettle warming up and the way it bubbled. We'd have a hot drink and cookies, and watch Christmas programs, usually music-related, on the TV. Mom would often work on getting everything ready to make dinner the next day or finish up wrapping presents. When I was young, or if we had young kids in the house, we would make the plate of cookies and milk for Santa, and often a carrot for the reindeer. We also had Christmas Mouse for a while who hid presents IN the tree, and got a bit of cheese. Then it would usually be time to stuff all the stockings and dad would finish up wrapping his gifts. In the morning we would wake up and put on Christmas CD's, turn on all the Christmas lights and then hand out presents. The youngest who was in the house (so usually me) would hand out the presents that were under the tree, and the stockings and then we would talk and open gifts and take pictures. Once presents were opened mom would warm-up breakfast. She always made what we called "Christmas Tree Rolls." They were just cinnamon rolls placed in the shape of a tree and then decorated with the icing colored green and she would put sprinkles and stuff on them to "decorate it." I miss those rolls so bad. Then we would just enjoy the day. If the whole family was coming over dad and I would rearrange the living room, which was the only room big enough to fully extend the table for my entire family, and work to move the table in. We would get out the fun Christmas dishware and the good silver. We would enjoy a big dinner with all the family that could be there, very traditional with turkey, mashed potatoes and such. Then we would hand out more gifts if there were any and spend the rest of the day just hanging out. It also always included 'hamburger dip' which was a concoction of hamburger and cheese with salsa all warmed up in a crockpot eaten with chips for a snack in the evening. It's still a family staple at most holidays.

To this day I still typically try and look at lights after a Christmas Eve "service" of some kind. Either at a church with my dad, or just on my own. I still will make hamburger dip, but we no longer have a real tree, and there are no new ornaments put in my stocking, but I still decorate with those same ornaments to this day. I often bake cookies (I switch them up each year and don't make near as many, but I have all mom's recipes) and I still listen to most of the same CD's (although I stream them now and have added more over the years.) Boyfriend's birthday is the 23rd, so that's added some additional traditions of celebrating that as well. It's one of my favorite times of the year, it's been really fun to see what others do as well.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by Jenn »

When I was little, instead of putting out milk and cookies for Santa, I put out a beer and snacks. My mom said that Santa worked hard all night and probably needed a beer.

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Re: Christmas 2021 .... Traditions from around the world

Post by nicholaplaysthesims »

so we have family traditions rather than national traditions.
first of all, new pjs on xmas eve. father christmas gets a mince pie and a beer (always a budweiser, weird huh) and a carrot for rudolph.
on xmas day we all open our presents but the dog goes first (a tradition i took with me when i moved out and got my own dog haha) and then we all go to my grandad's house for coffee and to see the other side of the family.

this year was a bit weird since we had to facetime 2 of the households to open presents as we all couldn't be together (my sister and mum had covid, they don't live together so all 3 families had to facetime) but we made do. we'll celebrate christmas in july if we have to - i just want my family to be okay!
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